EP801 error E295


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
Hi. I have purchased an SCOR 4060Z with an EP801 motor.
I have firstly replaced the 34 plate by an 32 and the casette (12V 11/50 by 11V 11/51). At the first exit (1st uphill after 15mn) i had "E295". I shutoff / ignit the battery and perform the rest of exit whithout any problem.
2nd exit i have replaced rear wheel (29) by 27.5, and nothing error
3rd exit "E295" after 25km 1400 D+. shutoff /ignit and no more problems.

Not other modifications, nothing to try to kepp assist upper than 25 km/h limit. At contrary, all my modifications will be able to have cut under 25km/h

BUT, i have read (only in this forum) that after 3 x E295, motor pass in E299, stop definitively and you loose warranty ?

i have asked to the supplier (STATERABIKE), the shimano center near home, the manufacturer of the bike. Nobody can confirm or infirm that this E299 will apen at the 3x E295 and said if the cause is my modifications or a fails of motor. The shimano center agree to take my bike under warranty, but i need to leave it several week and i'm not really trust in their technical competencies. SCOR agre to support but they ask me to wait that their specialist return from holidays. For the moment in the doubt, i don't use anymore the bike before clear answers.

i have the PCE2 interface and i can see that 29" rear wheel, 34 plate, 11/50 cassette are parameters. But i can't corrected.
. Does somebody have recomendations or experiency in that to share ? does somebody has allready modified an e801 29" to mullet and 34 teeths to 32 ?


Jul 29, 2018
So yes to many errors will cause the tampering code so you will have to get an authorised shimano dealer or shimano service centre to change the settings before it voids the warranty.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
You have made changes that normally require adjustments to the settings in the computer. Wheel diameter and number of gears and the range, in addition you have changed the front ring (although you should be OK with that).

Maybe you have confused it? It needs a reset, which is what Shimano will do. At least you haven't been trying to go faster!


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
So. i have received informations who i have never ears before. SHIMANO and the brands who use these motors communicate that every service center around the world can maintained it. That's wrong. they can only maintain the motors parametred by shimano (the "major" brands, as they named it). For the "minor" brands, alike SCOR or ROSSIGNOL for example, the motor are parametred by the bike building company.
For that they use a personal code who the shimano centers have not access. That would mean if you want to use an possibilities of the M801 not originaly installed and who needs parameters adjust. Like different gears, DI2, light, etc... Only an dealer of the brand of the bike can do it (and if the company agree). The other shimano center can't modified the parameters.

For example (mine) you can install mechanically a less teeth front ring for mountain use. But if you do that without modificate parameters (Scor don't provide solution to do that). You will have error E295. And at the third error the motor will be definitivally bloked, in add shimano exclude it from warranties.



Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
All designed to stop people from modifying their bikes to go quicker. They do this to keep on the correct side of the EU. It is their rules that allow us to ride an electrically powered bike without license, registration, insurance, or charge. The manufacturer's software doesn't always work in favour of the end user. Other countries, like USA and Australia have different rules and the same bikes are sold there that can already go faster.


Active member
Feb 24, 2022
If I was you I would put it back to standard before you get the EW299 error code (you will get it if you have changed the wheel size, it is just a matter of when). I had exactly the same experience. Changed a 29 wheel for a 27.5 and got an E295 error after a few rides. A few weeks later I got another. And then a few months later again it gave a E299 error and that was the end of it. Dead motor! Luckily I ride regularly with a shimano tech guy and he knows I have never tampered with any my bikes (he does all my E-bike services) so he was able to argue with shimano and they reset the motor for free and have given me a letter to say my warranty is still valid even though the motor has the E299 code stored on it.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
All designed to stop people from modifying their bikes to go quicker. They do this to keep on the correct side of the EU. It is their rules that allow us to ride an electrically powered bike without license, registration, insurance, or charge. The manufacturer's software doesn't always work in favour of the end user. Other countries, like USA and Australia have different rules and the same bikes are sold there that can already go faster.
I find very strange your position ? my modifcations have for consequency to reduce the max spped (reducing front ring and incresae rear gear) to benifcy of the better functioning of the motor for my paractice (high moutain), not trying to overpass the limit speed who as definitively not a problem for me. In add shimano have anticipate these possibility by allow to parameter these modifications. I can't use these functionality because the bike manufacturer have lockeed the parameter adjust and don't provide any solution. That prevent the shimano service center to adjust the motor at your wishs. but you recommand to shut up and accept to using my bike in un unsatisfactory conditions ? It's your personal life philosiphie or a professional position ?
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
If I was you I would put it back to standard before you get the EW299 error code (you will get it if you have changed the wheel size, it is just a matter of when). I had exactly the same experience. Changed a 29 wheel for a 27.5 and got an E295 error after a few rides. A few weeks later I got another. And then a few months later again it gave a E299 error and that was the end of it. Dead motor! Luckily I ride regularly with a shimano tech guy and he knows I have never tampered with any my bikes (he does all my E-bike services) so he was able to argue with shimano and they reset the motor for free and have given me a letter to say my warranty is still valid even though the motor has the E299 code stored on it.
Don't worry, i have accumulated enough data to prove to shimano that i'm not responsible if my motor will be blocked later. notably from shimano service center .


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
About the 27.5 rear, it's not an personal "creativeness", It's an commercial argument of SCOR on the modularity of their bike. they explain clearly on their site how you need to do to use the 4060 Z in mullet. So even if they tell me now that they don't recommand to do that, because they haven't tested and that able to crack the frame. I will not shut up. until I can use my bike the way I want and the way it was designed.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
I find very strange your position ? my modifcations have for consequency to reduce the max spped (reducing front ring and incresae rear gear) to benifcy of the better functioning of the motor for my paractice (high moutain), not trying to overpass the limit speed who as definitively not a problem for me. In add shimano have anticipate these possibility by allow to parameter these modifications. I can't use these functionality because the bike manufacturer have lockeed the parameter adjust and don't provide any solution. That prevent the shimano service center to adjust the motor at your wishs. but you recommand to shut up and accept to using my bike in un unsatisfactory conditions ? It's your personal life philosiphie or a professional position ?
Oh dear! I fear that we are misunderstanding each other. :(

I said in post no #3 that "at least you haven't been trying to go faster". Therefore, I agree with your point that "my modifcations have for consequency to reduce the max spped". The point I was making is that it does not matter what your intentions were, you altered settings that have fallen foul of Shimano's software. That software was driven by what I said in my post no #5. It was not a comment on what you had done.

At no time did I recommend that you "shut up and accept to using my bike in unsatisfactory conditions".

Therefore, your final question "It's your personal life philosiphie or a professional position ?" is based upon a misunderstanding.

I recognise and I believe that I understand your frustration that you cannot do what seems reasonable to your bike. But don't direct that frustration at me, it is undeserved.


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
Oh dear! I fear that we are misunderstanding each other. :(

I said in post no #3 that "at least you haven't been trying to go faster". Therefore, I agree with your point that "my modifcations have for consequency to reduce the max spped". The point I was making is that it does not matter what your intentions were, you altered settings that have fallen foul of Shimano's software. That software was driven by what I said in my post no #5. It was not a comment on what you had done.

At no time did I recommend that you "shut up and accept to using my bike in unsatisfactory conditions".

Therefore, your final question "It's your personal life philosiphie or a professional position ?" is based upon a misunderstanding.

I recognise and I believe that I understand your frustration that you cannot do what seems reasonable to your bike. But don't direct that frustration at me, it is undeserved.
my apologies if i misunderstanding. i'm not any fluent in english ;).


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
If I was you I would put it back to standard before you get the EW299 error code (you will get it if you have changed the wheel size, it is just a matter of when). I had exactly the same experience. Changed a 29 wheel for a 27.5 and got an E295 error after a few rides. A few weeks later I got another. And then a few months later again it gave a E299 error and that was the end of it. Dead motor! Luckily I ride regularly with a shimano tech guy and he knows I have never tampered with any my bikes (he does all my E-bike services) so he was able to argue with shimano and they reset the motor for free and have given me a letter to say my warranty is still valid even though the motor has the E299 code stored on it.
Hi. Can you share your software revision (currently and when you as hadE295) ? I Don't understand why we are so few to have this problem. I can't belive that everybody keep the original gears ratio whithout any modifications (and E295).

currently mine is:


Nov 6, 2023
In this thread there is a lot of misunderstanding and wrong knowledge!
If a DU-EP801 or DU-EP600 drive unit is configured wrongly regarding the gearmodes or drivetrain (that is configuration of the front chainring, rear cassette type with sprocket size and number of gears) you can easily get an E295 error.
So, you CANNOT just change the chainring size without changing the configuration of your drive unit!
Always think twice before do something like that.
Any change of your bike (e.g. changing chainring size) will be a non-legal modification and also the antitamper detection of the Shimano STePS motor firmware will detect this change if you don´t configure your bike correctly (see down below).
Don´t believe anybody who is telling you that you will NOT void warranty when you change chainring size by yourself!
As soon as you will get the fourth E295 and then soon after the E299, you will see that Shimano will refuse any warranty claim on this bike.
After you have received 4 times an E295 error you will definitely get the final E299 error and this will completely lock your motor, see e.g. this German forum post.
There are tons of forum posts about this E295/E299 issue, see e.g. here, you just need to read (and maybe translate) them. Also I have written about these issues in this forum see here.
After this you will have to unlock the motor from a Shimano service centre and have to pay for this. As a nice add on your warranty will be voided forever, because Shimano does not clear the E295 and E299 errors in the error history of the drive unit (even if you have paid for the unlock process).
It is a shame that so much bike shops and also bike manufacturers don´t know this and just spead wrong rumors around.
So, because you already have received 3 times E295, you are very, very close to ruin your day and bike and get a lot of frustration if you still will ride with your bike without correting the configuration.
So, don´t trust any "specialist", "maybe professionals", also not the ones from Shimano...
You easily can adjust the correct gearmode settings with your PCE02 interface and the Windows based miniMax - program from eMax-Tuning (already in the licence key free and so free of charge version). Best is to contact eMax via [email protected] to avoid any further chaos and problems.
And no, the bike don´t need any "reset" but just a correct programming of the "real world" configuration in the DU-EP801 drive unit.

So, back to the topic: If you urgently will need to change chainring size (or any other componenten of your drivetrain, e.g. rear cassette), then use the miniMax - program and do the configuration correct at the same time.
And if you will have any warranty issue in the future, then change the bike to the original chainring again and also change the configuration accordingly before you will bring the bike to the bikeshop or Shimano. Anything else can cause a lot of frustration and a big hole in your wallet.

BTW: Please ideally always give some more detailed information about your bike like manufacturer, exact type, model year, firmware version, display type, chainring size, cassette type and in this case especially if you are using an electronic Di2 derailleur or a mechanical derailleur, so it is much easier to help. Especially your mentioned cassette types (12V 11/50 by 11V 11/51) seem to be very strange to us. Most probably you are using "V" for "vitesse" (number of gears). Are these cassettes from a third party manufacturer (e.g. e*thirteen) and not Shimano?

Also please create a so called service report with you PCE02 interface and the Windows based E-Tube-Project-Professional software from Shimano (use the lower left button on the "MAINTENANCE" - view) and carefully check your bike´s setting with the programmed configurarion.
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
In this thread there is a lot of misunderstanding and wrong knowledge!
If a DU-EP801 or DU-EP600 drive unit is configured wrongly regarding the gearmodes (that is configuration of the front chainring, rear cassette type with sprocket size and number of gears) you can easily get an E295 error.
After you have received 4 times an E295 error you will definitely get the final E299 error and this will completely lock your motor, see e.g. this German forum post.
After this you will have to unlock the motor from a Shimano service centre and have to pay for this. As a nice add on your warranty will be voided forever, because Shimano does not clear the E295 and E299 errors in the error history of the drive unit (even if you have paid for the unlock process).
It is a shame that so much bike shops and also bike manufacturers don´t know this and just spead wrong rumors around.
So, because you already have received 3 times E295, you are very, very close to ruin your day and bike and get a lot of frustration if you still will ride with your bike without correting the configuration.
So, don´t trust any "maybe professionals", also not the ones from Shimano...
You easily can adjust the correct gearmode settings with the Windows based miniMax - program from eMax-Tuning (already in the licence key free and so free of charge version). Best is to contact eMax via [email protected] to avoid any further chaos and problems.
Thanks for the share your knowledge. interesting, it's the first time where i read that i can have 4 x E295. while they said 3 only at this time. Somebody have allready recommanded me to use another software (step unlocker). But If i do that shimano could have justification to refuse the warranty. For the moment the bike is new, used 3 time, never connected on other software than E-tube. i have several mails exchange with dealer and manufacturer, bill of an shimano center to attest that they can't adjust the parameters. I would not gave any possibility to shimano to reject my warranty.


Nov 6, 2023
Thanks for the share your knowledge. interesting, it's the first time where i read that i can have 4 x E295. while they said 3 only at this time. Somebody have allready recommanded me to use another software (step unlocker). But If i do that shimano could have justification to refuse the warranty. For the moment the bike is new, used 3 time, never connected on other software than E-tube. i have several mails exchange with dealer and manufacturer, bill of an shimano center to attest that they can't adjust the parameters. I would not gave any possibility to shimano to reject my warranty.
ST-Unlocker is unable to deal with a DU-EP801 drive unit!
The guys from eMax are the only ones worldwide who know this drive unit in detail (and I also know these guys quite well).
Just have a careful look again to the links I already have supported in my previous post and you will see how many E295 you need to get the final E299, so here again:

Shimano has already enough justification to refuse warranty in your case because you have changed your chainring size and the cassette by yourself (does not matter if you have increased or decreased in size) which is not allowed as an enduser!
It is absolutely fine for me if you trust Shimano and the "experts" more than me, but I have years of experience in this and know this system much better than most "professionals".
Using the miniMax software does not leave any traces in the system if you will change to the correct configuration of your bike and is the easiest way to cure your situation (however, there is no possibility to clear the E295 errors already exisiting).
For sure you also can wait until the "specialists" (who mostly knows nothing about the Shimano internals) are back from holiday and you have to wait maybe some more weeks to use your bike when Spring is coming if you rely on such "external sources" of information.

So, there are exact 3 possibilties to bring back your bike to a valid state which will not cause any additional (fatal) E295/E299 :

1. mount your original chainring again (and carefully check that the bike is absolutely according to the currently programmed configuration of your drive unit)
2. get in contact to one of the very few Shimano employees worldwide who has the needed privileges (and the related password) for E-Tube-Project-Professional in high level service mode and in theory could configure your bike correctly via a remote control session with your computer (or the computer of your bike shop). However this employee most probably will refuse to do this because you are officially not allowed to change chainring size, because this will void homologation and legal issues of your bike.
3. use the miniMax - program and do the correct configuration quick and easy by your own without any external dependencies. (miniMax uses exactly the same functionality like E-Tube-Project-Professional does in the high level service mode)

So, go the easy way or go the hard way - I have tried my best to give you my knowledge to this issue, but you decide what you will do and I am fine with it no matter what your decision is. :)
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2019
ST-Unlocker is unable to deal with a DU-EP801 drive unit!
The guys from eMax are the only ones worldwide who know this drive unit in detail (and I also know these guys quite well).
Just have a careful look again to the links I already have supported in my previous post and you will see how many E295 you need to get the final E299, so here again:
View attachment 156708
Shimano has already enough justification to refuse warranty in your case because you have changed your chainring size and the cassette by yourself (does not matter if you have increased or decreased in size) which is not allowed as an enduser!
It is absolutely fine for me if you trust Shimano and the "experts" more than me, but I have years of experience in this and know this system much better than most "professionals".
Using the miniMax software does not leave any traces in the system if you will change to the correct configuration of your bike and is the easiest way to cure your situation (however, there is no possibility to clear the E295 errors already exisiting).
For sure you also can wait until the "specialists" (who mostly knows nothing about the Shimano internals) are back from holiday and you have to wait maybe some more weeks to use your bike when Spring is coming if you rely on such "external sources" of information.

So, there are exact 3 possibilties to bring back your bike to a valid state which will not cause any additional (fatal) E295/E299 :

1. mount your original chainring again (and carefully check that the bike is absolutely according to the currently programmed configuration of your drive unit)
2. get in contact to one of the very few Shimano employees worldwide who has the needed privileges (and the related password) for E-Tube-Project-Professional in high level service mode and in theory could configure your bike correctly via a remote control session with your computer (or the computer of your bike shop). However this employee most probably will refuse to do this because you are officially not allowed to change chainring size, because this will void homologation and legal issues of your bike.
3. use the miniMax - program and do the correct configuration quick and easy by your own without any external dependencies. (miniMax uses exactly the same functionality like E-Tube-Project-Professional does in the high level service mode)

So, go the easy way or go the hard way - I have tried my best to give you my knowledge to this issue, but you decide what you will do and I am fine with it no matter what your decision is. :)
My apologies if gave you feeling of i don't trust in your recommendations. It's false. The only reason why i don't want to use your solution for the moment (3 week after purchase) it's because shimano said that they will blocked my motor, because i had tried to change the limit speed. that's ablolutely wrong and i have enough data to prove it. If i use your porposal, they might have someting to reproch me.
i was not responsable of the first 2 E295, because i hadn't receive communication from shimano or scor that it's forbideen to reduce the front ring (or change speed gears) to prevent risk of motor bloqued. no more said that it's need parameters adjust (and how customers can do that). For the moment i haven't reach (officially) the end of communication with all the intervenant. shimano have write me that they can't correcting the parameters. The supplier (statera) propose that i return the bike 2 hours ago. i just find an BMC dealer (5 mn ago) who have find autorisationt with scor to adjust my parameters. I'll drop off my bike with them tomorrow and i will share the result here.



Nov 6, 2023
i was not responsable of the first 2 E295, because i hadn't receive communication from shimano or scor that it's forbideen to reduce the front ring (or change speed gears) to prevent risk of motor bloqued.
That statement is wrong and you are defintely responsible for this issue and your E295 errors: Shimano or your bike manufacturer does not have to explicitly tell you or write to you that you don´t be allowed to change cassette or chainring on an e-bike!
Unlike a normal bike, an e-bike is a complex machine with dozens of related legal issues and homologations which needs to be certified and if you change anything (especially with the drivetrain) by yourself, then warranty is voided automatically.
It is the same like if you would change the motor of a car by yourself, which for sure is also not allowed (even if the car manufacturer does not write to the car manual "it is not allowed to change the motor of the car by yourself").
So, take extreme care not to fall into a trap!
I know a lot of cases where Shimano refused to grant warranty even if the owner of the bike did not do anything wrong (but has not taken care of the initial E295 errors and ignored them), see and translate e.g. this German forum post.
Here the bike manufacturer itself has created the problem because dozens of bikes from this manufacturer (Husqvarna in this case) had their speed sensors mounted wrongly which also could cause E295 errors doe to that dumb "AntiTuning" algorithm.
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