Ebike age groups


New Member
Apr 20, 2020
New to emtb have dabbled over the years. Rode motorcycle for years. Do green laneing on an excf 250 when we can. Got the push iron due to rona but my god I am loving it. Used my ViewRanger app to find local trails. 51 and rotund 14.4 stone. Maint engineer in a food factory.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
59, 5'-10, 75kg
Most rides over start around 3000m elevation and go up from there involving fairly steep grades (both up and down) and 1000-2000m of elevation gain (read that as tough on these old legs/lungs)

Been riding clockwork mtb's for 34yrs (started with an original Mountain Klein).
Started this spring on my first e-mtb (2020 Levo comp with a few mods)

I agree with the earlier posts about it "just being me", minus 20 or more years ;) It's seriously cool not to dread the nastier climbs but instead actually look forward to them. It was getting bad enough on my last (non-e but only 21lbs with pedals) bike that I was even dreading some descents since I knew that they just meant I would have to climb back up again. Even with the assist turned down, having the bit of extra power means I can now ride some technical sections that I would previously never bother with and always just walk through. Not sure if that actually makes me a better rider, but it certainly is more fun. :)
Yes I always loved a good climb just harder as you get older . 64 now most of my riding for years now is solo the few people I went out with more than 20 years younger so always tail end. I agree some of the technical climbing I can do is unbelievable and riding on the stones on the beach brilliant.


Apr 13, 2018
The price is the main barrier to buying an emtb for younger folks - I have lost count of the number of youngsters I have let have a go on my Vitus when out in the Surrey Hills, they all love it but cant afford one, and I think that has as much of an effect on the demographic as anything. I dont experience any derision or hate from them, and I think the likes of Brendog, Oli Wilkins and Bernard Kerr being regularly seen out and about on theirs in the area and on social media has definitely helped make them cool for a lot of people.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2020
Surrey, UK
This thread reads like a dating site! Who asked your heights and weights, ya big poofs! :LOL:

But for the record I’m 44, and wouldn’t have considered an ebike until all this lockdown crap started, as I normally go to the gym/ swim 5 times a week, do a big dog walk at the weekends, then have a rest day on sundays.

All this has shaken that up though, and having the ebike has reignited my passion for something I haven’t done for around 5 years, due to a back injury.

slippery pete

Well-known member
Oct 29, 2019
I'm 51. Decent enough roadie as a student. MTB came into my life in '92. Did some XC racing. Did one BITD DH. Was getting better as a dirt roadie then got injured and got ill. Biking fell back to commuting mostly. Then I spent a decade racing a car and became a biffa (96kg) without noticing, helped along by awful diet and mates to drink beer with. Some car driving buddies said they rode mountain bikes at the weekend so I dug out my same old '92 bike. Soon enough discovered bikes with suspension. Raced a couple of 24 hour events. Started taking trips to the Alps. Started getting some skills. Weight back to 80kg. Last year I got my first podiums in 27 years of MTBing. Bought a 2020 eMTB to get more laps to hone gravity skills for this year's enduros (sigh). A long ride is 1500m vertical.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
This thread reads like a dating site! Who asked your heights and weights, ya big poofs! :LOL:

But for the record I’m 44, and wouldn’t have considered an ebike until all this lockdown crap started, as I normally go to the gym/ swim 5 times a week, do a big dog walk at the weekends, then have a rest day on sundays.

All this has shaken that up though, and having the ebike has reignited my passion for something I haven’t done for around 5 years, due to a back injury.
Yes Rich i started thread as a laugh be getting chopper size next ( not the Raleigh one either )


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 14, 2019
The price is the main barrier to buying an emtb for younger folks - I have lost count of the number of youngsters I have let have a go on my Vitus when out in the Surrey Hills, they all love it but cant afford one, and I think that has as much of an effect on the demographic as anything. I dont experience any derision or hate from them, and I think the likes of Brendog, Oli Wilkins and Bernard Kerr being regularly seen out and about on theirs in the area and on social media has definitely helped make them cool for a lot of people.

Completely agree with this. I've only been on an eBike for a few months now, and have spoken to several folk whilst out and about. Most ask questions about the bike, and if I was able to get up this part or that part with the extra power.
The general consensus I hear, is that most riders would own one if they could afford it!
That's ranging from age 20-60+!

I have a few mates who discount my rides because they were on an eBike, and they mock. I know fine well they'd love to have my bike though :LOL:


🐸 Kermit Elite 🐸
Feb 6, 2019
Olching, Germany
I've been living in Germany for too long. So you weigh the same as me. Just you beat me to see the light of the world by 10 years.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
Hmm... let's see if I can remember how it went...
Age somewhere the wrong side of 66. Height 178cm. Weight between 78 & 80kg, depending on whether I had beer and crisps the night before or not.
Can't remember getting my first pushbike. I always seemed to have one and went everywhere on it til I was 15. Then bought a 90cc Vespa (things were a bit different in the depths of the country in the middle of last century). Passed my motorbike test 2 weeks after my 16th birthday and bought a 350cc Trumpet (Triumph, to those non-greasers in here). Don't remember doing much on a pushbike until I finished my studies. Married straight out of university and turned into a bit of a greeny - which was a bit odd considering I worked in the oil industry.
Didn't own a car for years, did everything by road bike and tandem. Big into cycle touring in those days.

End of the seventies, moved to South Africa. Took the bikes and the tandem with us but found it uncomfortable having to ride with a cannon strapped to my leg just to stay alive. Returned to Britain in the latter end of the eighties and swopped the tandem for the lad's first pony. Got seriously into horses and jousting. Moved to Holland after a couple of years and used the pushbike to do the 15km each way to the horse every day. Did a bit of cycle touring when I wasn't otherwise playing with the four-legged money eater. Somewhere towards the end of the 1990's, flogged all the horses 'cos son went to uni, wife was into her career, and I was always somewhere where there was sand and bullets. Bought motorbikes because the stabling and feed were cheaper.

Early two thousands, moved to Germany. Flogged the motorbikes and bought touring pushbikes and a gorgeous Santana tandem. Spent the next 15 years cycle touring throughout Germany, Italy, Austria, Switzerland...

Took a contract in Britain in late 2014. On my first couple of outings on my road bike, found that I was in serious danger of getting killed. Or, at the very least, locked up for punching a motorist's lights out. Bought a turbo trainer and trained indoors for my yearly cycle tour in the Alps.

Moved to Spain in 2016. Discovered that road riding here can be a bit boring. Thought I might give MTB a try because there seemed to be a track behind the house. Discovered a vast network of tracks. Found a huge network of friends and have had the time of my life. Had always thought MTB was for big kids before. I still think that, but now realise that I'm a big kid!

Got "encouraged" by the mates I ride with that maybe, just maybe, I should consider getting an EMTB when they clocked my heartrate at 181bpm. That, and they were waiting at the top of every hill - and we only have hills here! Bought the EMTB last September - delivered this January. Just ready for the lockdown :rolleyes:

Now I'm back on the bloody turbo trainer... :mad:


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I think the likes of Brendog, Oli Wilkins and Bernard Kerr being regularly seen out and about on theirs in the area and on social media has definitely helped make them cool for a lot of people.
I know for a fact a few of the more well known full time Enduro/DH riders round here have Eebs and ride them together but the Tweed Valley being what it is they still seem to keep it fairly low key and under the radar.. It is extremely cliquey there and full of image led sheep desperate to be seen drinking fancy coffee from the right cafe's and thinking they're above "beginners" and there still does seem to be a stigma here that Eebs are for "beginners", "the elderly" and "the unfit"... or for folk who've "given up"
I still dunno what it is that makes Ebikes so frowned upon down here TBH, you'd think it might be fitness snobbery/pride but looking at the state of a lot of the regular Enduro'd up to fuck visitors who ride the trails it really can't be that.
Down south, back when I lived there I actually found the DH scene friendlier and more accepting than Scotland. and I knew pretty much everyone in the Scottish scene when I left. Hard to say if the English freindliness was because I'm confident and always speak to everyone I see when I'm out and my accent made me stand out enough that folk took interest or not though. We do kinda stand out. (and no I'm not just talking about the luminous Gingers :sneaky: )


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Nov 6, 2019
Hard to say if the English freindliness was because I'm confident and always speak to everyone I see when I'm out and my accent made me stand out enough that folk took interest or not though.

Nah... they were frightened shitless you were gonna give them a Glasgow kiss! :eek::ROFLMAO:


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
Nah, Ah'm fae Embru gadge.
Mair likely tae bum thum or git thum intae skag tae be fair


Oct 1, 2019
My age (for the next few days anyway) is the same number as the meaning of life, the universe and everything. Permanently knackered at the moment as a new dad, and when I get to ride I like to start from home (conveniently located at the bottom of a big hill).

I got rid of my last m/bike last year and wanted to be able to hop on my MTB and get to the top of the hill and enjoy some trails without having to build up my fitness riding a couple of times a week. The eMTb is fun and whilst I get some sideways glances at Lady Cannings from the conventional riders that have driven up there, I'm sold on them.


Apr 13, 2018
I know for a fact a few of the more well known full time Enduro/DH riders round here have Eebs and ride them together but the Tweed Valley being what it is they still seem to keep it fairly low key and under the radar.. It is extremely cliquey there and full of image led sheep desperate to be seen drinking fancy coffee from the right cafe's and thinking they're above "beginners" and there still does seem to be a stigma here that Eebs are for "beginners", "the elderly" and "the unfit"... or for folk who've "given up"
I still dunno what it is that makes Ebikes so frowned upon down here TBH, you'd think it might be fitness snobbery/pride but looking at the state of a lot of the regular Enduro'd up to fuck visitors who ride the trails it really can't be that.
Down south, back when I lived there I actually found the DH scene friendlier and more accepting than Scotland. and I knew pretty much everyone in the Scottish scene when I left. Hard to say if the English freindliness was because I'm confident and always speak to everyone I see when I'm out and my accent made me stand out enough that folk took interest or not though. We do kinda stand out. (and no I'm not just talking about the luminous Gingers :sneaky: )
I have to say from my experience of interacting with all the local Pro's such as the ones I mentioned, they are all more than happy to stop and chat, and most of them are really good with all the young kids in the area. The one who tend to be a bit more difficult are the ones that view them selves as part of the local "hardcore" but in reality dont live anywhere near the area and only come up at weekends, but hen again you get a few of those everywhere. In General the Surrey Hills tend to be a very friendly place to ride, and I think most people realise we are very lucky to have the trails and land access and you rarely come across dickheads.

Of course there is this one Rob guy you sometimes see filming around the area, Jesus he thinks he owns the trails with the way he goes about his business :love:


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I have to say from my experience of interacting with all the local Pro's such as the ones I mentioned, they are all more than happy to stop and chat, and most of them are really good with all the young kids in the area. The one who tend to be a bit more difficult are the ones that view them selves as part of the local "hardcore" but in reality dont live anywhere near the area and only come up at weekends, but hen again you get a few of those everywhere.
Yeah, exactly the same here with regards to properly fast/pro riders. I've known most of the racers (and them me) since they were kids themselves through the Scottish DH racing scene so we'd speak if bumping into one another anyway.
funnily enough I watched Brendan's latest vlog last night and when talking to the camera about his backyard DJ build and riding it struck me that he hasn't really changed at all since he was a kid. When I first met him he must've been a 14 or 15 at an Ae forest national, had just got the deal with Peaty to ride for royal/Orange and me, him and a young Scottish junior rider I'd been mechanicing for through the SDA development program were the only 3 folk still jibbing about on our bikes in the camping field right up until until it got dark. Just loving riding bikes and chatting shit. Joe Barnes and Ben Cathro were like that at races too, when everyone else was being all pro and resting up the night before the race they'd still be bouncing about on their bikes. Being old skool when they turned in for the night I'd tend to stay up too late drinking and end up racing or wrenching (or both) the next day with a hangover. :cool:


E*POWAH Master
Feb 17, 2019
45, Always loved bikes as a kid. Never rode any proper trails like there is now. Wasn't much of a rider either skills wise and nothing's changed there. Bought first ever FS bike last year and am absolutely hooked. So many trails nearby and can't get enough. Only had one bad accident so far but I'm sure there is more to come.


Apr 28, 2018
East anglia
Any Advance .....I will be 80 end of May....and LOVE my EMTB ing in fact have more or less given up FAST Cars and prefer my Bike Have even needed my TEC pack on 2 occasions .
Several friends have bought Ebikes BUT they are pretty feeble slightly hybrid step through None of them will cycle with me as they all think I am mad...they are possibly right, but they dont know what they are missing. I think they are mad cycling on the road...far too dangerous ...or was until the lock down.
Have Fun and Keeeeeeeep pedalling.:)


Apr 28, 2018
East anglia
You'll be giving up fast women next !
I need my E bike to catch them.....trouble is when I do catch them I cant remember what I should do!:rolleyes:
Maybe my TEC pack could be connected to certain parts to help out !:eek:

This was in Spain before the lock up......Bloody clockwork bike and NO suspension......I needed my Focus.
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Active member
Apr 27, 2020
San Jose, usa
24 years old. My Ebike is scheduled to be delivered to my house today. Do I win the youngest reply yet? To be fair, this isn’t a great survey on average ebike rider age since the average person that hangs out on forums these days is usually passed 30 years old. (Or more likely 40).


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Any Advance .....I will be 80 end of May....and LOVE my EMTB ing in fact have more or less given up FAST Cars and prefer my Bike Have even needed my TEC pack on 2 occasions .
Several friends have bought Ebikes BUT they are pretty feeble slightly hybrid step through None of them will cycle with me as they all think I am mad...they are possibly right, but they dont know what they are missing. I think they are mad cycling on the road...far too dangerous ...or was until the lock down.
Have Fun and Keeeeeeeep pedalling.:)

That's me in 12 years time!
I haven't given up fast women yet, long may that continue!
All my regular friends think I'm mad, but my grandson thinks I'm God! :LOL:

Edit: Upon refection that is probably him being diplomatic because I'm the one that buys all his bikes and bike kit and takes him to the trail centres, pays for his bike skills courses.........

Edit 2: But keeping him engaged is my cunning long term plan to have somebody take me to the trail centres and fix my bikes and kit (when the time comes of course).
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🐸 Kermit Elite 🐸
Feb 6, 2019
Olching, Germany
There must be a phone app to talk you through it in this day and age ? Maybe with pictures ?

@Gary What do you use ?
With pictures!!
Rumor has it that there are even paces in the internet where you can find moving pictures to explain how to do it. :eek: A friend of mine was told about it from his uncles neighbors nephew.

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