If the photo is authentic (it is not impossible that the photo is a particularly sneaky attempt to misinform, until the final moment of revealing the 'real' turbo levo gen4), then Spesh is seriously fucked up.
We do not need more power, but real progress / evolutions / refinements (lighter batteries, compact motor)
The ZF centrix is a first step forward (not in levo gen4, i know ... even if i hope they prove me wrong). But on the one hand ZF have associated an irrelevant battery in terms of density, but also the controls are outdated (no wireless control, if I read correctly). In addition, Raymond did everything wrong with the Tarok (geo, removable battery, etc... everything has to be reworked).
European/Western manufacturers would have liked to build a highway to Chinese products, Dji in particular: they would not do it any other way.
So i'm askin, if any amnufacturer read me : innovative geo (or proven one, like the enduro / KSL), integrated light battery (600-700 WH for 2/3 kg max), ZF motor or Dji, aluminium frame gravity rated, compatible 27,5/mx/29 .... PLEASE ?