Average e-biker age?


Active member
Jan 16, 2019
We used to weld motorcycle bars to the stem back then. Can't remember what we called it but were riding the fire-breaks on something like a Raleigh Red Triumph with sturmey-archer 3-speed hub and 27" chrome rims (wet chrome and rim brakes were disasterous).

62 We used to call it "dirt tracking" in the late 1960's - most summer weekends were spent tooling around on the footpaths and bridleways around the South Downs on bikes that that, which broke all the time (yes, mainly handlebar stems), but we loved the adventure and the adrenaline and the fun. Moved to Australia 30 years ago and took up "mountain biking" again 12 years ago, and wondered why I ever stopped.
I built my own mid-drive MTB 10 years ago, just because I could, and because I knew one day eMTB's would be a thing - it was a bit noisy, the battery (in a backpack) lasted 5 km if I was lucky, and the bottom bracket freewheel shat itself every couple of weeks. Bought myself a Levo for Christmas because finally after test riding quite a lot of eMTB's over the last few years, I realised Specialized have got it sorted - so well, sometimes I forget I'm not riding my Mondraker (which I still ride half the time), and still loving it as much as I did when I was a kid.


Jul 18, 2019
48 old, so lowering the average here a bit ;-)

riding mtb for 31 years, still racing around 10 mtb marathon races. riding many different bikes, race fully, fatbike, gravelracer, roadbike, enduro 160 mm bike, just because i like too change riding styles. since July this year an ebike and loving it !! use it maninly during holidays in the alps. now i use it as a shuttle bike an ride a lot every day without becoming too tired or having uphill assistance by lifts.

my "bike friends" are showing a lot of incomprehension as described by you guys, but i think that's only because they never made a run on a decent ebike.


New Member
Jul 26, 2019
Surprise, AZ.
I'm 76 and ride hard 4 days a week, in Phoenix all year around. I had been wanting an ebike for a couple years and bought a Levo a month ago. I don't believe people talk enough about has much crazy fun, you have riding an ebike. I kept my Epic, but I will probably never ride it again. But you need a backup for when the Levo goes in the shop.


Active member
Oct 2, 2018
Oakland, CA USA
Can't see a thread on this so thought I'd start one!
Me, 63, in the Alps, been riding MTB for 31 years, e-bike for 3 years now, still got a clockwork bike for the park and road rides!
Out here (Serre Chevalier, France) seems like all ages are on e-bikes, from 10-80 years old! At first I thought "what are these young'uns doing on an e-bike", but then realised at least it's getting them out on 2 wheels!


Sep 14, 2019
"In rhetoric, litotes is a figure of speech and form of verbal irony in which understatement is used to emphasise a point by stating a negative to further affirm a positive, often incorporating double negatives for effect "

Mate, that sounds a lot like Yes to No, and No to everything ;)


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Aug 14, 2019
46. Been riding electric bikes for 10 years, all of them self built including some battery packs. From 250w commuters up to 14,000w dirt bikes.
Decided to finally buy a ‘designer ebike’..aka Turbo Levo due to total intergration which I’ve been waiting a decade for.
It’s really inspiring to hear stories from those in their 60s and 70s.. it brings hope
May 29, 2018
48yo, life long california resident. MTBing since mid 80's, embedded deep in the bike industry, mostly racing but run TLD bike brand now full time. Got a Levo 4 yrs ago, split my time between my pedal bikes and eMTB. So cal riding is not super fun for me anymore, crappy terrain, no trees, hot - so the Levo has made MTBing funner. But I still ride my Evil, YT, Santa Cruz always when traveling and sometimes at home.


Active member
Feb 23, 2019
I'm 55, female, never ridden MTB (only happy shoppers when young),until 5 years ago, got first e-mtb in 2016, now on second couldn't give it up for love nor money, will ride till I die.
Hubby 50 same as above, nagged me for years to just get a bike wouldn't look back. Live in Shropshire but travel to get to those places you need to.


Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
My training for motocross these last 45 years has been running.
Don't you wish we had these back in the 60's-70's? My ankles and knees are borked - not from my MX & SX racing but from the cross-country running we did as training back then.
Since I got into MTB 20 years ago I have come across Darryll King & BT101 out training many a time.


Jul 25, 2019
Phoenix, AZ
65 years old now. Started riding Mtb's in 1986 when there was no suspension but your tires. Just bought a 2020 turbo Levo comp and it makes me feel like a little kid again. I like having the power of me and the 250 watt motor make me as fast or faster than any local pro on a manual mtb. People who have never ridden ebike don't realize you need some real skills to ride the ebike flat out in eco, trail or turbo.


⚡ eGeezer ⚡
Oct 5, 2019
New Zealand
I'm 61
BMX since my 20s
Started MTB in my 40s
eMTB for 2 years now, but just acquired a Trance E+ last August - on my wife's insistence.

I have Arrhythmia and Apnea and other consequences of heart/respiratory ailments which confined me to river trails, on days when I can manage it.

Here's me now (new bike day) maiden run on my new Giant Trance E+ 3Pro. BLISS!

If not for the eBike, I've be watching stuff like this on TV instead of doing it. I'd have no chance of climbing up to the mountaintop trail head otherwise!



Jul 17, 2019
New Zealand
I have Arrhythmia and Apnea
I'm 61 and have both. Fortunately being on a MTB the last 20 years has prevented most of the issues. Only picked up on the Arrhythmia 18 months ago when I installed a new ECG machine at my doctors office and they used me as a guinea-pig to test it. Further tests showed Sleep Apnea but like the arrythmia, it has never bothered me at all.


New Member
Aug 8, 2019
Started with MTB’s at 24 years old 20 years ago for about 5 years then stopped until I was age 41,got back into it then broke t5 vertebrae and ribs 18 months ago, I got back riding after 12 weeks but I’ve suffered ear ache and vertigo ever since,docs cant find out why but I do know that if I keep my heart rate under 160 I can cheat the vertigo kicking in hence at 45 I will hopefully own my first emtb?

Have your docs looked into vertebrobasilar insufficiency? This itself can have many causes...A vertebral artery dissection at the initial accident (or is said to sometimes happen with chiropractic manipulation of the neck) that is asymptomatic initially could worsen with plaque formation near it. High heart rate could make it apparent...reduce the posterior brain blood supply, which is famous for causing vertigo.

Subclavian steal is another one that can do this.

Carotid/vertebral artery ultrasound and/or CT angiogram of the neck are the tests...may be worth asking your docs about if this hasn’t been pursued....


E*POWAH Master
Oct 28, 2018
Wellington New Zealand
Have your docs looked into vertebrobasilar insufficiency? This itself can have many causes...A vertebral artery dissection at the initial accident (or is said to sometimes happen with chiropractic manipulation of the neck) that is asymptomatic initially could worsen with plaque formation near it. High heart rate could make it apparent...reduce the posterior brain blood supply, which is famous for causing vertigo.

Subclavian steal is another one that can do this.

Carotid/vertebral artery ultrasound and/or CT angiogram of the neck are the tests...may be worth asking your docs about if this hasn’t been pursued....
Yeah thats what I was going to say!!!

20 in 10

Aug 26, 2019
New Zealand
61 and started riding a MTB 21 years ago, the group I rode with then flirted with road cycling as well for a few years and we had a lot of fun. None of those guys ride now but I am still going. I love the hills around Christchurch and the descents. Generally I only do one summit a ride.
A month ago I bit the bullet and purchased an E bike. Now 2 or 3 summits are easy. It is better than I expected and am now wondering which bikes to sell.

Andy Moray

May 21, 2019
Can't see a thread on this so thought I'd start one!
Me, 63, in the Alps, been riding MTB for 31 years, e-bike for 3 years now, still got a clockwork bike for the park and road rides!
Out here (Serre Chevalier, France) seems like all ages are on e-bikes, from 10-80 years old! At first I thought "what are these young'uns doing on an e-bike", but then realised at least it's getting them out on 2 wheels!
started mtn biking at 21 and e biking at 53 love em both but love doing the big miles on the E like just now.


Active member
Feb 9, 2019
I'm 76 and ride hard 4 days a week, in Phoenix all year around. I had been wanting an ebike for a couple years and bought a Levo a month ago. I don't believe people talk enough about has much crazy fun, you have riding an ebike. I kept my Epic, but I will probably never ride it again. But you need a backup for when the Levo goes in the shop.

I never expected to still be riding at 62 so you’re an inspiration. We’re in a kind of bike paradise here in the Phoenix area; the eBike has made my summer riding much more enjoyable this year compared with past years with the regular mountain bike.

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