Agreed. Everyone has different reasons/uses for the e-bike. I got it to renew my interest in riding as I was tired of doing big climbs and walking half the time. Also keeping up with fitter riders was a big issue as they didn't like to take breaks either so when I'd catch up they would just be ready to go again. Also big mountain epics are more palatable as I no longer need to train for like 4 months to have fitness to do a 1500-2000 meter day.Great question!
IMO, all about the application /use of tools. I've met emtb riders. 100% Turbo!
Me? I want "just enough" help to make it to get more laps/climbs in.
Hence, my consideration to sell Full fat and stick with SL.
PS: I still ride my standard bikes!
The bonus that I never realized was I could have an incredibly capable DH oriented pedal bike. That has just blown me away how capable it is at fast DH.
Also I've increased muscle mass from so much riding lately so thats been awesome too.
Yesterday we did 1100 meters and steep dh tracks in about 1h 20mins and we were pretty casual with it. It would take twice as long to shuttle that!
I ride with both regular bike riders and ebike. I'm easy, I just like to get out and enjoy it.