So who has the bike with the most bling on. We all like to add bits and pieces to our bikes that improve it or just look good.
My bike is blue and I have a blue and red theme going on. I have added stickers + red headset cap, red tyre valves, red pedals and have ready to fit Hope red cranks and Hope F22 red pedals. Thinking of upgrading brakes to Hope Tech4 V4 which of course will be red. Pics to follow when I get cranks fitted.
what you got.
My bike is blue and I have a blue and red theme going on. I have added stickers + red headset cap, red tyre valves, red pedals and have ready to fit Hope red cranks and Hope F22 red pedals. Thinking of upgrading brakes to Hope Tech4 V4 which of course will be red. Pics to follow when I get cranks fitted.
what you got.