Helmet - yes or no or it depends?

How often do you wear a helmet

  • Always

    Votes: 163 86.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 75-99% of the time

    Votes: 21 11.1%
  • 25-74.9999% of the time

    Votes: 3 1.6%
  • 1-24.9999% of the time

    Votes: 1 0.5%
  • Only in Bike Parks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only when mandatory to ride the area

    Votes: 2 1.1%

  • Total voters


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
this thread is very telling (quite saddening really) as to what sort of human beings some of it's contributors actually are.



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 16, 2019
Maffra Victoria Australia
I also think if you make that choice you should be on your own when it comes to possible expenses incurred if you do have a helmet helping injury. Problem is not many people who take extra risks won't put their hand up when it all goes pear shaped.


That coin has 2 sides - if you chose to wear a helmet and have a spinal injury, does your contribution count?

And the thin edge of that coin....do YOU wear a neck brace?


May 24, 2019
People come from different cultures also. You would argue in some cases that it is not your own decision not to wear a helmet if you live for example in Finland where it has been compulsory and state pays your medical bill. If I'm to pay anyone's medical bill in taxes then yes, everyone has to wear it. If you could opt out from state funded medicals then yes, do not wear if you don't want to.


Apr 13, 2018
The problem with that logic is that you can apply it to all levels of protection, or take it even further and say that by partaking in a "risky activity" you should be liable for any cost associated with an injury.

I was in A & E 3 weeks ago after a crash, the injury I sustained would have likely been prevented if I had been wearing padded/protective shorts - should I be responsible for the costs considering there is an established and easily available piece of protective gear I could have been wearing?

If I ride a Black DH track in an XC helmet and smash my face up should I be responsible for the costs because I wasn't wearing a full face?

Whilst I get your sentiment, I think in an already increasingly litigious society its that leads to all sorts of nightmare scenarios for anyone participating in voluntary activities with a high potential risk of injury


May 24, 2019
I understand where you are coming from. I was trying to bring up argumentation that is somewhat commonly seen here and I can see the logic and you bring up good points against it.

Not actually saying I'm personally thinking like that. It is more of a blessing that we the ability help everyone here in almost all circumstances.


E*POWAH Master
Mar 30, 2019
the estimated £100k I mentioned is an under estimate and has been spent on bikes and riding. Not just bikes. (I have owned somewhere close to 200 bikes over the years). By "bikes and riding" I'm referring to the cost of biking ie. bikes, consumables/spares, clothing/protection, accessories, racing/travel etc. over a 30yr preiod that's less than £4k a year.
I spent 15 years regularly racing bikes. Try racing bikes competitively for a year on a budget of less than £4k?
The only thing i've spent more on in my lifetime is drugs. alcohol and partying.

A seatbelt doesn't stop concussion/TBI


I think you missed my point.. I don’t doubt the amount you’ve spent, it’s just all of your post are patronising, self absorbed and boastful...

“A seatbelt doesn’t stop concussion” ??


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Concussion happens when the brain is jolted enough inside the skull to move causing trauma. This can happen from a bump a blow or in the case of a seatbelt during a collision a jolt.

I think you're confusing the word "boastful" with "factual"
I have no need to boast. You know very little about my biking history so how about just accepting it without stupid accusations?

Yes. I'm being slightly patronising. I know fine well your entire point here is to try and somehow get one over on me. It's tiresome... especially having to correct your inaccuracies, lack of experience and understanding.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 25, 2018
this thread is very telling (quite saddening really) as to what sort of human beings some of it's contributors actually are.


Enthusiastic cyclists who care about your well being?


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 24, 2018
Wamberal, NSW Australia
That coin has 2 sides - if you chose to wear a helmet and have a spinal injury, does your contribution count?

And the thin edge of that coin....do YOU wear a neck brace?

Very true. No I don't. I do realise that I'm a bit of a hypocrite . To be honest I haven't even checked if my insurance would cover me in a mountain bike crash or whether I'd be a burden on society. I hadn't thought about it. I will though now.

The real point was, do we consider how our choices might affect those around us if we choose to not wear a helmet or other safety gear. I've had the conversation with my kids about what I would like them to do with me if I were seriously injured (not just from the bike) and I try to be responsible for my own actions. Says the guy who's looking at body armour AFTER he broke a couple of ribs.. :) Is it incumbent on me to take on some level of protection (I cover my head, eyes, knees and hands) if I expect society to fix me when I break myself? How much is enough?

I've never met anyone who broke their neck mountain biking. I've had people I know killed on the road. And I've never met a rider with any real experience who hasn't hit their head while riding. Three big ones of my own. Each time a definite hospital visit that I walked away from with a dented helmet. So, for me, a helmet seems to be a must have (although I didn't wear one until my 30's). Maybe I'm just getting old and realise that if I hurt myself I really will affect others and not just myself.

Last edited:


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 25, 2018
In honor of this thread, I bought a shiny new helmet :)


Dan fagelson

New Member
May 2, 2019
Yeah. I'll bring one.
if it's anything other than freezing I'm unlikely to be wearing it much though.
When are you heading up?

I thought Rob was in Inners this weekend?

I've probably spent well over £100k on bikes and riding. Of course I can afford one. I currently have six helmets. (two of which retailed for £300)
Yes. unless you're some sort of mutant or have a comb over or something you're obviously going to look better not wearing a bulky piece of plastic covered polystyrene strapped to your head and yes they can make a right mess of some folks beautiful hair.
But none of those are my "main" reason for not wearing one.
my main reasons are that I absolutely can't stand the feeling of wearing one. They're all uncomfortable and I get too hot wearing them.
I honestly don't feel I need one for 99.9% of rides. I feel free without one. and also ride acordingly. I'm no beginner at this and know my limits incredibly well.

I have hit my head while wearing one and without. But I've also hit my head far more times and more severely while not even on a bike (obviously not wearing a helmet) Folk go on and on about how cycle helmets save lives. Reality is it's just a piece of polystyrene. if it makes you feel safer great. And yes. it may make a difference to a head impact but in many circumstances it's not even going to help. and in others it can actually increase the severity of injury.

At the end of the day what I choose to wear is entirely my own personal choice and no one but me even needs to understand any of those choices.

I don't wear any other sort of protection either. ie. knee pads, gloves etc. for similar reasons

Of course its your choice. So as a
Yeah. I'll bring one.
if it's anything other than freezing I'm unlikely to be wearing it much though.
When are you heading up?

I thought Rob was in Inners this weekend?

Yeh fuck wearing a lid when it gets warm...


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
North America
Asking the question in the first place is going to cause people to comment no matter what so all of us have got to respect each others opinions.

Precisely and/or Please?

In fact, let's not even go as far as saying we need to respect someone else's opinion but simply acknowledge there are other ways of getting "it" done. With that said, some nonsense deserves no respect at all and sometimes the aforementioned nonsense elicits a fair bit of justifiably assigned derision.

I know this is a skill I have to re-learn on a regular basis. I have been very dogmatic in my field of expertise but the approach gets little traction much of the time. Listening to what others have to say, demonstrating understanding of another approach and then making proposals which incorporate understanding fly much better.

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