I bought the bike because it was Black Friday cheap, but it is genuinely a great trail bike. It feels a lot like my Reign despite 10mm less travel, its just heavier. Really need to take it to bpw and see how handles technical trails. Coil shock and new back tyre next, the Rekons are a bit...
Actually remembered to stop throwing it around for a minute and take a picture. As surprisingly good as the fitted 4pot Shimano brakes were, the Hopes are alot better ;) spent three hours at Chicksands this morning hurling it down the trails. Twenty runs down and back up towing the boy holding...
I haven't swapped my jam2 for a coil yet... but on my 2016 reign it was night/day difference after setting it up. It was plusher, smoother. The whole bike just came alive. The air shock was a basic RS monarch r and the coil was a Cane creek DB with a 650 lb ti spring (at the time I was 116...
So, I mentioned in the intro forum that I got a jam2 6.8 plus cheap from Rutland cycles on a black Friday deal . Took it to chicksands and was much more agile than expected. As I'm gonna keep it now I thought I would change out a few parts.
So first on was Maxxis high roller 2 2.5wt then 780mm...
Wow, replies. Where to start... So rim tape is factory fitted by RaceFace as tubeless ready. The issue appears that the wheel is a very slight v shape and I can't get the almost too tight tyres anywhere near the rim bead to start them off. So then the air blast runs out of puff. The new high...
Hi all, so black Friday struck early and after being brainwashed by Google ads for a week, I had to buy a Jam2 6.8 plus from Rutland last monday. Taking it to chicksands in the morning maybe to see how it compares to my reign. Fingers crossed. So far I changed the handle bars to renthals and put...