Shimano EP801 code E914


New Member
Jun 20, 2023
On 04/10/2023 I purchased the New Heckler 29 RSV XO with the new Shimano EP801 (latest edition)
Yesterday, approximately 10 miles into its first ride, the bike displayed the following code: E914
Hello, I'm Johan, cycle mechanic technician in my own cycle store in France. I have discovered for 1 week a problem on 3 ebikes out of 6 sold one of error code E915 -E914 DARFON 630wh battery associated with the shimano EP600 - EP801 engine on MEGAMO CRAVE AL mountain bikes
case in court with SHIMANO FRANCE and MEGAMO BIKES after-sales serviceTo find the problem I connect them to the shimano pro v5 software with the SM-PC02 and the battery and detected as incomptable = E915 and we cannot access the software system - it only works with the phone application:if the bikes like me are new, they run for a few km and this ends up creating the E914 code and cutting the engine (it goes into safety) seen with shimano the batteries that we reference E5C05-SN are a GEN2 which are compatible with the GEN1 = EP800

So the GEN1 are by conceqance incompatible
with shimano france we imagined that the problem might come from the DARFON battery support there is a connector reference compatible with EP600 / EP800 / E8000 / E7000 = GEN1
and the second
which is made only for GEN2 = EP600/EP801

my file is in progress, my it is a manufacturing problem which therefore comes from DARFON do not hesitate to create your after-sales service file with the photo of the bike connect to the shimano software the battery turns red and take a screenshot with your telephone it is necessary that one proves that there is a problem of world manufacture.
do not hesitate to contact me if you have any information or to send an email of your return from the manufacturer, this may make the problem progress in Europe.




New Member
May 9, 2023
Hello Johan,
Recently I was contacted by someone from Santa Cruz who explained that the issue with my new Heckler 2024 is exactly what you mentioned. They also informed me that Shimano is sending out new Darfon batteries (the solution is to replace the battery).


May 11, 2023
I experienced this issue too last May when I purchased my Heckler EMTB. After working with my bike shop and SC for a few weeks and trying different things, the issue was finally resolved. Long story short, a new battery with tighter female connections was sent to me and has performed nearly flawlessly. When I first started charging the original battery, I was taking the battery out and using the adaptor plug. The first thing I noticed was how loose the plug felt when plugging it into the battery. If I didn't support the plug with a piece of cardboard, the plug would actually move and fall at a slant so the that it wasn't seated straight at the battery connection. When I first got the "updated battery" the first thing I notice was the connections on the battery were gold, not silver like the original battery. I then tried the adaptor plug and connected it to the battery. It was a nice tight friction fit. I believe the connectors in the battery were reworked/replaced with different connectors with different specs. At any rate, this worked like a charm until just recently. The problem started again - power shut off and E914. After looking it over I tried cleaning the connections with electric contact cleaner. Visually I couldn't really see anything wrong with the connectors and didn't really see any noticeable dirt, but when I started using some cotton swabs and contact cleaner, I was able to see dirt come off on the cotton. Q-tips were too large to fit into the connectors so I used strong toothpicks with cotton swabs and contact cleaner. I was also able to squirt the aerosol contact cleaner directly into the connection to flush it out and then lightly hit the connection with compressed air to dry the connectors. Of course, the male connectors were much easier to clean. The connectors were dirty though as evidenced from the dirt coming off on the cotton. Like I said before, when I first looked at the connectors, they looked OK and the dirt was not conspicuous. This cured the problem. Not sure if the o-ring seal is failing and dirt is getting though somehow. I took the seal out of the battery where it lays in the groove at the connection point and it looked fine - no tears or sign of wear. When I reinstalled the o-ring, it did look a little "flat" and not protruding from the the groove very much. I think a new o-ring is in order though and I've asked SC if I could get a new one and then I can compare the thickness. If you look at the connector on the bike, you will see a small ridge at the connector which engages the o-ring on the battery. This might be the weak link if the o-ring is not thick enough or is unable to make good contact with the ridge. At any rate, after cleaning the connection thoroughly I have not had any problems for two rides at about 15 miles each. I will report back with anything new.


Active member
Aug 11, 2023
Northern Ireland
My experience.

EP801 four months (200 odd miles) of ownership and never noticed any issues with it at all.

But this forum thread got me curious so I connected the etube app via bluetooth and went in to the logs and sure enough an E914 error was logged back in September when the bike was approx one month old.

I never noticed anything at the time whilst riding and I have not noticed any issues since either.


Nov 6, 2023
E914 is always a clear indication that there is a contact problem between battery and drive unit. This mostly is due to a contact problem (bent, dirty or corroded contact) at the connector from the battery to the receptacle inside the frame. Always take extreme care when detaching and attaching the battery from and into the frame and also never, ever use a high pressure water cleaner (not even a strong garden hose) to clean any Shimano STePS based bike - otherwise this most probably will ruin your day soon. Also check that the battery compartment is water proof and get some sealing if it is not. Ans also check that the battery sits tightly in its position and is not "wobbling around" when riding and so is wearing of the contacts of the related receptacle contacts.


Active member
Aug 11, 2023
Northern Ireland
The battery has never once been removed from the frame from I bought the bike new, so it probably just moved slightly at the battery contacts at that time. To date that is the one and only error report in the log so not a big concern to me.


Nov 6, 2023
The battery has never once been removed from the frame from I bought the bike new, so it probably just moved slightly at the battery contacts at that time. To date that is the one and only error report in the log so not a big concern to me.
With a PCE interface you can easily store these errors in a so called service report in PDF format and then clear the error log if you want so (I hate such nasty errors in my motor´s history).


New Member
Mar 28, 2024
The battery has never once been removed from the frame from I bought the bike new, so it probably just moved slightly at the battery contacts at that time. To date that is the one and only error report in the log so not a big concern
How did the E914 error story end for you? I have Marin Trail E2 and I got the same error :/


Active member
Feb 25, 2020
USA, So Cal
The battery has never once been removed from the frame from I bought the bike new, so it probably just moved slightly at the battery contacts at that time. To date that is the one and only error report in the log so not a big concern to me.
On my Marin Alpine E-1 every 800 miles I remove the battery from the downtube, wipe down the battery and the downtube compartment electronics cleaner, spray connection cleaner on the battery connection points and the battery mounts. A lot of times battery errors are related to dirt and moister on the connects.


Nov 6, 2023
On my Marin Alpine E-1 every 800 miles I remove the battery from the downtube, wipe down the battery and the downtube compartment electronics cleaner, spray connection cleaner on the battery connection points and the battery mounts. A lot of times battery errors are related to dirt and moister on the connects.
Exactly, water ingress and humidity mostly is the reason for such sporadic errors on any Shimano STePS based systems.


Nov 6, 2023
so E914 is part of the past now ?

what's the référence name of the ep801 darfon 720w ?
There is no "EP801 darfon 720w"!

There are many different batteries with a capacity of 720Wh of the Taiwanese battery manufacturer Darfon which are generation 2 types (which are necessary for the DU-EP801 drive unit), one of them is the "E4C0G-SN" type with a nominal capacity of 726Wh which is very often used by many bike manufacturers:



Also electrical energy (capacity) is always measured in "Wh" (watts multiplied by hours) not just "W" (power is measured in Watts), so please don´t forget the "h" in the physical unit to be a bit more precise and so avoid possible misunderstandings. ;)


Active member
Sep 11, 2019
French Provence High Alps
There is no "EP801 darfon 720w"!

There are many different batteries with a capacity of 720Wh of the Taiwanese battery manufacturer Darfon which are generation 2 types (which are necessary for the DU-EP801 drive unit), one of them is the "E4C0G-SN" type which is very often used by many bike manufacturers:

View attachment 137517
View attachment 137518

Also energy (capacity) is always measured in "Wh" (watts multiplied by hours) not just "W", so please don´t forget the "h" in the physical unit to be a bit more precise and so avoid possible misunderstandings. ;)
there is a new 800 too , ec04l if i remember

anyone knows how to buy these batteries ?!


Nov 6, 2023
there is a new 800 too , ec04l if i remember

anyone knows how to buy these batteries ?!
Normally you only can get these batteries from the bike manufacturer, because mostly there are some extra mechanical parts added to the battery from Darfon so it will fit exactly into the bike frame and electrical connectors inside the frame. Also you never ever can interchange these batteries with a different capacity, because the battery type is used by the bike manufactureres in the beginning to design the bike frame. So, normally the bike manufacturer selects a battery from a specific manufacturer and then exactly designs the bike frame that the battery will fit inside the frame. So you only can interchange the battery with exactly the same battery type later on.


Active member
Sep 11, 2019
French Provence High Alps
Normally you only can get these batteries from the bike manufacturer, because mostly there are some extra mechanical parts added to the battery from Darfon so it will fit exactly into the bike frame and electrical connectors inside the frame. Also you never ever can interchange these batteries with a different capacity, because the battery type is used by the bike manufactureres in the beginning to design the bike frame. So, normally the bike manufacturer selects a battery from a specific manufacturer and then exactly designs the bike frame that the battery will fit inside the frame. So you only can interchange the battery with exactly the same battery type later on.
so my only chance is to email santa cruz ?


Nov 6, 2023
so my only chance is to email santa cruz ?
So, if your bike is from Santa Cruz, then "yes", you should contact Santa Cruz. ;)
If you haven´t ordered your bike yet, then you can ask if they will give you a second battery for a discount. A lot of bike manufacturers offer such a deal for a second spare battery.


New Member
Apr 22, 2024
I'm new to ebikes. I bought a second hand Bianchi rebel 9.1 with an Oli Sport motor and a darfon E5C05 battery.
Decided to buy a used spare battery, same E5C05 that came with the bike but it shows the display error I attach. It makes imediatly the motor to work but I can't change the display in any way, choose level or turn the motor off (turn off all system is possible with the same button used to start it).
Is it a firmware issue? Can be changed?

View attachment PXL_20240422_102108869.RAW-01.COVER.jpg View attachment PXL_20240422_102305065.RAW-01.COVER.jpg View attachment PXL_20240422_102310474.RAW-01.COVER.jpg


Nov 6, 2023
I'm new to ebikes. I bought a second hand Bianchi rebel 9.1 with an Oli Sport motor and a darfon E5C05 battery.
Decided to buy a used spare battery, same E5C05 that came with the bike but it shows the display error I attach. It makes imediatly the motor to work but I can't change the display in any way, choose level or turn the motor off (turn off all system is possible with the same button used to start it).
Is it a firmware issue? Can be changed?

View attachment 139066 View attachment 139067 View attachment 139068
These are 2 completely different battery packs (looks the same, have the same battery cells inside, but have a different battery firmware).
You cannot change the firmware of the BMS (battery management system, the electronics inside the battery) by yourself So most probably the spare battery (programmed for a Shimano bike) will never work with your Bianchi bike.
Sorry to say that...


Active member
Aug 11, 2023
Northern Ireland
First trail of the day today and E201 error (EP801 motor).

Anything to worry about?

I switched it off and on again and had no more issues for the rest of the ride.


Nov 6, 2023
First trail of the day today and E201 error (EP801 motor).

Anything to worry about?

I switched it off and on again and had no more issues for the rest of the ride.
Please use the E-Tube-Project software ("Cyclist" - app for Bluetooth or "Professional" - program for Windows) and read the "error protocol" with this software. Then check the full number of the error, because in this way you most probably will get 5 or 6 digits (instead of only 3 on the bike display) and so chances are quite hight to get a more detailed error information when clicking on specific error.
See e.g. here:

This E201002 e.g. currently is a sporadic error which happens only when powering on the bike and still does happen also on the latest motor firmware 4.2.2 from time to time on some bikes, but in this case there is nothing to worry about. Just repower the bike and everything will be fine again...


New Member
Jul 11, 2024
Got a new Heckler on the way, EP801 motor, Darfon 720 battery. Hoping this has had the new battery connectors fitted but I am thinking I’ll use some dielectric grease on the contacts and fit some kind of seal to protect against dirt ingress. Thanks for all your knowledge and findings so far guys 👍🏼


E*POWAH Master
Jul 11, 2022
Mesa, AZ
Got a new Heckler on the way, EP801 motor, Darfon 720 battery. Hoping this has had the new battery connectors fitted but I am thinking I’ll use some dielectric grease on the contacts and fit some kind of seal to protect against dirt ingress. Thanks for all your knowledge and findings so far guys 👍🏼
Really close to ordering one myself. Keep us updated with any issues. Seems like issues may have been resolved?


New Member
Jul 11, 2024
The Heckler arrived yesterday and I’ve spent the morning installing apps, creating accounts, setting up the suspension, bolting on pedals and general new bike faffery 😂

With regards to the updated connectors to the gold style I don’t seem to have gold male terminals but there are gold female terminals within the battery. Is this the updated version?



Also added a smear of dielectric grease to the female terminals that will transfer onto the male as the battery is inserted 👍🏼

Only thing left to do is pick up some kind of self adhesive seal to run around the battery cavity.


Nov 6, 2023
There seem to be different versions of the connectors from DARFON, see here.
Is there really a self adhesive seal on the female contacts of your new battery which you need to remove?
Or is that maybe some contact gel which needs to be there and should prevent E914 errors?


That looks really a bit strange to me (what is that???)...

However, enjoy your new bike :)
Last edited:


New Member
Jul 11, 2024
There seem to be different versions of the connectors from DARFON, see here.
Is there really a self adhesive seal on the female contacts of your new battery which you need to remove?
Or is that maybe some contact gel which needs to be there and should prevent E914 errors?

That looks really a bit strange to me (what is that???)...
It would appear that the revised version is the gold female terminals 👍🏼

The gunk on the terminals is dielectric grease that I have just added. It helps to stop dirt ingress and corrosion and prevent the E914 error, hopefully 🤞🏼

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