
E*POWAH Master
May 29, 2018
Here's a little edit i did using the Quik app and a GoPro Hero 4 Session (chin mounted McTrailRider style) from my ride at Cannock on Sunday with @JetSetDemo ??

Video quality has decreased alot due to the processing on the app and i also think theres far to many changes throughout the video (i think these are called 'cut scenes') but for a first time I'm happy with it.

Don't be too harsh ???



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Shoulda gone to art skool, eh?
right click copy n paste the following URL
Linking doesn't seem to be working



Gopro Quik is probably alright for arseing about making social media clips though.
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Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Strangely, it works :) Nice refreshing style! Though I think one section from the cows to the upside down shot gets repeated.

Now you need a YouTube account for uploading there!

Yeah. the quik app repeated quite a lot and I removed most of it, I left that one in for ironic value... probably only apeals to my dark sense of humour though...
I also thought of making an out takes montage of all the times I made a spaz of myself shoulting voice comands to the stupid Gopro... it either doesn't understand a Scottish accent or just plain hates me ;)
I already have a few Youtube accounts. I uploaded it to one but youtube flagged a copyrite issue with me using the Ministry trsack for the soundtrack.
Is there a way round this?

Kiwi in Wales

Short cranks rule!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Founding Member
Jan 24, 2018
Carmarthen, Wales
How would you rate Bike Park Wales for ebikes?
Did you use the uplift or ride up?
Great for ebikes as you do not need the uplift and there are 2 ways to get to the top. ‘Beast of Burden’ full route or part of Beast of Burden and then via the ‘DH Push up’ route. If you manage your battery you will get at least 4 to 5 climbs out of 1 battery.

The thing I like the most is you can session trails like Popty Ping (multiple jumps) and Hot Stepper (fast single track with drops) over and over again to build up your confidence and skill set. It takes less than 5 minutes to get back to the start of these two trails so spending an hour or two there is the way to go. You can do the same for Vicious Valley, AC/DC and Sixtapod although it is a bit longer to get to the top, around a 7 - 8 minutes depending on you using Eco, Trail or Turbo?


Well-known member
May 1, 2018

Yeah. the quik app repeated quite a lot and I removed most of it, I left that one in for ironic value... probably only apeals to my dark sense of humour though...
I also thought of making an out takes montage of all the times I made a spaz of myself shoulting voice comands to the stupid Gopro... it either doesn't understand a Scottish accent or just plain hates me ;)
I already have a few Youtube accounts. I uploaded it to one but youtube flagged a copyrite issue with me using the Ministry trsack for the soundtrack.
Is there a way round this?
R8 Gary yeah just search free copyright free music there’s shit loads on net
YouTube did same to me on video I uploaded of me and our lass at bike park Leeds
the track was smack mi bitch up ? prodigy
I can’t veiw your video though dude was looking forward to seeming it too


E*POWAH Master
May 29, 2018
How would you rate Bike Park Wales for ebikes?
Did you use the uplift or ride up?
Great for ebikes as you do not need the uplift and there are 2 ways to get to the top. ‘Beast of Burden’ full route or part of Beast of Burden and then via the ‘DH Push up’ route. If you manage your battery you will get at least 4 to 5 climbs out of 1 battery.

The thing I like the most is you can session trails like Popty Ping (multiple jumps) and Hot Stepper (fast single track with drops) over and over again to build up your confidence and skill set. It takes less than 5 minutes to get back to the start of these two trails so spending an hour or two there is the way to go. You can do the same for Vicious Valley, AC/DC and Sixtapod although it is a bit longer to get to the top, around a 7 - 8 minutes depending on you using Eco, Trail or Turbo?
BPW is great for Ebikes for exactly the reasons @Kiwi in Wales explained in his reply. It's my new favorite place to ride and i can't wait till i can get back there again and definatley ride there in the summer ?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
R8 Gary yeah just search free copyright free music there’s shit loads on net
YouTube did same to me on video I uploaded of me and our lass at bike park Leeds
the track was smack mi bitch up ? prodigy
I can’t veiw your video though dude was looking forward to seeming it too

Did you click the link in green writing above the pic? Should be a straight link to Quik
The pic is just a JPEG of the youtube thumbnail (or whatever it's called) but I made the YT vid private again since it was flagged.


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Rame Peninsula, Cornwall


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
try copying and pasting this URL to your browser:

Tried the link from here from my daughters phone and it took me to go pro shop too but if I typed it in manually it went to my video Think it might be something the forum does to the link
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E*POWAH Master
May 29, 2018
try copying and pasting this URL to your browser:

Tried the link from here from my daughters phone and it took me to go pro shop too but if I typed it in manually it went to my video Think it might be something the forum does to the link
Nice video. I like some of the effects you've used ??


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Rame Peninsula, Cornwall
So this is completely not bike related but I made this video about 10 years ago using Gopro 3 or 4 and edited it Gopro Studio.
The surf was really small it was cold and I’m still not a great surfer but it was one of the only proper Gopro clips I made before I go frustrated with video editing and sold the Gopro! ?

I’ve just got another Session 5 so hopefully will add some better video soon.



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
@Gary yeah that worked, the third person view definitely helps tell a story. Nice work. ??

Thanks. I knew I didn't want to make a video with just POV as I find them on the whole a bit boring myself. The 3rd person footage was just my phone 3M lockblocked to a cheap Gopro gorillapod clone and kinda guessing the angles and done in one take. but I think it works well enough really. The whole vid was just a normal morning ride with a few more breaks to place the phone and record. it's 10 XC miles to the riding spot, I did 2 full DH runs, 2 half runs and 3 run ins through the jumps before the gopro batery was spent. followed by one moreblind run down a different track and a ride back up blethering to two local XC dudes. it doesn't look it but it was pretty wet and everything was covered in wet leaves so slippy as hell in places so I was riding kinda conservatively in places after a few sketchy moments (unfortunately just riding off track and not really funny enough to include in the vid). The upside down tree shots are from my helmet hooked over my bars not knowing it was recording and it not knowing which way to self right the image. The view into the field is the start point of 4 of the better known DH tracks. Some of the arty folliage shots are actually just poor phone/camera placement, me not realising it was recording orwhen the gorillapod slipped/fell over when trying to capture 3rd person footage of a gap jump but instead got the foliage above with no rider footage captured or even the jump in shot. I'd been trying to use the voice controls massively unsuccessfully and kept laughing at myself shouting "Gopro start recording" "Ohhh Goooopro... Staaaaarrt... REcordiiiing" "FFS GO PRO" I even tried my best English accent at times with no joy. I'd turned the recording light off in the settings before hand thinking I wouldn't need that/it might save battery so at times it was recording when I thought it wasn't and vice versa. The one blind run of a different trail just before heading back after the battery had died I wish I'd had it on gopro. it's a fast fairly straight run through tight trees, roots and half way down has a natural bomb hole with a built step down into the bowl and a built step up gap into a blind lander followed by a fade into a road gap jump.. Approaching the step downI could see someone was behind the step up landing (but closer to the fade afterwards and definitely not actually in my landing or braking zones) so I still hit the step up but was ready to slow as soon as I landed. What I didn't see on the run in was that it was a professional dog walker and her partner with 12 dogs!!! the look on their face when I landed and said "Hiya" was priceless. I've no idea what some folk think when they take other peoples dogs out! (It's not an easy trail to walk up nevemind control 12 other folks dogs while you do) :ROFLMAO:

Massive learning curve, But a few things I learned:
  • My eyesight is terrible nowadays for reading details from LCD and phone screens
  • phone memory fills up really really quickly filming HD video
  • it's a juggling act riding with a camera, phone and tripod with no bag but still doable (so hapy with this as I hate riding with a bag)
  • the robots aren't quite ready to take over... well not if Scottish voice recognition is any part of their masterplan
  • make the right tyre choice if you want riding to look any good on video. infact, probably choose better conditions in the first place
  • lone 3rd person filming is way harder to make look good than someone filming you.
  • Angles matter tons (the jump at the end is 30ft to downslope and it looks about 10)
  • a full face helmet is still far too hot even on an Ebike
  • a chin mounted mic makes you sound asthmatic
  • you can't see if your gopro is recording or not when it's infront of your helmets chin piece
  • low light makes it hard to get settings right but is do-able
  • filming is hard (but fun)
  • editing is harder (and less fun)


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
So this is completely not bike related
Looks prety good to me.
I had a gopro hero 5 black and all the toys (given to me) about 4 years ago, used it 2 or 3 times and gave it back. Just hated using it as it was clunky AF operating menus especially. and the stabilization was awful for mtb The Hero 7 Black is like acompletely different product in comparison.

Ps. how did you get Leftfield to let you use their tunes on youtube when I can't get a tin foil hat(not really) political/social justice warrior like Al Jorgensen to? ;)


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Rame Peninsula, Cornwall
Looks prety good to me.
I had a gopro hero 5 black and all the toys (given to me) about 4 years ago, used it 2 or 3 times and gave it back. Just hated using it as it was clunky AF operating menus especially. and the stabilization was awful for mtb The Hero 7 Black is like acompletely different product in comparison.

Ps. how did you get Leftfield to let you use their tunes on youtube when I can't get a tin foil hat(not really) political/social justice warrior like Al Jorgensen to? ;)
No idea how or why you tube let me use that track? Maybe as it was quite a while agoI I really dunno tbh.
I remember that camera had a touch screen back and it was a nightmare to use, just really clunky to navigate and froze for no reason at all.
I've just smacked a mount to the underside of my visor tonight and will try and get some decent riding time in tomorrow. Not holding my breath about getting any decent footage though, if I do it will take forever to edit. :rolleyes::)

I really like how the Session 5 literally just has a start stop button to film, it was one of the reasons why I held back on the H7.
I can see myself getting a H7 at some point though I just need to prove that it warrants the expense.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
The stabilisation and image quality in 4k in good light is quite honestly outstanding on the H7Black. probably worth it for that alone over any other gopro if watchable biking footage shot on rough open tracks is something you want.
it's certainly a steep learning curve for a complete noob like me learning what to do with all the settings and how everything from ISO to resolution to shutter speed to frame rates etc. all affect the final quality but at least it's interface isn't like struggling to keep your kids tamagotchi alive like the hero 5 was.

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