Rollmop wrapped around a pickle. Always a jar in the fridge. Wife says I can only eat those 6 hours before we go to bed.I never liked the look of rollmop herring all my life . On a ship 4 years ago they were on the salad server every day two different kinds. 2 inch square half inch thick absolutely lovely had a piece on the side every night. They stocked up on food in Namibia before I joined very cheap there for food. I only acquired a taste for Salmon about 3 years ago . You wouldn't think I was a Fisherman for 15 years eh.
“…taste for salmon 4 years ago”? …were you attacked by a lobster or something?
My wife would shiver when I tell her I would eat the eyes of most fish and most everything (except the shell) on a lobster. It’s a maritime’r thing.