E8000 motor is now 6 months old and done approximately 1200 miles and recently I have experienced a series of E010 errors and finally to a complete shutdown and constant W013 warning. First time was about 2 weeks ago, after riding all morning with Kernow, without any faults as i restarted after fitting a fresh battery instant E010, turn off and restart all fine, later that afternoon while just standing on the pedals, warning sound and looked down E010. Stop and start and OK for the rest of the afternoon.
Next time out during the Tour de Moor charity ride bike ran perfectly all morning and then after a stop for coffee, restarted and within half a mile and again just stood on the pedals E010. Stop start 100 yds E010 and again another two times. Turned off for ten minutes to help with a puncture and restarted to W013 this time no amount of restarting and would help every time W013, tried battery out and refit but nothing, so had to pedal the last few miles with no motor.
Actually not that bad at all.
Got it home, restart and still W013, connected to laptop with SM-PCEI and ran fault diagnostics and everything came up fine, disconnect PC and W013. At this stage I was pretty convinced it was a torque sensor failure as others have reported. Not sure why but I decided to clip in another battery and hey presto all clear
Refitted original battery and still OK 
Short test ride and E010
restart and all good again rode up and down the lane for a few miles and perfect. 
My theory, the contact terminals have been covered with white lithium grease from day one and this has done a pretty good job of stopping oxidation of the contacts but over time the grease has worn thin and generally got dirty, causing my intermittent problems.
Remedy, thoroughly cleaned all the contacts on the batteries and bike with a glass fibre pen, contact cleaner and rinsed off with Isopropyl alcohol. Regreased all the connection and just completed a 30 mile ride without any faults, so far so good.
Given that others I know have reported problems after a certain amount of time I think it safe to assume that these connections are fairly finicky and it may well be worth scheduling regular periodic attention to avoid this problem.
Hope this helps if you find yourself stuck with a W013.
Next time out during the Tour de Moor charity ride bike ran perfectly all morning and then after a stop for coffee, restarted and within half a mile and again just stood on the pedals E010. Stop start 100 yds E010 and again another two times. Turned off for ten minutes to help with a puncture and restarted to W013 this time no amount of restarting and would help every time W013, tried battery out and refit but nothing, so had to pedal the last few miles with no motor.
Got it home, restart and still W013, connected to laptop with SM-PCEI and ran fault diagnostics and everything came up fine, disconnect PC and W013. At this stage I was pretty convinced it was a torque sensor failure as others have reported. Not sure why but I decided to clip in another battery and hey presto all clear
Short test ride and E010
My theory, the contact terminals have been covered with white lithium grease from day one and this has done a pretty good job of stopping oxidation of the contacts but over time the grease has worn thin and generally got dirty, causing my intermittent problems.
Remedy, thoroughly cleaned all the contacts on the batteries and bike with a glass fibre pen, contact cleaner and rinsed off with Isopropyl alcohol. Regreased all the connection and just completed a 30 mile ride without any faults, so far so good.
Given that others I know have reported problems after a certain amount of time I think it safe to assume that these connections are fairly finicky and it may well be worth scheduling regular periodic attention to avoid this problem.
Hope this helps if you find yourself stuck with a W013.