surprised at the lack of response, not a lot of people wrenching on their own motors i guess...
- factory recommended motor mount bolt torque is 10-12.5Nm (89-111 inch lbs). since they came loose at what I assume is this factory recommendation, i will apply liberal amounts of loctite 243 and...
Pulled the motor today. wow compared to a cheapie chinee rear direct drive bike, removing & accessing the motor innards on these is a breeze!
Found 2 or 3 of the motor mount bolts loose - 1 or 2 were only at 50 inch lbs (5.6 Nm), 1 was finger loose, and the other 3 were around 170 inch lbs...
I just today picked up a Devinci AC with a bit of a creak on the cranks - will try all points suggested one by one and report back what fixed it (if i can fix it). Bike has about 1900 kms. will report back once I know...
I worked in the fitness industry 20+ years, just as DC motor powered treadmills were really becoming popular. Even the high end brands initially were putting motors and controllers that were ~30-50% under powered by today's standards. I suspect it may be the same with e-bikes - we need bigger...