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  1. E

    Does penetrating spray have downsides?

    Got a set of these to protect my brakes from lube vapour: So in the never-ending battle between dirt/rust v. pivots/bearings, what is not to like about regularly splooging said pivots/bearings with this stuff...
  2. E

    Looped out shorts caught on saddle, please post links for ; new shorts, crotch grease and freeze spray 🙏

    On a technical note; on consideration I feel being in Turbo on a Bosch Motor made the incident a whole lot worse. could not get off the pedal so the power stayed on, then the overrun.... It was a very lively dismount and I will be a bit more cagey about use of TURBO for techy climbs in future . . .
  3. E

    Am considering doing my own bearings am I a fool?

    No. Nor have I checked under the bed for monsters (lately)
  4. E

    Looped out shorts caught on saddle, please post links for ; new shorts, crotch grease and freeze spray 🙏

    The dropper cable got dislodged it was really easy to fix
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    One 55

    2020 ActionTeam
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    One 55

    I have to say though, changing the dropper cable is an abslote nightmare
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    One 55

    went from 202 140 AT to 155MT. Awesome upgrade. Much lower and sportier.
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    Looped out shorts caught on saddle, please post links for ; new shorts, crotch grease and freeze spray 🙏

    yeah was thinking I might go with that, at least until the sales...
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    Looped out shorts caught on saddle, please post links for ; new shorts, crotch grease and freeze spray 🙏

    Haha that's a good one made me laugh. Actually no piano but I swear I heard this on the wind
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    Levo Gen 2 Levo battery is dead

    This is 100% up to you, noone on this forum has any real insight into this.
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    Cracked allmtn 7

    A new frame is going to be >1000, if you can claim, claim IMO
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    Cracked allmtn 7

    Nowadays with cycles You'd have to deal with the 3rd party UK distributor to get to the manufacturer, it's a fog designed to decouple responsibility #corporateworld :(
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    Opinion Request

    yep full power bike for bad knees. I speak from experience. My knees massively repaired rehabiltated by full power assist. Some physiotherapists now recommending ebikes!
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    Waterproof Trousers Recommendation

    Tried a lot and you're gonna wanna hear this but the winner is a full body dirtsuit with a hood (water can't get in the top)
  15. E

    Bosch walk mode uses how much battery?

    Walk mode is a huuuuuuge batterty saver compared to riding on soft/boggy ground because the real energy drainer is the rolling resistance. Done a fair bit of long loop Welsh mountain riding and I routinely dismount and push on hard-pedal boggy stuff because it's just not worth the joyless joules...
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    Cracked allmtn 7

    While your beef is with Haibike, the only place you can apply pressure is the retailer. You won't get anywhere with Habike, the retailer won't get anywhere with Haibike. The only give you're gonna get is with the shop. I don't envy the shops ATM...