Kenevo Gen1 Official 2018/2019 Kenevo thread


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I didn’t trim anything or really tie it back properly so I think it could work.

Cool ! Stealing my ideas before I've even written them down ... :) What are they like regarding "interaction" ie, when you boing it up and down, do they rub or catch or deform into the tyre as they push against one another ??


Jan 1, 2019
Lol I’ve already put it back on the front, I was just mocking it up to show you what it looks like.
I can guarantee without trying that it’ll work. The bottom guard moves inwards to the motor as it’s a smaller radius and the top guard moves straight up in an arc.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Lol I’ve already put it back on the front, I was just mocking it up to show you what it looks like.
I can guarantee without trying that it’ll work. The bottom guard moves inwards to the motor as it’s a smaller radius and the top guard moves straight up in an arc.

I think we should have a thread "Ask Christian to try bizarre things on his Kenevo...." :)

OK, sounds promising .. can you put it back and take a picture from the other side ?? :p:LOL:


Jan 1, 2019
You know why I actually like that idea!
I am here for you all! Just ask!
I will get your photos later on, I am about to have a feed, watch a movie and get drunk so you will have to wait.


Jan 1, 2019
Ok as requested, I adjusted a little more curve on the top one and it fits better. Still touching on my tires but they are 3inches wide so I think you’d be safe with a 2.8.
Another option for a little less money.



Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I hate to say it.. but that actually works quite well...

Unlike your ?... You can still type ?

On a test ride and waiting for others.. factory reset... 6kms .. only used 7%.. that's a first.. was on 90% tarmac.


Jan 1, 2019
I hate to say it.. but that actually works quite well...

Unlike your ?... You can still type ?

On a test ride and waiting for others.. factory reset... 6kms .. only used 7%.. that's a first.. was on 90% tarmac.

It does actually fit well and line up alright and yes I’m high functioning, I can multitask.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Quick ride report after my reset ..

First 6km's used 7% - outstanding !!

Overall 26km's 800m climbed. Rode with three analogues so steady with average of 11 kph. Only in eco factory settings 35/35 used 57% battery. So better than normal :) (did turbo for 10m to show someone e-bike acceleration, and think I trail mode'd down a hill after a crash and an accidental button press)

To amuse anyone who likes other peoples discomfort ... I rode like a complete spud on the first downhill section. 25% descent, very tight lots of trees and rock with just slippy crap everywhere else .. Only got about 1/3 of the way down when I threw in a spectacular OTB, which I'm sure would have looked amazing on video. As I tucked and rolled I saw the bike flying through the air above me - Kenevo's do look good. Bent front brake lever back to the bars and couldn't get it straight. Proceeded to ride abysmally with no front brake ... and OTB twice more !! feck. Three times, that's a record even for me ! One of the guys had a multitool , need to put mine back in my sack. So got the lever usable. Rest of the ride was great, though did have two more less spectacular falls when it went sideways on both occasions on wet roots. I'm afraid after such good experiences with the butchers, I'm now siding with the .... they need changing group- definitely not compatible with the surface here in winter.

Won't be riding for a few days, have somehow impaled my left inner thigh where there was no armour which is balooning up nicely, despite the horse liniment - tis but a flesh wound .. And some excellent bruising coming up in the right kidney area, despite the armour - though I know I did rag doll full backwards body slam into some nice rocks. Horse liniment has eased the pain in this area ! Go horse liniment ! :)



E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 19, 2018
Quick ride report after my reset ..

First 6km's used 7% - outstanding !!

Overall 26km's 800m climbed. Rode with three analogues so steady with average of 11 kph. Only in eco factory settings 35/35 used 57% battery. So better than normal :) (did turbo for 10m to show someone e-bike acceleration, and think I trail mode'd down a hill after a crash and an accidental button press)

To amuse anyone who likes other peoples discomfort ... I rode like a complete spud on the first downhill section. 25% descent, very tight lots of trees and rock with just slippy crap everywhere else .. Only got about 1/3 of the way down when I threw in a spectacular OTB, which I'm sure would have looked amazing on video. As I tucked and rolled I saw the bike flying through the air above me - Kenevo's do look good. Bent front brake lever back to the bars and couldn't get it straight. Proceeded to ride abysmally with no front brake ... and OTB twice more !! feck. Three times, that's a record even for me ! One of the guys had a multitool , need to put mine back in my sack. So got the lever usable. Rest of the ride was great, though did have two more less spectacular falls when it went sideways on both occasions on wet roots. I'm afraid after such good experiences with the butchers, I'm now siding with the .... they need changing group- definitely not compatible with the surface here in winter.

Won't be riding for a few days, have somehow impaled my left inner thigh where there was no armour which is balooning up nicely, despite the horse liniment - tis but a flesh wound .. And some excellent bruising coming up in the right kidney area, despite the armour - though I know I did rag doll full backwards body slam into some nice rocks. Horse liniment has eased the pain in this area ! Go horse liniment ! :)


I do have these pictures in my head now........???



Jan 1, 2019
Quick ride report after my reset ..

First 6km's used 7% - outstanding !!

Overall 26km's 800m climbed. Rode with three analogues so steady with average of 11 kph. Only in eco factory settings 35/35 used 57% battery. So better than normal :) (did turbo for 10m to show someone e-bike acceleration, and think I trail mode'd down a hill after a crash and an accidental button press)

To amuse anyone who likes other peoples discomfort ... I rode like a complete spud on the first downhill section. 25% descent, very tight lots of trees and rock with just slippy crap everywhere else .. Only got about 1/3 of the way down when I threw in a spectacular OTB, which I'm sure would have looked amazing on video. As I tucked and rolled I saw the bike flying through the air above me - Kenevo's do look good. Bent front brake lever back to the bars and couldn't get it straight. Proceeded to ride abysmally with no front brake ... and OTB twice more !! feck. Three times, that's a record even for me ! One of the guys had a multitool , need to put mine back in my sack. So got the lever usable. Rest of the ride was great, though did have two more less spectacular falls when it went sideways on both occasions on wet roots. I'm afraid after such good experiences with the butchers, I'm now siding with the .... they need changing group- definitely not compatible with the surface here in winter.

Won't be riding for a few days, have somehow impaled my left inner thigh where there was no armour which is balooning up nicely, despite the horse liniment - tis but a flesh wound .. And some excellent bruising coming up in the right kidney area, despite the armour - though I know I did rag doll full backwards body slam into some nice rocks. Horse liniment has eased the pain in this area ! Go horse liniment ! :)


Hahaha I love your Ride reviews!
Really brightened up my morning.

I think bike falls were invented to bring joy and happiness to everyone else. I even laugh when I fall.

Is that a little sadistic?

On a serious note. I bent my lever in half the same way you did. Took some muscle but
I got it back and it’s been fine ever since!

Glad your in one piece despite your clumsy ness!


Jan 1, 2019
That top tube is defiantly green and not blue, the picture doesn’t do it justice.
I’d go the black myself but the orange may suit the forks.


Feb 3, 2019
Massachusetts, USA
Your right about the photo not catching the color. It’s near impossible to get it right. The blue is quite teal-ish. Black is a no-brainer but the Hope colors are hard to pass up. Orange would be easy but I like the shock value of isolating the orange to just the fork.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
I think bike falls were invented to bring joy and happiness to everyone else. I even laugh when I fall.

Is that a little sadistic?

I think it's quite normal .. otherwise "friday fails" wouldn't get a 99% thumbs up ! :)

On a serious note. I bent my lever in half the same way you did. Took some muscle but
I got it back and it’s been fine ever since!

I was like "how is that even possible ? - you can't bend something which moves in that direction against an object and deform it so it stays there..." Didn't get much sympathy .. they said "it's ok, they're just SRAM" Got it 80% back to position, so needs some finer adjustment, so hopefully like yours, it will be fine.

Glad your in one piece despite your clumsy ness!

I think ineptitude would be more correct !!! :) You'll be pleased to know that my falls obviously looked painful enough that the guy behind got off and carried his bike through my three crash sections .. :)


Jan 1, 2019
I think it's quite normal .. otherwise "friday fails" wouldn't get a 99% thumbs up ! :)

I was like "how is that even possible ? - you can't bend something which moves in that direction against an object and deform it so it stays there..." Didn't get much sympathy .. they said "it's ok, they're just SRAM" Got it 80% back to position, so needs some finer adjustment, so hopefully like yours, it will be fine.

I think ineptitude would be more correct !!! :) You'll be pleased to know that my falls obviously looked painful enough that the guy behind got off and carried his bike through my three crash sections .. :)

Haha the Kenevo take one to levels beyond their abilities, like the bike has its own mind. Sometimes I feel like my bike is taking me for a ride.
Speaking of, it’s Sunday morning and my bike is nudging me.


Jan 1, 2019
No disrespect to the shops but I’d be checking every bolt and that all Spacers/washers are where they’re supposed to be. Also checking all electrical connections/covers are secure.
They’re running a business and time is money. Things get missed.

For the money we pay for these machines, people should get more involved in maintenance. There’s a lot that can go wrong in between services and regular checks/maintenance can do wonders for reliability.
Personally I think this is why so many people have issues with motors/batteries/running gear.
Gone are the days of just riding a bike and not worrying about it not working.


New Member
Oct 8, 2019

Thanks for the add.
Got my small 2019 expert. Thanks to Encina Clayton bikes in California. So fun doing multiple runs in a short amount of time. I have a medium santacruz bronson cc for the Ebike restricted trails. question on my mission control. motor firmware is 5.0.4 and battery is 2.16.3 . Shuttle mode doesnt show on my mission control.
Plans on the kenevo.
1. Thinner tires 2.6"
2. boxxer fork or maybe 29" wheels up front?
3. Small ohlins coil on the bike is 411lbs/in for a 70kg rider. I'm 77kgs so loose weight or upgrade springs lol.
4. Chain stay guard is a must. I already put scratches with the chains rattling on a long rocky dh.
5. Ride more


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
motor firmware is 5.0.4 and battery is 2.16.3 . Shuttle mode doesnt show on my mission control.

5.0.4 is the latest motor firmware ..
Can't remember for the battery .. Sure someone else will chime in soon :)
I think Shuttle mode only shows for 2.1 motors. The Kenevo Expert has the 1.3.


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Can anyone explain the difference between Turbo and Shuttle mode?
Roughly .. Turbo gives you a high rate of assistance 3.8-4.1 * your effort (motor dependent) and give you upto the maximum the motor can provide.

In it's simplest break down, Shuttle sort of does the same, but instead of power being added based on a multiple of your effort, it's based on Cadence. The idea is that if you just want to "shuttle" back up and you're knackered from coming down and don't want to be knackered when you get to the top .. It pretty much just gets you up there without much effort, but won't lead to much of an engaging riding experience if you're tackling climbs for fun.

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