After a massive fire at the worlds largest battery power facility (Moss Landing), TIL that "The electrolyte in a lithium-ion battery generally contains lithium hexafluorophosphate (LiPF6)". Combustion produces HF gas (hydrogen fluoride), which is an insidious toxin. It attaches to bones...
The Gen1 Specialized Levo has a set of rotation stoppers. You could look at them if you know anyone that has one.
I have always hated them and I can't understand why they are there.
It is possible that the pack has discharged below the voltage the BMS will allow charging. To remedy this you you can "jump start" the pack. First off let me say that what follows is a common, but still a "Black Diamond" level technique.
First, you will need access to the output of the cells...
I am new to the T-type, but have questions:
- I've heard about the chain rotation methodology. With all the chain changes, what do you do about the Powerlock being "single use"?
- Are you using one of the new style chain checkers? Where did you get the 0.5% for T-Type?
If this procedure works it means the battery charge level has gotten so low that the charger does not think it is chargeable.
What happens next is the charger attempts to charge and then the charger senses a problem, throws an error and shuts down.
In doing this procedure you have sent a small...
Specialized has sold a replacement switch (without a converter). I used it to add the switch to my MY2016, which did not come with a switch.
I ran the wire between the battery and the frame, but could have cut and spliced the wires. I did not want any water intrusion.
So 10S/7P? Nice!! And you still have access to the original ~500Wh pack?
What BMS did you use?
I am interested in the ideal diodes you used.
Do the 2 packs act as one or does one of them draw down first?