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Answered Best trailside broken derailleur fix


Active member
Apr 21, 2019
manchester by the sea, ma
In the old days (no E bike, hardtail) I'd just shorten the chain and ziptie the trashed derailleur out of the way and ride on.
I think you can do a lot of damage if you do that to a suspended Ebike....
On another thread, Speedkills posted about using a singleator--see pic at end of post---which I can't find anywhere
Does anyone know where to get one? Will the Surly Singleator work? Is there a specific version for Ebike repair?



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I think most people just do what you suggested and drop it down to a single speed. The force is all coming along the top line, so that's no different if there's a derailleur there or not. Depending on the bike you just need to leave enough slack for chain growth with suspension movement depending on what gear you've decided to run with.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2021
Pasadena, CA
I think most people just do what you suggested and drop it down to a single speed. The force is all coming along the top line, so that's no different if there's a derailleur there or not. Depending on the bike you just need to leave enough slack for chain growth with suspension movement depending on what gear you've decided to run with.
I think the issue is that if you leave enough slack for chain growth, then you most likely have enough slack on the bottom for the chain to derail unintentionally.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Maybe ... I guess it would depend on which gear you chose ? ie - straightest line ? I would ask the grumpy knowledge god, but I think he's quiet some days so we might not get a reply .. @Gary

Last time I did it I just pushed up the hills and rode down until I got home. Can't decide it that makes me lazy or stupid :)



Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
if you're going to carry a single speed tensioner suitable for an FS mtb you might as well just carry a mech.
a cheap shimano mech is actually a lot cheaper than any of the decent sprung SS tensioners

as a get home fix you could shorten your chain to the sprocket giving best chainline and lock out your rear suspension. go easy though as many shocks even locked out will still compress the rear end on a big hit and don't be surprised if you need to keep stopping to put the chain back on your chosen sprocket as with no tension or guide it'll still tend to want to fall off larger sprockets and onto smaller ones.

if you're not too far from home/help/car etc. it probably does make mose sense to just tidy up the mess and dpo as Zims suggested and push the bike up the hills and balance bike the flat and coast the downs. Ebmtb battery range isn't great enough that you'll be very far away anyway

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