On my Sommet I've emptied the battery twice. One was a 5000ft 24 mile ride on mainly rocky stuff all in Eco. Other was on 4000ft 20 mile ride with softer ground conditions and needing to use a bit of boost to get up a particularly wed and slippery climb (which used a bar in itself).
I've done...
Since having a go on my medium deore the missus decided she must have one too. There was only the VR version available in small so that's what she got.
I got chance to nick hers yesterday as she was at work so I could compare the two bikes.
So I'm 5'6 1/2" with a 30" inside leg. On the small...
Mine was a pro2 evo so hopefully the pro4 will be more reliable. When mine blew it's pawls it took the small freehub bearing with it too.
DT do a star ratchet system might be worth a look
I'm 5'7 and ride a medium e-sommet Deore, she had a go on mine this morning and other than the dropper having to be at the bottom found it ok, so fingers crossed with a bit of fiddling with the dropper she'll be ok
So let the wife borrow mine this morning and she's hooked. So now the search begins for a bike for her. Looking for a small or maybe an xs full suspension, ideally with a Shimano motor but struggling to find stock of anything around the £3k mark on stock to try.
Anybody seen anything on their...