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  1. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Pivot Shuttle AM is also $6k right now, better bike and better looking. No tax, free shipping and an additional 11% off, pretty solid if you want a GEN 4 bike. My LBS (Bikers Edge) has so many great deals on GEN 4 bikes right now.
  2. ckkone

    Santa Cruz Vala

    475-490 reach is great for some 6’. I don’t even know what we arguing about. Don’t know how Canyon labels their sizes and don’t care.
  3. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    If you need more range than 600Wh don't buy a vala. I got a vala and don't need more than 600Wh no plans to use the ugly range extender. There are lots of ugly underwhelming bikes with big batteries to choose from.
  4. ckkone

    Santa Cruz Vala

    That was more a by product of trying to make a giant battery removable. 495-500mm reach is not good for someone 6' or shorter. No clue what a Geometron is and don't care.
  5. ckkone

    Dji avinox- Amflow

    You can and people have bought them off Alibaba.
  6. ckkone

    Amflow PL Carbon Pro Dream Build. The Liberace Edition.

    You want my opinion on what to buy, not sure why you care what I think?
  7. ckkone

    Santa Cruz Vala

    I’m 6’, the L is perfect. Yes I did try an XL and I could ride it but it felt really long, don’t size up on bikes that trend is over.
  8. ckkone

    Amflow PL Carbon Pro Dream Build. The Liberace Edition.

    Sorry but you can't change my mind, I still think Trek, Specialed and AMFLOW are poser brands.
  9. ckkone

    Other 2025 Rail Gen5 bikes

    I thought it was air bubbles in the clear wrap, LOL
  10. ckkone

    New Bosch CX generation 5

    They changed the design of that bushing, you have an early one. Call your dealer and get the new bushing and problem solved.
  11. ckkone

    2024 Bullit Vs LT Vala

    Fully replaceable, just remove motor first.
  12. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    It will be all of those and still outsell the Alibaba Amflow. Yeah Amflow made a statement, lets check back in a year or two and see how those frames are doing. I've owned a few DJI products, none of them are still working.
  13. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Ibis is using an old motor thats why its less expensive. You can get a PIvot Shuttle AM for $5999 right now as well.
  14. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    All that sounds great.
  15. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    Specialed has the most expensive EMTBs on the market, not Santa Cruz, Pivot, Yeti, Ibis, Crestline, etc…. When you compare them apples to apples Specialed always costs more and generally has worse house brand parts for the cock pit.
  16. ckkone

    Levo Gen 3 Levo Gen 4 2023/4/5/6 Rumours...

    4 stroke, 🤮