STEPS E8000 Motor Service


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
which could be too slippery for clutch bearings.

If I remember, I reused the "old" white grease for the clutch and OKS 270 for the teeth.

All my ball bearings are now sealed and on both sides.
Originally, only the ball bearing on the right of the axle is sealed on both sides,
and the one on the left only on one side... !!!

The clutch has a good grip like new.

But if you reed the OKS papers, this grease should do all what we need >>>
non corosive for platsic, rubber and coated and non-coated PCBs,
high pressure,
non dispersive by "high" rotations and quickly done "stop-an-go"

Please see Data Sheet pdf in GB or in DE.
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Dec 2, 2021
Grazie mille! Ottime informazioni, provo a comprare oks e vedo come si comporta.... Approposito, avete mica un metodo per aumentare la coppia?


Dec 6, 2021
Increasing the torque on a e7000? Maybe try overvolting? :p

More like increasing max current. Guess it can be done in hardware by altering the output signal from current sensors. On Shimano E8000 they used 2xACS723LLCTR-45AB-T. On Shimano E7000 it's a different part, I will have to look at an E7000 PCB but I guess it's a similar choice with analogue output proportional to the current sensed.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
Doubles étrennes pour Noël
Dubbla julklappar
Double Christmas gifts
Doppelte Weihnachtsbescherung

dubbla julklappar.jpg

108 Kilometer yesterday between minus 5° and 0°.
1500 Kilometer since 15. XI 2021 and my servicing of my E8000.
17423 Kilometer until 15. Novembre 2021 with the axle clattering diagonally like a metronome
18923 Kilometer since 22. XII 2019 with this 3rd Engine, the E8000.
22823 Kilometer since purchasing the Husqvarna on May 30, 2019

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Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France

How have you done that ???

I wrote, that nobody has to disassemble the torque sensor ,
but that it is possible without any trouble to remove his ball bearing.

Only do that peu à peu with a small screwdriver until you have free space enough to use the puller >>>

As a reminder, it was also quite easy during my renovation work to remove the bigger right ball bearing of the crank...
first by gently pressing it out with a small screwdriver on this gray magnet all around it...

A magnet is made of ferrite and is quite crumbly on impact.
This is why it is necessary to lift the bearing very carefully with a fine screwdriver
and by levering it all aroud it and by leaning the screwdriver on this gray magnet.
if you do that correctly, you will not disturb the torque sensor as well.

It would not be possible to mix parts of two E8000, and especially not at the level of the torque sensor.
For ist calibration and conservation of its parameters it seems easy to understand it.

But on the other hand, I am now wary of what is told without giving an exhaustive demonstartion
of a real disassembly and a real reassembly of this engine, and with photos of the job.

Today I have a ride of 96 km and the next few days we shall have more than +15 ° in Alsace.
I intend to reach as quickly as possible my 2000 km since the E8000 maintenance.
May be before New Year ?
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Dec 9, 2021
Oakley Ca.
It was greasy and slipped out of my hand and hit the ground 😭
I don't know were to get parts I don't get how the magnet broke I thought the circuit board would be damaged first
This sucks
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Active member
Feb 27, 2019
It was greasy and slipped out of my hand and hit the ground 😭
I don't know were to get parts I don't get how the magnet broke I thought the circuit board would be damaged first
This sucks
Try to find the magnet from somebody who has the motor with the electronic killed, so the mechanical parts are still in good shape. Try @Bearing Man , he may have parts to sell. Good Luck!!!

BTW, Shame on Shimano for not selling motor spare parts and force us to throw away good motors for any minor issue that would be easily fixable by replacing a cheap part
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Dec 6, 2021
It was greasy and slipped out of my hand and hit the ground 😭
I don't know were to get parts I don't get how the magnet broke I thought the circuit board would be damaged first
This sucks

I can help you with the magnet ring, I have some spare parts for Shimano motors.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
2000 km after servicing will be reached the 1st week of January, I have the flu since 2 days, but fortunately not the covid!


Even though I am 100% satisfied with my repair, there will come a day before this summer
when I shall put my 4th engine on, before doing my next arctic expedition, this time with a pedelec.

Commencal will remotely configure the circumference of my wheel.

Originally I have a 27.5"+ with 62-584.
But for a long time I have 50-584 with 2145 millimeters.
Currently the mileage between the GPS and the pedelec is totally equal.
I do not want to use anymore a derestricter only to fix the circumference because of the warranty.

Commencal told me they will set it to 27.5 "+.

But does anyone know the exact circumference used by Shimano for this 27.5 "+ ?

Should I ask for a setting of 27.5 instead?

Does anyone know the equivalence table by Shimano?

The E8000 has not to cut under 25 km/h ! With 27,5"+ it will do it, of course.

Stèle de Jean Bugatti à Duppigheim 20211228_102432.jpg

Mileage report at December 31, 2021

Kilométrage Husqvarna au 1 janvier 2022.jpg
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Active member
Feb 27, 2019
2000 km after servicing will be reached the 1st week of January, I have the flu since 2 days, but fortunately not the covid!


Even though I am 100% satisfied with my repair, there will come a day before this summer
when I shall put my 4th engine on, before doing my next arctic expedition, this time with a pedelec.

Commencal will remotely configure the circumference of my wheel.

Originally I have a 27.5"+ with 62-584.
But for a long time I have 50-584 with 2145 millimeters.
Currently the mileage between the GPS and the pedelec is totally equal.
I do not want to use anymore a derestricter only to fix the circumference because of the warranty.

Commencal told me they will set it to 27.5 "+.

But does anyone know the exact circumference used by Shimano for this 27.5 "+ ?

Should I ask for a setting of 27.5 instead?

Does anyone know the equivalence table by Shimano?

View attachment 79066
My 27,5+ with 2,8" tyre width is 2220mm


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
It doesn't matter what Shimano used, to seal the case.

But there is of course originally a very light transparent sealing film.

I use Blue Loctite for my pre-war cars since... over 40 years.

Before closing the motor unit, take care to remove this transparent film with a razor blade.


And when you rebuild the engine block tighten step by step and staggered the black screws,
as if you were doing it with a cylinder head of a car.

This is
1) to have a flat and clean seal plane without twisting the aluminium cover
and 2) to help the ball bearings to slide smooth into the housings,
without forcing, without putting them askew and ovalizing their housings.

am2 culasse 03.jpg

And even when you have very meticulously closed the block,
you will notice by the noise emitted by the gears
during the first 10 to 20 revolutions of the pedals,
that everything is going back a little better in its nominal place.

And you can enjoy yourself again for a long time !
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New Member
Jan 6, 2022
I mounted a new engine Steps E8000 on my eONE-SIXTY M#RIDA.
But after each switch on, write: Backup save ?
I always choose No.
I don't want it load my 10,500 km off the old engine to new one.
What should I do to turn this question off ?



Dec 6, 2021
I mounted a new engine Steps E8000 on my eONE-SIXTY M#RIDA.
But after each switch on, write: Backup save ?
I always choose No.
I don't want it load my 10,500 km off the old engine to new one.
What should I do to turn this question off ?

Choose Yes :)

The millage won't change as it's not a parameter you have access to. The backup refers to settings stored on the older drive unit that were saved (as a backup) to the cycle computer.


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France

2009 kilometers since E8000 servicing on November 15, 2021

22 rides from km 17,423 to km 19,432 without any trouble or doubt.

12 janvier 2022 et 2009 kilmomètres 20220112_144722.jpg
Obernai 12 janvier 2022  20220112_112010.jpg


Weird. What happens when you do the following?

I think I have now a real opinion since my complete and successful servicing of my e8000 DU,
and I would specify that I noticed this effect since the purchase on May 30, 2019
of my Husqvarna and before the first 17,423 kilometers of this third engine, the E8000.

When I opened the half dead engine on November 15, 2021,
I saw that there are two clutches and I attribute this effect that you show us with your video to the smallest of them:
it has a system as for winding a mechanical watch, when you turn the winder back and forth. I think this is "normal".

In the shifter of the derailleur you have a similar system with pawl and spring.

And I was very astonished that I didn't find any signs of wear or weakness
for all those little mechanical parts of this so small second clutch !!! :whistle:
So small and so reliable and efficient!


I posted in the battery poll thread but here it´s again.
Range increase comparison before and after servicing: 16% gain in range after bearing swap and grease

The inner ring from the left bearing of the crank had an enormous and noisy clearance of 0.5 millimeters.

I guess, there was therefore abnormal and higher friction and pressure between the gears.

However, since servicing, electricity consumption has not dropped at all, the range has not increased.
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Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Essex UK
Hi @KTMJack

See my post1 Post2 which might help putting the ring back on.
I suspect the ring and the hall sensor PCB should be replaced as a pair as the hall sensor may have been calibrated with the ring.
It would be interesting to know if they were not replaced together whether you could notice any difference, I think it would be subtle and would manifest by applying maximum torque at the wrong pedal position. @cream may have a better understanding on this than me.


Dec 2, 2021
eccomi qua, ho finito di rimontare il mio motore dopo averlo pulito e ingrassato.... appena collegato mi da w013 e poi subito e010... qualcuno sa come aggiustarlo?


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
eccomi qua, ho finito di rimontare il mio motore dopo averlo pulito e ingrassato.... appena collegato mi da w013 e poi subito e010... qualcuno sa come aggiustarlo?


Vi förstår inte vad du skriver.

Kan du snälla
1) skriva på engelska,
2) lägga in bilder
3) och ge oss så många förklaringar som möjligt av allt du har gjort på din motor?

Allt detta kunde hjälpa oss att ge dig svar.

Tack så mycket

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Dec 2, 2021

2009 kilometers since E8000 servicing on November 15, 2021

22 rides from km 17,423 to km 19,432 without any trouble or doubt.

View attachment 79808 View attachment 79809


I think I have now a real opinion since my complete and successful servicing of my e8000 DU,
and I would specify that I noticed this effect since the purchase on May 30, 2019
of my Husqvarna and before the first 17,423 kilometers of this third engine, the E8000.

When I opened the half dead engine on November 15, 2021,
I saw that there are two clutches and I attribute this effect that you show us with your video to the smallest of them:
it has a system as for winding a mechanical watch, when you turn the winder back and forth. I think this is "normal".

In the shifter of the derailleur you have a similar system with pawl and spring.

And I was very astonished that I didn't find any signs of wear or weakness
for all those little mechanical parts of this so small second clutch !!! :whistle:
So small and so reliable and efficient!


The inner ring from the left bearing of the crank had an enormous and noisy clearance of 0.5 millimeters.

I guess, there was therefore abnormal and higher friction and pressure between the gears.

However, since servicing, electricity consumption has not dropped at all, the range has not increased.
I would be very interested in this discussion of the clutches, because in my opinion, my problem could be there .... every now and then the crank and crankset get stuck and to unlock it I have to pedal back


Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
I made now 2772 km since servicing on November 15, 2021.

All is well, no issue with the torque sensor , no W013 + E010, no issue with the two clutches.
Crank axle is ok like new.

Oberhaslach 20220209_142326.jpg

Oberhaslach 20220209_133527.jpg
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Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
But today it's time for my 3rd engine, this new-old-E8000, to retire.

Now spring is coming fast in Alsace,
and my rides will exceed again my usual 100 to 120 km for the winter, to approach 200 km or slightly exceed it.

Because my Insurance Wertgarantie covers my Husqvarna with my 4th engine, the second E8000 purchased by Commencal,
for which it reimbursed me the full price on January 14, 2021.

I declared them my claim in extremis without hoping too much,
but half a day later Wertgarantie informed me of the bank transfer.
For Wertgarantie, the "total disaster of Shimano" was crystal clear.

Even if my servicing of my engine is 1000% reliable and durable,
my confidence in Shimano is still singularly limited.
I have an insurance that brings me home in case of a breakdown.

This 4th Shimano engine in 2,5 years must prove itself in use and with my trailer for my next new arctic expedition.
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Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
Compteur Shimano Moteur 4.jpg

After my lovely 2772 km with my super-serviced new-old E8000 in 2,5 months

I made now 1095 new kilometers in a month,
but with my 4th Shimano DU to be conform and covered by Wertgarantie, my insurance,
which reimbursed my new E8000 and has its Serial Number I had to declare.

My 3rd Engine, the new-old E8000, is now a good and reliable spare engine.

After each exchange, the display starts again by Zero.


But in these 1095 km with my 4th Engine, the second E8000,
I have had 3 times for a nano-second an assistance drop-out.
(Edit 27 VII 2022: I never have had again this curious issue / Now 3433 km with my 4th E8000.
I use battery grease for the contacts)

Uphill with 35x51, like ever on a quite macadam road and never with Boost,
because I only use for 99,99% Eco High with the standard 30% / 60 Nm .

Battery contacts have Pole Grease of course.
And by these 3 issues I had a full Akku or a little bit less between 5 or 4 .

The Shimano Display showed nothing,
but the Sigma Rox 12.0 showed a red popup with informations about a failure.
To see the gps-map again, I had to click down this popup, and that's all.


I ask me if my 5th Engine will be as ill as my two former E7000.
I had with them all the time this drop-out effect till the total break down and engine death.

I have never had to claim this with my 1st E8000.


My consumption is 5,1 Wh/km, that is a good goal. (In France not over 25 kmh.)
For exemple >>> Road Bike Tour | Vélo de route | Komoot

Voilà, Friends, that's all for today.

Have a nice spring (far away from the bombs)

de Elmerforst au Col des Pandours  2 b  .jpg
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