A heavier bike needs easy gearing. I bought a Haibike and at the shop before delivery i had the cassette 10 speeds 11-36 replaced by a 11-42 that was a smart move. The link is to a calculator
I guess you know your system has a 2.5 multiplier so your 14 teeth is like a 35
Sheldon Brown's Bicycle...
I got my first Ebike(i have many bikes) a few months ago. It is a HT Haibike, also Yamaha 2017, it has 4 assist levels, about 50%(wich is useless for someone in shape) 100% 180% and 280%. What are your levels? Do you have walk? I tested a Shimano 8000 kind of noisy even on econo and i hope to...
In Quebec finding 1 to test is a pain. Sold out in most models and sizes. After majors improvements in 2019 they will just milk that, well that is my guess. Please let us know what you find out.