Covid and EMTB


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Sorry, but I can't be arsed to sit through 26 minutes of a guy talking in a low monotone. I tried skipping ahead, but no matter where I stopped it all sounded and looked the same. I am not judging the worthiness of his cause (whatever it may be).
I'm assuming he's had a stroke(!) and I wish him well with a full recovery.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
OK.. I will summarise. He contracted Covid in Italy in Oct/Nov 2019 long before anyone knew anything a bout the virus. Despite being fit and relatively young he became ill..and his illness worsened with time. He was given antibiotics and told nothing further could be done. He ended up having a stroke largely due to the stresses Covid put on his heart. He is still suffering the consequences of that in terms of left to right side coordination. So first message is....Covid can hit even young and fit people hard and should not be treated lightly. He only knew Covid was the reason for his illness later in 2020 when he had a positive test for antibodies.
He did not have enough coordination to walk and no enough fitness to ride his bike. So he bought an EMTB and he describes how he used that bike to gradually improve his fitness. So lesson 2 was yet another beneficial use of an EMTB.
As an aside he was so impressed with using a EMTB he wants to provide that opportunity to others who cannot afford to buy one. So he is inviting people to apply for free transport to and accomodation to where he lives and to ride out with him on an EMTB for weekends. He is buying another EMTB specifically to loan to those people over those weekends.

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