Awesome suggestion! @billium Can you share more details about the "smart plug" you're using? I'm also very Interested in trying this. Tired of forgetting that I left my battery on the charger and need to pull the plug!![]()
Amazon sells smart plugs for under a tenner
You just add it in as another device to your Alexa system - super easy.
Once done, you can immediately control it with ' Alexa, turn on first plug' ( first plug is the default name).
Now you can control the power to whatever is plugged in to it.
To automate for a bike, you need to open up the Alexa app on your phone and create 'routines' which are list of commands that are triggered by voice command or time of day.
sample to charge bike for 2 hrs
Name: charge bike 2 hrs
When you say: Alexa charge bike for two hours
Alexa will:
say ok waiting 15 minutes
wait 15 minutes
first plug power on
wait 2 hours
first plug power off
wait 1 minute
first plug power off ( done twice to make sure charger does turn off)
say bike charge finished
The app will allow you to duplicate the above routine so make copies and edit them for one hour, 3 hrs etc
The top-up is a little tricker because you cannot voice command a routine to start at a certain time but it can be done. Here is how.
Create a scheduled routine
name: sched topup bike
When its 4am , every day
Alexa will:
first plug power on
wait 4 hours
first plug power off
wait 1 minute
first plug power off ( done twice to make sure charger does turn off)
say bike topped up
Alexa, disable sched topup bike ( choose custom action)
The last command is the sneaky bit - The routine is set to run every day but in the last step it disables itself ( so it only runs once)
Finally you create a voice routine that enables the above
New voice routine
name: topup bike
When you say: Alexa topup bike
Alexa will:
Alexa, Enable sched topup bike ( choose custom action)
say: Bike will charge at 4am for four hours
The app makes the above pretty easy to do but feel free to DM me if you get stuck