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  1. M

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    you missed off expensive and it only does the same as any other car....i got rid of my ferrari when I realized a VW polo does just the same thing
  2. M

    TQ Motor cost? Out of warranty

    I did a bit more reading up on it now and it seems like the blocker is the actual bike companies a couple of which are trotting out the non serviceable line , Having said that maybe it's just easier to buy a tqTQ as pin rings ( harmonic drives are a bit more highly strung than meshing gears)...
  3. M

    TQ Motor cost? Out of warranty Is the reason I asked About June this year article ?
  4. M

    TQ Motor cost? Out of warranty

    I wonder if bikes are included in the right to repair legislation
  5. M

    Comment by 'mmcengineer' in article 'The most reliable motor brand (in Norway)'

    to borrow a term i think a lot of the bicycle world is minimum viable product with an allowable failure rate built in, the manufacturer being the decider on what is allowable and a QA team monitoring the figures on cost vs action
  6. M

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    Is pepper spray illegal in Greece ? Is that where your original problem was?
  7. M

    cycling and aggressive dogs!

    In another parralel universe there will be a dog forum complaining about angry mentalists on motorized bicycles
  8. M

    Review 2024 Amflow PL Pro 800 wH

    Wait till you see the trick stuff inspired brakes wot was made in china the reviews will blow your mind
  9. M

    Brand new 2023/24 model Orbea Wild M10 in raw carbon titanium frame finish quality!

    Paint is dodgy carbon , not an issue at all, you were expecting it to look like a shiny jewel piece from Motorsport and that's not what unidirectional carbon looks like, what you have is reasonable
  10. M

    Ride carefully - I fell and had a life changing stroke!

    Good to hear you wife survived
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    Ride carefully - I fell and had a life changing stroke!

    there is one thing i will tell you , ya will keep on improving and look back on how far you have come , not many people realise how absolutely serious a brain bleed is
  12. M

    Microspline cassettes and chains

    isn't a slx micro spline cassette 60 odd quid From merlin right now?
  13. M

    Devaluation/current state of the market

    id pardon your atempt to be obtuse , but the forest fire you had no control over burned down your entire house anyway
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    Devaluation/current state of the market

    I dont find it funny that people would rather watch the world burn but it is what it is , lemmings are going lemming doesnt matter how pious i am in my beliefs
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    Devaluation/current state of the market

    You can drive your ev and try every single think to save this planet , problem is its a ticking timebomb waiting for whichever other despot is ready to push a button , i doubt very much that the amount of things we have all done this year to mitigate climates will be a drop in the pool in...
  16. M

    Devaluation/current state of the market

    My other bike which is a supercaliber needs a new rear derailleur , the AXS one is 600 quid plus .......if it had been a cheaper bike when i bought it it would be in the canal lol
  17. M

    Devaluation/current state of the market

    Similar story on a guy iknow with a lease/pcp car , dont think the BIK tax he saved covers what he owes , poor sod
  18. M

    Devaluation/current state of the market

    An associate i know who has his own business jumped on the EV bandwagon he was telling us down the local pub t other day he owes porsche for the Taycan he has sat on his drive if he wants to get rid of it.
  19. M

    Fuel EXe Trek Fuel EXe Megathread!

    Believe it or not precision bolts are quite common ,maybe your looking at stock iso bolts , stripper bolts (yes i recall thats the name) are precision ground in various tolerances we use mainly h7 in titanium , theyre a standard tolerance, i think engineers in general expect so much more, I...