
New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Rame Peninsula, Cornwall
My only thing is the session 5 doesn't have the hypersmooth stabilization. And honestly hands down it's a massive game changer to me. It literally means I can just take the GoPro and chest/helmet mount and get gimbal like videos that look profffesional.
Just spent the last half hour comparing the 7 to the older models and like you say the difference is huge.
Is it the 7 too big to go under the visor? I notice Mctrail Rider and Rob both mount it on the chin guard.


Aug 27, 2018
Just spent the last half hour comparing the 7 to the older models and like you say the difference is huge.
Is it the 7 too big to go under the visor? I notice Mctrail Rider and Rob both mount it on the chin guard.
No not to big. I put it under the visor of my new giro switchblade but it takes you a little out the action I think. So chin Mou t or chest mount gets you nice and in it ?


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Thanks mate. I don't have the fist bump thingy is but it's returned. :)
I've ordered a cheapie gorilla pod off Ebay that comes with a gopro and tripod mount. not sure if I can make it work with the phone but I've also got an old kodak HD60 digi cam thing an ex gave me as a pressie I can use too. It's decent quality wise but battery life (AAs) from using it around the house on birthdays Xmas etc. is absolutely abysmal though.
My mate's actually offered to film me. christ knows if i'll ever happen we spend far more time getting jaked than ever doing anything constructive when we're together. :LOL:
My mate's son and the local young team have all got into biking and building and are now pretty good riders and (with a little guidance) their building is getting really good ;) ) so there's lots of new hidden away stuff locally to play and practice filming on. They're way better at filming ontheir phones than me (what teenager isn't?) so I'm sure they'll help an old guy like me out too.

This could get expensive.
Dude to keep costs down you could grab a cheep hero 4 for shots which are not POV
In my opinion POV shots are ok to put in along side mainly full rider shots . For me full rider shots wins hands down on capturing some serious rider style.
The main function on the hero 7 is the stabilisation which is the game changer but the other hero’s for static footage are still spot on. I used my hero 4 earlier this year on a quad bike and the footage was still cool.
I don’t know about you but I want that sick styled out jump shot or that berm been railed to the max or super fast descent shots with the odd POV chucked in for good measure.
If you lived closer dude I would have let you try my hero 4 so try before you commit.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Thanks @Krisj That's really generous of you.
I have actually used a hero5 black back when they were the current top model. A few years back I ran a kids mtb group for the local cycling club and they had a hero5 we used to take out on th ekids rides to post short clips to facebook. I didn't really like the thing. the basic LCD interface reminded me of messing about with a tamagotchi from the 80s and although it had bluetooth conectivity to an App and bar mounted remote control button it all just felt teribly execiuted and clunky to use. Certainly not intuttive for a beginner to this sort of thing like myself. Th kids loved seeing themselves riding on blue routes etc but I never really learned how to get anything good from it. I actually took it to Glentress one time to play with and learn how it worked before using it on group rides but the low light technical trails I rode combined with a bar mount gave absolutly terrible footage. A friend suggested buyng one of the cheap SJ gopro coppies to film non POV footage. I think those have a proper screen and better menu on them. My biggst hurdle and expense if buying a Hero7 would actually be the fact I'd need a new laptop to edit the footage with. And I don't even know wher to begin there. My mate said I'd neeed an i7 with a large HDD and loads of Ram. I know what an i7 processor is but I'm not actually sure what is considered large in RAM or HDD size currently.

totally agree with you about POV rarely being very interesting to watch (other than Vloggers like rob/McTR etc) who comment on stuff as they ride) but having seen the quality of the hero 7 stabilisation it finally is fairly watchable on good/interesting trails ridden by decent riders and holds my interest far longer than it ever did before.


Aug 27, 2018
Thanks @Krisj That's really generous of you.
I have actually used a hero5 black back when they were the current top model. A few years back I ran a kids mtb group for the local cycling club and they had a hero5 we used to take out on th ekids rides to post short clips to facebook. I didn't really like the thing. the basic LCD interface reminded me of messing about with a tamagotchi from the 80s and although it had bluetooth conectivity to an App and bar mounted remote control button it all just felt teribly execiuted and clunky to use. Certainly not intuttive for a beginner to this sort of thing like myself. Th kids loved seeing themselves riding on blue routes etc but I never really learned how to get anything good from it. I actually took it to Glentress one time to play with and learn how it worked before using it on group rides but the low light technical trails I rode combined with a bar mount gave absolutly terrible footage. A friend suggested buyng one of the cheap SJ gopro coppies to film non POV footage. I think those have a proper screen and better menu on them. My biggst hurdle and expense if buying a Hero7 would actually be the fact I'd need a new laptop to edit the footage with. And I don't even know wher to begin there. My mate said I'd neeed an i7 with a large HDD and loads of Ram. I know what an i7 processor is but I'm not actually sure what is considered large in RAM or HDD size currently.

totally agree with you about POV rarely being very interesting to watch (other than Vloggers like rob/McTR etc) who comment on stuff as they ride) but having seen the quality of the hero 7 stabilisation it finally is fairly watchable on good/interesting trails ridden by decent riders and holds my interest far longer than it ever did before.
I run a i5 laptop with 8gb ram and 500gb hardrive with a separate 1tb external drive. All this cost me about £650 from PC world about 3 months ago and it does the GoPro stuff fine. I'm sure it could render faster if i had a faster PC but honestly I'm not fussed about trying to save seconds on rendering. It all works well.

I just went to PC world and looked at the achieve range.


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Thanks @Krisj That's really generous of you.
I have actually used a hero5 black back when they were the current top model. A few years back I ran a kids mtb group for the local cycling club and they had a hero5 we used to take out on th ekids rides to post short clips to facebook. I didn't really like the thing. the basic LCD interface reminded me of messing about with a tamagotchi from the 80s and although it had bluetooth conectivity to an App and bar mounted remote control button it all just felt teribly execiuted and clunky to use. Certainly not intuttive for a beginner to this sort of thing like myself. Th kids loved seeing themselves riding on blue routes etc but I never really learned how to get anything good from it. I actually took it to Glentress one time to play with and learn how it worked before using it on group rides but the low light technical trails I rode combined with a bar mount gave absolutly terrible footage. A friend suggested buyng one of the cheap SJ gopro coppies to film non POV footage. I think those have a proper screen and better menu on them. My biggst hurdle and expense if buying a Hero7 would actually be the fact I'd need a new laptop to edit the footage with. And I don't even know wher to begin there. My mate said I'd neeed an i7 with a large HDD and loads of Ram. I know what an i7 processor is but I'm not actually sure what is considered large in RAM or HDD size currently.

totally agree with you about POV rarely being very interesting to watch (other than Vloggers like rob/McTR etc) who comment on stuff as they ride) but having seen the quality of the hero 7 stabilisation it finally is fairly watchable on good/interesting trails ridden by decent riders and holds my interest far longer than it ever did before.

Your more than welcome dude would have lent it you no danger
I’m clueless with computer specs total brain frazzler , luckily I’ve high jacked my work laptop ? to edit with because my MacBook Pro is now a fossil by today’s standards.
To replace it would set my back over 2 Bags so that’s out off the window.
Looks a sweet ridin spot your got up there


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Cheers both.
I had a wander into PC world/Currys th other night to look at laptops with my 16yr old daughter. She semed to think any gaming laptop would do.
sinc I'v lookd on bay and plenty sellers are punting out (what looks to me) decnt spec rfurbished i7s for under £200 most of them hav 4GB ram and 250 or 500gb hd. I have 2 external 500gb HDs.
Does this sound like it'd do the job @Bongofish ?
Sorry your link 404s

That wee spot is just one of my local woods Kris. I live on farmland surrounded by woodland owned by eithr the farmers or the local Estates owners (One is the local Lord). There's singletrack lading off in 3 directions from my door and over 40 miles of trails within a 3 mile radius. It's actually quit a flat area with one just 3 woods situated on proper hills but the area had a lot of coal mines in the arly 1900s and left over are lots of bings (an edinburgh trm for huge mounds of waste) and most are a lot of fun to ride on motos and mtb. Various stuff has been built to ride over the years by local BMX and mtb riders. it's kinda cyclical as folk grow up and move on.I know the area lik the back of my hand and generally maintain a lot of trails rather than build new features. But when ther's a new scene/crowd I'll muck in and offer help. The keen younger guys can get carried away so I try to guid them into good habits like taking litter away, being decent to nosey adults, not building over walkers paths, being discreet etc.

Here's a vid with a mate of mine at local spot in an estateI used to build at with him (the guy in black kit). He's built a ton of good DH trails/jumps/features in there. It's constantly evolving and the land owners are cool with it. The video only shows a couple of the trails.
Being within riding distance I'd like to film stuff over there too


Aug 27, 2018
@Gary I'm no expert but would think probably need 8gb of ram to run smoothly and I imagine the ideal would be 16gb of ram. Any proper gaming laptop should have minimum 8gb of ram and are normally fairly expensive for anything half descent (£750+) is normally when I see the price matches some worthwhile components to actually play games. I'll try get the link again.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Ah. So memory is more important than th difference between an i5 and i7s procssing power?


Aug 27, 2018
Ah. So memory is more important than th difference between an i5 and i7s procssing power?
I think it's having both....but me personally would take a capable i5 with more ram than an i7 with less ram. You kinda need both but I think dropping down from i7 to i5 is alot less of a compromise than going from 8gb ram to 4 or 2gb especially for video editing ?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Thanks. I've seen the same model laptop in 4gb and 8gb configurations so I'm gussing ram can be added to some laptops?

I really should get myself kitted out evn if only to make amends for drailling this thread by posting some footage. :LOL:


Aug 27, 2018
Thanks. I've seen the same model laptop in 4gb and 8gb configurations so I'm gussing ram can be added to some laptops?

I really should get myself kitted out evn if only to make amends for drailling this thread by posting some footage. :LOL:
I'm sure you'll be able to make the ram larger for a laptop. But there not like P.C's . Everything for laptops is so much more expensive and then may have to take it into a shop to get it in. I'd always suggest with a laptop buying it right first is better than upgrading.


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Cheers both.
I had a wander into PC world/Currys th other night to look at laptops with my 16yr old daughter. She semed to think any gaming laptop would do.
sinc I'v lookd on bay and plenty sellers are punting out (what looks to me) decnt spec rfurbished i7s for under £200 most of them hav 4GB ram and 250 or 500gb hd. I have 2 external 500gb HDs.
Does this sound like it'd do the job @Bongofish ?
Sorry your link 404s

That wee spot is just one of my local woods Kris. I live on farmland surrounded by woodland owned by eithr the farmers or the local Estates owners (One is the local Lord). There's singletrack lading off in 3 directions from my door and over 40 miles of trails within a 3 mile radius. It's actually quit a flat area with one just 3 woods situated on proper hills but the area had a lot of coal mines in the arly 1900s and left over are lots of bings (an edinburgh trm for huge mounds of waste) and most are a lot of fun to ride on motos and mtb. Various stuff has been built to ride over the years by local BMX and mtb riders. it's kinda cyclical as folk grow up and move on.I know the area lik the back of my hand and generally maintain a lot of trails rather than build new features. But when ther's a new scene/crowd I'll muck in and offer help. The keen younger guys can get carried away so I try to guid them into good habits like taking litter away, being decent to nosey adults, not building over walkers paths, being discreet etc.

Here's a vid with a mate of mine at local spot in an estateI used to build at with him (the guy in black kit). He's built a ton of good DH trails/jumps/features in there. It's constantly evolving and the land owners are cool with it. The video only shows a couple of the trails.
Being within riding distance I'd like to film stuff over there too

Cool video? check out 1.24 seconds he either holds on with the seat of his pants or bails just after camera shot ends either way what a sick shot
I need to ride there looks a blast ??


Apr 13, 2018
Cheers both.
I had a wander into PC world/Currys th other night to look at laptops with my 16yr old daughter. She semed to think any gaming laptop would do.
sinc I'v lookd on bay and plenty sellers are punting out (what looks to me) decnt spec rfurbished i7s for under £200 most of them hav 4GB ram and 250 or 500gb hd. I have 2 external 500gb HDs.
Does this sound like it'd do the job @Bongofish ?
Sorry your link 404s

That wee spot is just one of my local woods Kris. I live on farmland surrounded by woodland owned by eithr the farmers or the local Estates owners (One is the local Lord). There's singletrack lading off in 3 directions from my door and over 40 miles of trails within a 3 mile radius. It's actually quit a flat area with one just 3 woods situated on proper hills but the area had a lot of coal mines in the arly 1900s and left over are lots of bings (an edinburgh trm for huge mounds of waste) and most are a lot of fun to ride on motos and mtb. Various stuff has been built to ride over the years by local BMX and mtb riders. it's kinda cyclical as folk grow up and move on.I know the area lik the back of my hand and generally maintain a lot of trails rather than build new features. But when ther's a new scene/crowd I'll muck in and offer help. The keen younger guys can get carried away so I try to guid them into good habits like taking litter away, being decent to nosey adults, not building over walkers paths, being discreet etc.

Here's a vid with a mate of mine at local spot in an estateI used to build at with him (the guy in black kit). He's built a ton of good DH trails/jumps/features in there. It's constantly evolving and the land owners are cool with it. The video only shows a couple of the trails.
Being within riding distance I'd like to film stuff over there too

That vid makes me want to ride!


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
check out 1.24 seconds he either holds on with the seat of his pants or bails just after camera shot ends either way what a sick shot
Yeah. That's just him getting carried away in front of the camera he rides out the overshoot fine but pulls over after. Knowing Kris probably from laughing too much more than anything. The guy who filmed it is a rider too and I think might have been a media/film student when it was filmed.
Pointless fact: I cleared/built that corner with Kris many moons ago, it's a lovely loose flat corner with not much support at the edge we both know it and it's limits very very well. ;)


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Yeah. That's just him getting carried away in front of the camera he rides out the overshoot fine but pulls over after. Knowing Kris probably from laughing too much more than anything. The guy who filmed it is a rider too and I think might have been a
media/film student when it was filmed.
Pointless fact: I cleared/built that corner with Kris many moons ago, it's a lovely loose flat corner with not much support at the edge we both know it and it's limits very very well. ;)
It made for a sick shot love the aggressive riding style and flow looks like there having a blast.
The shots in the video are sweet and makes sense now he’s some film buff dude
That’s the type of footage I crave and struggle to get , I can see lots of days been spent trying though.
Look forward to seeing your footage dude ??


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I think the difficult thing will be tryig to make self filmed footage look asgood as a camera following you. panning makes it flow so much better. I'm guessing there must be software out there to allow you to create a "fake" pan from a wide (or far off) stationary camera?


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Haha the solution is a 2500g tracking drone
They look sick footage from them.
Best get my balaclava out to get some funds Or get lucky on lotto ?


E*POWAH Master
Jul 10, 2018
I came across the Insta360 One X recently - it captures video in 360 degrees and then afterwards when you are editing and making your YouTube video you can control the direction that it is looking. So you can make it follow a rider as they ride past the camera etc. (See about 13:00 in video below)

Someone testing it for the first time:



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I actually think those odd (POV) angles look rubbish.
The selfie stick thing makes it look good in a fisheye sort of way though
i know those trails pretty well BTW.


Sep 25, 2018
Ah. So memory is more important than th difference between an i5 and i7s procssing power?

Run min 8GB RAM. 16GB RAM gives headroom (my resources show 12GB usage). If RAM is not a bottleneck, upgrading won't do anything.
Editing is all down to cores. More cores, faster editing. I edit on a laptop and went to 4 cores 4yrs ago. I moved to 6 now which is a leap ahead of 4. The 8 core stuff is coming out so i'll upgrade to 8 next year after tax time.

On the topic of 360 cams here is a short clip using a gopro fusion. This was it's first real test and it isn't a camera i will keep. I will get another 360 camera once the market fixes the workflow issues.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
The ride is one thing but I am also in it for the views.


A nice scalped hillside helps...

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