I did a bit more reading up on it now and it seems like the blocker is the actual bike companies a couple of which are trotting out the non serviceable line ,
Having said that maybe it's just easier to buy a tqTQ as pin rings ( harmonic drives are a bit more highly strung than meshing gears)...
to borrow a term i think a lot of the bicycle world is minimum viable product with an allowable failure rate built in, the manufacturer being the decider on what is allowable and a QA team monitoring the figures on cost vs action
Paint is dodgy carbon , not an issue at all, you were expecting it to look like a shiny jewel piece from Motorsport and that's not what unidirectional carbon looks like, what you have is reasonable
there is one thing i will tell you , ya will keep on improving and look back on how far you have come , not many people realise how absolutely serious a brain bleed is
I dont find it funny that people would rather watch the world burn but it is what it is , lemmings are going lemming doesnt matter how pious i am in my beliefs
You can drive your ev and try every single think to save this planet , problem is its a ticking timebomb waiting for whichever other despot is ready to push a button , i doubt very much that the amount of things we have all done this year to mitigate climates will be a drop in the pool in...
My other bike which is a supercaliber needs a new rear derailleur , the AXS one is 600 quid plus .......if it had been a cheaper bike when i bought it it would be in the canal lol
An associate i know who has his own business jumped on the EV bandwagon he was telling us down the local pub t other day he owes porsche for the Taycan he has sat on his drive if he wants to get rid of it.
Believe it or not precision bolts are quite common ,maybe your looking at stock iso bolts , stripper bolts (yes i recall thats the name) are precision ground in various tolerances we use mainly h7 in titanium , theyre a standard tolerance, i think engineers in general expect so much more, I...