For what it's worth - 2 years now of washing my ebike, with the battery in, without the display covered, occasionally with the charge port uncovered because I haven't noticed the flap has lifted up.
Always with a jet wash - most of the time with my battery powered worx jet washer which isn't very strong - occasionally at the end of a ride with a supermarket jet wash which could take the paint off.
Never had an issue, not even replaced the frame bearings yet.
I think as long as some common sense is applied and you don't point blank jet blast a bearing or the motor that you're fine. Hose wash is absolutely fine. I've had worse than that hitting water splashes on a ride
Always with a jet wash - most of the time with my battery powered worx jet washer which isn't very strong - occasionally at the end of a ride with a supermarket jet wash which could take the paint off.
Never had an issue, not even replaced the frame bearings yet.
I think as long as some common sense is applied and you don't point blank jet blast a bearing or the motor that you're fine. Hose wash is absolutely fine. I've had worse than that hitting water splashes on a ride