I’m sorry to report that my motor, using the new firmware installed before any symptoms, just died. A few clacking noises, followed by the winning the the blue and red leds. Turned off you can still feel something as you push the bike, and it won’t go backwards at all.
Bike has 2.000km on it...
How many of you do the loweres maintenance by themselves. Feeling like my suspension could use some maintenance and wondering if I should venture into doing it myself. No good service center around here, so sending them to Fox means a couple weeks without bike. Just not sure about the hassle of...
I'm looking to get a Enve M6 bar to replace my Levo's SL stock bar that I trashed this weekend. I was looking for the 25mm rise version but is out of stock everywhere. The stock bar is 27mm rise I believe. Still have some space to move the bar up on the stem clamp, so I wonder if getting the 7mm...
I have both the Levo and the Levo SL, and the mode I ride the SL the more I like it. If I had to choose and have just one, I would probably still go for the Levo, but both have their use cases no matter how you ride. Love how nimble it feels, how good it pedals above the assistance limit, and...
ahaha can relate so much! Is the brake on? What’s going on?! Once you get used to the pull of an ebike I suspect very few of us can truly enjoy a regular bike.
Bought a Santa Cruz 5010 2 months after my first ebike thinking it would force me not to loose touch with the acoustic world. You’ve guessed it, sold that bike in mint condition.
I’ve just bought a Levo SL which I hope will bridge the gap between a full ebike and an acoustic. If anything, I’d...