2019-2020 Levo (2020 Kenevo) Speed Unlock Levociraptor

Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
It’s a very neat solution but the website has quite limited information . Also what we all need to know is can a LBS using their Specialised support software detect if the motor has been assisting above the set limit . Voiding a warranty would be seriously bad news if you needed it! And on that note what about the difference in the max assist set for different countries?
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2018
It’s a very neat solution but the website has quite limited information . Also what we all need to know is can a LBS using their Specialised support software detect if the motor has been assisting above the set limit . Voiding a warranty would be seriously bad news if you needed it! And on this note what about the difference in the max assist set for different countries?

I agree , I would like my bike to assist up to say 30 mph to stop the surging effect on road riding , but worried about how it wires in , and if detectable for warranty etc

Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
I agree , I would like my bike to assist up to say 30 mph to stop the surging effect on road riding , but worried about how it wires in , and if detectable for warranty etc
I agree the 'cut' off point in the UK is just a shade too low. I love the off road performance and its plenty fast enough for me, but riding along roads to get places can be a bit frustrating, especially in headwinds when a bit of extra assistance would be appreciated. None of us want silly speeds just a bit more help for the road! 20Kg + bikes with fat tyres aren't much fun on tarmac!


Feb 9, 2019
Not bothered about this kit as i dereistricted my Levo 2019 via lightblue etc...
But... with the restiction lifted i cannot peddle past 32mph, the rpm of my legs is just too fast throwing my legs into oblivion! It is not comfortable trying to keep that pace due to the rpm, sure i could up my chainring but its just not needed.
The main issue is the diy builds with push button power!
Is that a new one from the 2018?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2018
If you remove the device following instructions, calibration shows no signs of the levociraptor.
Diagnostic shows no strange data. Specialized concept store test ?

I will watch with interest when some people on here have run them for a bit then , I would gladly then maybe pay the £30 quid extra than be an early adopter
But after nearly a thousand miles I’m still happy as hell with it running stock restriction 99% of the time , it’s just that minimal road use that sometimes annoys


Jun 7, 2019
Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
I now ride on tarmac to the trails from home. Pre eMTB I would take my MTB to the tralis on a car rack. 20 min drive.

I have the fitness to ride my Levo 2019 the 30 min cycle journey to and from the trails but it gets boring and puts me off sometimes. Also headwinds on the returns journey with tired legs takes out what joy is left. So a bit of oomph to get me their and back quicker and leave me more time on the trails is a plus for slightly faster motor. On the trails I rarely come out of eco mode and prefer to work hard (ish!) ?


Jun 3, 2019
Phoenix AZ USA
De-restricting your bike to raise limit to 20-25mph will be sufficient for most who are fit and ride manual bikes.
Just because there is a maximum I think you would need to be World XC fitness to get that speed and I wouldn’t like to try.

This is what will ruin it for the rest of us, too bad.
At those speeds they should consider a dirt bike.


The Barking Owl ?
Jul 18, 2019
This is what will ruin it for the rest of us, too bad.
At those speeds they should consider a dirt bike.

I take the more optimistic & hopefully realistic view that developments such as these as well as emtb racing will increase awareness of the fact that just because a bike has more than 250W nominal output & able to surpass 25 km/h does not in itself make the bike illegal. I think once general misconceptions are corrected, off-road as well as registered & road legal fast e-bikes will go mainstream.


New Member
Jul 19, 2019
Well each to their own but at the moment motorists hate bikes, walkers hate bikes, dog walkers hate bikes and cyclists hate E-bikers so won't take much for the law to change and all the local bridleways etc will become unridable and just pure hassle whenever you are out on what was your legal E-bike. Just MHO.
If I was not an E-biker I would probably be saying that this cannot be controlled or regulated therefore all e-bikes should be banned from bridleways etc and licensed on roads.

Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
If you remove the device following instructions, calibration shows no signs of the levociraptor.
Diagnostic shows no strange data. Specialized concep
I now ride on tarmac to the trails from home. Pre eMTB I would take my E-MTB's to the tralis on a car rack. 20 min drive.

I have the fitness to ride my Levo 2019 the 30 min cycle journey to and from the trails but it gets boring and puts me off sometimes. Also headwinds on the returns journey with tired legs takes out what joy is left. So a bit of oomph to get me their and back quicker and leave me more time on the trails is a plus for slightly faster motor. On the trails I rarely come out of eco mode and prefer to work hard (ish!) ?
Exactly what I was trying to say, totally agree with you, some people in this thread seem to be suggesting we want to ride our E-MTB's at 60mph! we don't! Like you I try to use eco most of the time when out with friends and trail mode up some of the steeper climbs, but roads are pretty boring! I rarely use Turbo unless I'm really tired or want to get up stupidly steep climbs.
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Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
In terms of e-mtbs being a hazard on trails then consider this, others who I ride with go way faster downhill on their conventional bikes than I ever will. I don't have that level of skill or inclination and I like to think I am a considerate rider towards other people out using trails bridleways and footpaths. I would agree that the increased mass of the bike could an issue as it's obviously quite a heavy bike but I don't weigh as much as a horse, a motorbike or a 'fat lad'. I don't think an extra few mph on the assist limit is really going to make a significant difference to wether or not I am considered a hazard to other people out in the countryside. Obviously we wouldn't want e-bikes re-classified and therefore not being allowed on some routes. We sometimes tread a fine line between riding on both authorised bridleways and public footpaths from time to time, and provided we are all sensible then hopefully we can continue to share our favourite routes with other users. All we want is a small increase to the upper assist limit to help us on the boring road bits. Whats wrong with being able to cycle at the same speed as a fit roadie, other than it pisses them off!
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E*POWAH Master
Aug 6, 2019
North west
Exactly what I was trying to say, totally agree with you, some people in this thread seem to be suggesting we want to cycle our MTB's at 60mph! we don't! Like you I try to use eco most of the time when out with friends and trail mode up some of the steeper climbs, but roads are pretty boring! I rarely use Turbo unless I'm really tired or want to get up stupidly steep climbs.

Same here. So conflicted by this whole issue. We are still way slower than road bike riders with far far superior control/grip/brakes. We hardly stand out restricted or not! Downhill doesnt count. A bike travelling at 30mph downhill on the road is not at all unusual.
No one is calling to have mopeds banned despite the use in crimes, the noise of aftermarket pipes etc. A stock one of them doent exist. Not sure we will be on the radar at all. Arguably unpolicable too.
We shouldnt allow ourselves to be bullied by anyone, least of all other mtb riders. We do no harm and were no faster than other bikes except uphill.
Let's not attempt to avoid the inevitable by trying to hide. Better we fight back and lobby hard for a slight increase. We have as much right to trail access as any other rider since we demonstrably do no harm whatsoever.
Sod em I say. Almost any objection to emtb is completely unreasonable. Much of it is jealousy pure and simple.
Would insurance be so bad really? Maybe drivers would hate us less. Couldn't be cripplingly expensive. I'd very much like to see a lower age limit otr to be honest. Then we can easily lobby for a common sense change in the regulations.
Next mtb rider who tries to tell me where I can or cant ride my bike will receive a hearty f@ck off!

Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
This is for everyone "freaking out" Relax and enjoy the bike no matter what is done to it, as far as the law goes, how many cops are going to be able to determine if a fuckin emtb is derestricted or not??? Or even care, just relax, stress less, spend more time getting out there and enjoying it then being frantic about being caught.

Yeh! and our cops don't even have guns.:)


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2018
I tested a de-restricted 2017 Turbo Levo and it was drag limited to 22 mph. The benefit is that there is no super-annoying cutoff. There is no noticeable difference to someone not on the bike. So no, it won't ruin it for everyone.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2018
Would be funny to watch someone trying to pedal at that speed, your legs would explode. Even at 25-30 mph you feel like a hamster in a wheel, the gearing just isn't right for speeds much above the limit on a Turbo Levo. We just a few more than the 15.5mph limit here in the UK though. In fact most people I talk to would be happy with 25 or even 20

15.5 is certainly too low. I did a 100 mile bike ride with a road bike and averaged 16.0 mph, and I am not a fast rider. To think you can't even go above 15.5 for even a minute when I can sustain it for 7 hours on a manual bike is really really sad. I can average 20.0 for 10 miles on a road bike, and other people can do 26 or so with an aerobike. So yeah, 25 would have been a reasonable number. And I could live with 20 for an EMTB.

Mark S

New Member
Oct 14, 2018
The nanny state culture is stronger is some counties than others. I’m frustrated by a 25 kph limit, but figure 32 is plenty
One of the problems with de-restriction is that it undoes one of the design inputs to the motor and software by which the motor operates, which must include, to produce a maximum average of 250 watts over 30 mins (it may be that engine makers do not follow this exactly). I suspect all signal interrupting / dongle devices can result in a higher average engine output and thus higher temperatures. I suppose this is mechanically fine up to 20mph because the Brose engine is limited to that in the US of A, but perhaps not if the software that manages the engine is significantly different between 25 and 32 kph jurisdictions.
However, when we record a ride I gather the tech data is backed up on a Specialized server and I would guess this will include info about heat as well as speed, and an analysis of this will likely confirm whether the engine is providing power at more than the regulated limit in your country. This may blow your warranty.
Interesting to think what the courts would do if all you did was run a US Turbo levo in Europe or Australia ... you might have broken the law but the bike was never operated outside it’s design parameters.
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Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
If you remove the device following instructions, calibration shows no signs of the levociraptor.
Diagnostic shows no strange data. Specialized concept store test ?
But if the motor was sent back to Specialised for repair surely they could tell if it had been used above the set speed limits?


Aug 10, 2019
If you remove the device following instructions, calibration shows no signs of the levociraptor.
Diagnostic shows no strange data. Specialized concept store test ?


Nice device!

How do you know specialized can't detect your device have been connected?

I went to a specialized concept store yesterday, bought a Turbo Levo and discussed unrestricting and if they could detect it.

The guy from the shop said that they can detect tuning. He showed me one engine that had failure, sent back to manufacturer and came back with writing on it with indelible marker "tuned" and other cases. Several of his customers have lost the warranty on the entire bikes.


E*POWAH Master
Aug 27, 2018

Nice device!

How do you know specialized can't detect your device have been connected?

I went to a specialized concept store yesterday, bought a Turbo Levo and discussed unrestricting and if they could detect it.

The guy from the shop said that they can detect tuning. He showed me one engine that had failure, sent back to manufacturer and came back with writing on it with indelible marker "tuned" and other cases. Several of his customers have lost the warranty on the entire bikes.

I will not discuss publicly how the module works to modify signals etc.
Disclaimer: Levociraptor is not accountable for you fitting and using a device that removes factory restrictions. If the fitting and removal process are followed it is invisible to the bike.

Peter Hill

Active member
Dec 31, 2018
I will not discuss publicly how the module works to modify signals etc.
Disclaimer: Levociraptor is not accountable for you fitting and using a device that removes factory restrictions. If the fitting and removal process are followed it is invisible to the bike.
That’s fair enough but it does seem that Spec can detect motors that have been assisting beyond the set limit, and if this voids your warranty that’s a big concern obviously ? who wants to pay £1000 for a new motor ! I don’t know if your system is any different but we kind of need to know the risks?


E*POWAH Master
Aug 27, 2018
That’s fair enough but it does seem that Spec can detect motors that have been assisting beyond the set limit, and if this voids your warranty that’s a big concern obviously ? who wants to pay £1000 for a new motor ! I don’t know if your system is any different but we kind of need to know the risks?

I can confirm a 2019 s-works has been the test bed for levociraptor and after removal diagnostics showed no abnormalities within the motor or battery.

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