2023 Rise M-Team - Power Loss When Range Extender Empty


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Picked up my 2023 Rise M-Team today and did a ride. Very fun bike, but I ran into a problem. I thought for sure I was doing something wrong but I've checked all the manuals and searched online and haven't found an answer. Here's what happened:

Preface: I had the range extender connected for today's ride.

As documented in the blue paper, the range extender was consumed first. All was well until the range extender battery got low. I was left with very low assist despite being in Boost mode. I turned the bike off, disconnected the extender, and turned the bike back on. Boost power was normal. I turned the bike off, reconnected the range extender, and turned the bike back on. Boost power was greatly reduced. Seems like it's failing to switch over to the internal battery when the range extender is done.

I removed the cable for the rest of the ride, but I certainly don't want to have to do that every time :) Any idea what's going on? I checked for a firmware update but didn't see anything. Very strange.


🦾 The Bionic Man 🦿
Jan 15, 2021
Very unusual, contact an Orbea Service Centre as something is NOT right there.

Change-over is seamless on mine...


Nov 2, 2022
2023 Rise M20 540w internal. The one ride I did with the range extender on from the start of the ride I experienced something similar. Partway into a 30 mile ride the bike felt a bit sluggish. I was riding varied surface service roads and thought at the time that I was just hitting a sandy patch of the trail, but after a while the assist seemed to return to normal. What I figured it did was reduce the assist when the extender hit 20%, then when it ran out completely and switched to the main battery power returned to normal.

I’ve since felt a similar power drop on another ride when the main battery hit 20%. On that ride I stopped and plugged the extender in and power returned to normal.

So, the software seems to treat the battery and extender as seperate units when it comes to switching to the conservation setting at 20%. Kind of a stupid design when the intention of adding the extender is to increase the battery capacity for the whole ride. It should just allow you to burn through the extender at full power all the way before the switch to the main.


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Reply from the dealer :mad::
Hmm. Candidly, we have received mixed views on the Range Extender switch over behavior from our friends at Orbea. We're going to file a new technical case on this and come back to you.


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
The one ride I did with the range extender on from the start of the ride I experienced something similar. Partway into a 30 mile ride the bike felt a bit sluggish. I was riding varied surface service roads and thought at the time that I was just hitting a sandy patch of the trail, but after a while the assist seemed to return to normal. What I figured it did was reduce the assist when the extender hit 20%, then when it ran out completely and switched to the main battery power returned to normal.
Interesting point. For me it happened right at the bottom of a hard climb so I didn't really have the opportunity to see if I could "wear it down" all the way. Perhaps it would have come back to normal on its own.

At the time I also didn't have any app set up to see the battery capacity. My understanding from the docs is that I should see it go from 100% to ~59% and then back to 100% when it switches to the internal battery. I'm going to do another range extender ride tomorrow and observe what happens more closely using the E-TUBE RIDE app.


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Quick update:

Preface: according to the Orbea docs, battery percentage with my setup (360 + 252) should go 100-60%, then back to 100% when it switches to the internal battery.

Second ride I added the E-TUBE Ride app so I could see the battery percentage. As soon as the battery hit 60%, power loss kicked in. I was able to "ride through" the low power stage (~2.5 miles) and indeed, as soon as the battery ticked below 60%, display reset to 100% and power back to normal, as it switched to the internal battery.

Luís Farinha

Sep 5, 2022
Cascais, Portugal
Boa tarde.
Tenho o mesmo problema na minha Rise M-Team de 2023, reclamei a Orbea recentemente e aguardo resposta, tive a Rise M10 de 2022 com extensor e isto não acontecia, não é normal este problema e espero uma solução da parte deles


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
I'm feeling ambivalent about a fix at this point. They will need to make the battery cut over sooner which means losing some range. It's pretty consistently 1-2 miles of riding at low power to force it to switch over. I've tried to arrange my rides so I'm on a gently climb when it extender is dead :)

The one thing I have been meaning to try but haven't yet: what if we set Eco mode to the same settings as Boost? I.e. is the system forcing itself into literally Eco mode, or is it some kind of limp mode that ignores all user settings?

The other interesting thing is it *doesn't* behave this way when the main battery dies. It will happily give full boost power right up until the system shuts off.

Anyway I haven't seen any updates from my dealer and the most recent firmware update didn't affect this behavior.


Apr 15, 2021
"Preface: according to the Orbea docs, battery percentage with my setup (360 + 252) should go 100-60%, then back to 100% when it switches to the internal battery."

Interesting - this is not the behaviour of the 2021 rise and range extender. That shows the combined batteries as 100% and runs down to zero. Theres no noticeable impact of the range extender running out and the battery percentage shown (on a Garmin) does not change.

The one thing that has occurred to me is that this behaviour isn't great for the health of the range extender - ideally you shouldn't run li-ion batteries completely to flat. The Wild (previous version) treated the extender battery and internal battery as a single unit and runs them down together - ie when you get to 20% remaining it would be 20% on either battery if you connected it to the bike by itself (in theory)

The advantage of the Mk1 Rise method is that if you're doing a big day of riding you can remove the Extender when it's flat and drop the weight (if you're returning to a central point or doing shuttle runs)

Luís Farinha

Sep 5, 2022
Cascais, Portugal
"Prefácio: de acordo com os documentos da Orbea, a porcentagem da bateria com minha configuração (360 + 252) deve ir de 100 a 60% e voltar a 100% quando mudar para a bateria interna."

Interessante – este não é o comportamento do aumento e extensor de alcance de 2021. Isso mostra as baterias combinadas como 100% e chega a zero. Não há impacto perceptível do esgotamento do extensor de alcance e a porcentagem da bateria mostrada (em um Garmin) não muda.

A única coisa que me ocorreu é que esse comportamento não é bom para a saúde do extensor de alcance - o ideal é que você não descarrega completamente as baterias de íon-lítio. O Wild (versão anterior) tratava a bateria extensora e a bateria interna como uma única unidade e as descarregava juntas - ou seja, quando você chegasse aos 20% restantes, seriam 20% em qualquer uma das baterias se você a conectasse sozinha à bicicleta (em teoria)

A vantagem do método Mk1 Rise é que se você estiver fazendo um grande dia de pedalada, você pode remover o extensor quando ele estiver plano e soltar o peso (se estiver retornando a um ponto central ou fazendo corridas de vaivém)
Fui buscar hoje o meu Rise M-Team de 2023 na loja onde comprei, pois esteve na Orbea durante um mês para analisar a resposta absurda que me deram.


Como será lógico não aceito e fiz uma sinceridade, pois o funcionamento da RE de 2022 não era assim e só quero o mesmo funcionamento.
Esta resposta da Orbea não faz sentido, ter que desligar o RE durante 20 a 30min e depois voltar a ligar, então e deixo a entrada do RE aberta sem cabo exposto a chuva e lama?
Ou então tenho que levar um camelback com bateria?
Estupidez, trata-se de uma resposta muito profissional, solução amadora, dei um prazo para solução até o fim de 2023, caso não exista solução quero a devolução do meu dinheiro


Active member
Nov 27, 2019
Fui buscar hoje o meu Rise M-Team de 2023 na loja onde comprei, pois esteve na Orbea durante um mês para analisar a resposta absurda que me deram.

View attachment 128727
Como será lógico não aceito e fiz uma sinceridade, pois o funcionamento da RE de 2022 não era assim e só quero o mesmo funcionamento.
Esta resposta da Orbea não faz sentido, ter que desligar o RE durante 20 a 30min e depois voltar a ligar, então e deixo a entrada do RE aberta sem cabo exposto a chuva e lama?
Ou então tenho que levar um camelback com bateria?
Estupidez, trata-se de uma resposta muito profissional, solução amadora, dei um prazo para solução até o fim de 2023, caso não exista solução quero a devolução do meu dinheiro
I can't translate the screenshot but from your reply it sounds like they have no plans to address this. That's really terrible. Thanks for the update in any case.

Luís Farinha

Sep 5, 2022
Cascais, Portugal
Não consigo traduzir a captura de tela, mas pela sua resposta parece que eles não têm planos de resolver isso. Isso é realmente terrível. Obrigado pela atualização em qualquer caso.
Basicamente dizem que devo usar primeiro a bateria interna e depois de (20 a 25min) ligar o RE, pois alegam que o RE ao atingir os 55º/60º o motor baixa a potência dos 350W para 100W, trata-se, segundo eles a segurança da bateria.
Não é correto, a RE quando esta a ficar vazia com pouca bateria, abaixo dos 70% até aos 65% perde potência e depois passa para os 100% a bateria interna e a bicicleta ficam normais, como todos os que relatam este problema informam.
Penso que este problema se deve a gestão de baterias novas que esta RISE de 2023 tem em relação a anterior de 2022 que não tinha este problema, fiz a troca de bicicleta para ter uma bateria interna maior de 540w e acho que fiquei pior, por isso estou a pedir uma solução ou devolução do dinheiro, pois o manual da Bicicleta não mencionam que a RE funcionada desta maneira que agora dizem para fazer


Dec 3, 2022
Is this with both batteries 360W and 540W? I have ordered an m team with 540W and also RE… 1 month delay because a component in back order 🤔 now delivery end November 🤞

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