Finally removed the free hub. The bearings had started to rust and that seized them onto the shaft. Do you know what size/type of bearings fit into the free hub body?
I have just changed the rear cassette on my 2020 turbo levo comp and noticed the cassette wobbles slightly. It appears that the free hub body rattles slightly against the hollow shaft that passes through the whole hub. I can't work out how to remove the free hub body. I have taken off the...
Hi, My 2020 Turbo Levo Comp needs a new rear cassette, chain and chain ring. The original bike came with a SRAM XD PG1130 cassette (11 to 42 tooth), but can I change it for a XG1150 chainring (10 to 42 tooth) without any problems?
Problem solved. I removed the hose and the jammed lever still persisted. I realised that the lever has a one way valve at the hose end that prevents fluid leaking if you take the hose off. The ferrule on the hose had moved just beyond the end of the hose insert and therefore the one way valve...
No, the pads are away from the disc. The wheel spins freely. The lever doesn't move at all. It's as if something inside the lever is jammed and won't move.
Can anyone help? I've just bleed my guide re brakes and I have an issue with the rear brake lever. I put the brake pads in and fitted the rear wheel, then went to pump the rear brake lever so the pads adjust to the disc. After 2 or three pumps the lever is rock solid. It doesn't move the caliper...
I've manage to bend my drive side crank arm on my Turbo Levo 2020 model. The Specialized website just says Praxis M30 crank with custom offset. Are there any other makes/models that are direct replacements for the Praxis crank? Are these cranks universal with other ebike motors, or just...
The fork/bike is about 3 months old and I've ridden about 700Km with the shop set sag and pressure. I have found the fork to be a little harsh on small bump sensitivity, so I thought I would try different settings. I have just removed the retaining spring on the dust seal and pushed a cable tie...
Still no luck. I have let all the air out of the fork leg and pumped it up at about 15 psi increments, then cycled the fork each time. If I remove the pump and reconnect it, then I have no pressure showing on the gauge. I have to operate the pump until the pump pressure balances with the fork...
I have removed all the air and the valve core from my fork leg. I've checked the valve core operates smoothly and refitted everything back together. The Rockshox website recommends a starting pressure of 93 psi for my weight and ebike. The gauge does read a pressure when inflating the fork, bit...
I've screwed the pump as far as I can with my fingers. I've released small amounts of air from the fork a couple of times to check the valve works. I still can't get the pump to give a pressure reading. I have another bike with Fox 34's and that works perfectly OK, it's just this Lyrik I can't...