So the up button broke off my selector switch. I was just setting my bike down and my gloved hand snagged the button and snapped it right off. 🤨 Looking close I can see what appears to be a bad design. The underside of the button pad has a sharp edge that can very easily get snagged. This part...
EUREKA!!! Finally ! Mikerb your a saviour, now that I understand what I am actually dealing with, I can indeed start experimenting. 🚴
My eternal gratitude, Cheers 🍻
Here is some further info I have unearthed in reference to the speed sensor set up on Yamaha branded ebikes.
“Yamaha Zero cadence support with 2 freewheels
Most mid-drive motors (like the Bosch) have just one freewheel, this is used for pedaling without turning the motor. With just a single...
Guy’s I appreciate the suggestions for sure but, I still don’t understand when the sensor would be outside of a constant magnet field since the magnet is Always in contact with the sensor. I can’t see any time in the wheels entire rotation that it’s not. If I was to use any other configuration...
Rustyiron I totally concur, and that was my point. There’s a big difference between a single fixed magnet that passes the sensor once every wheel revolution as opposed to a circular magnet that is always in contact with the sensor. Hence my poorly worded “gap in the field “ scenario 😀. Honestly...
Here’s what Yamaha says about it , plus the parts breakdown.
I have looked up all the Yamaha branded ebikes and the rear magnet set up is the same on them all that I could find. 🤔
Hmmm I don’t see how a circular magnet could be inactive when nothing changes except the speed it spins at. The pick up face is constantly within the magnetic field and the field never changes no matter how fast it spins.
Here I have inserted the axle and am holding the complete magnet assembly to show the correlation to the pick up. The entire face of the magnet passes very close to the pick up as seen here.
Here is a better pic you can see the pick up mounted and the grove the magnet housing slides into to prevent the outer mag housing from spinning. The circular magnet clicks into the inner mag housing with the male splines which fit into the centre lock hub. So the inner housing spins with...
If you look at the last picture I have partially inserted the magnet assembly into the hub. It engages in the splines in the hub. When pushed right in the plastic assembly has a recess where it slides into the frame. In the second pic you can see it sandwiched between the frame and wheel assembly.
Sorry about the pictures, I’m not sure what happened. This bike has no mods as far as all the sensors and electronics go. It appears the Yamaha branded bikes are a whole different story then bikes using a Yamaha motor. The Moro has the x-2 motor which to date has no limiter’s available even...
Could someone explain to me how the rear hub magnet on Yamaha branded ebikes works. I am not familiar with every single Yamaha model but the Moro Pro has a rear hub magnet that completely encircles the rear hub. The magnet itself is circular and slip’s onto the splines on the magura center lock...
Could someone explain to me how the rear hub magnet on Yamaha branded ebikes works. I am not familiar with every single Yamaha model but the Moro Pro has a rear hub magnet that completely encircles the rear hub. The magnet itself is circular and slip’s onto the splines on the magura center lock...
Old post but… pic says it all so depending on what size your rotors are (I would guess 203) you maybe outta luck for the back max size is 160mm.
I do have these new if interested let me know.cheers 😎