How is it with all the shortages going on, lorry drivers, fuel, bike bits etc they can still get all the Xmas shite in the shops two months early. 

because all of your initial statements are media hype rather than long before people realise when there is no news ( most of the time) the media invent it! When there is actually something worth reporting the media either ignores it or calls it a conspiracy theory if it does not fit with their editorial narrative. If they do report whatever it is, they will quote an unknown expert who will declare it being due to climate change and proving we all face 10 years time.How is it with all the shortages going on, lorry drivers, fuel, bike bits etc they can still get all the Xmas shite in the shops two months early.![]()
because all of your initial statements are media hype rather than long before people realise when there is no news ( most of the time) the media invent it! When there is actually something worth reporting the media either ignores it or calls it a conspiracy theory if it does not fit with their editorial narrative. If they do report whatever it is, they will quote an unknown expert who will declare it being due to climate change and proving we all face 10 years time.![]()
How is it with all the shortages going on, lorry drivers, fuel, bike bits etc they can still get all the Xmas shite in the shops two months early.![]()
Are you trolling or do you actually believe that?because all of your initial statements are media hype rather than reality
HGV driver shortages are endemic and have been for several years both here and in Europe well before Brexit or IR35. That is a matter of record. The reasons are largely to do with pay and terms and conditions, most especially for Class 1 HGV international drivers.Are you trolling or do you actually believe that?
The fuel shortages were caused by the lorry driver shortages.
The lorry driver shortages are caused by a number a things, with Brexshit and changes to IR35 being the primary causes.
Bike parts shortages are caused by the pandemic, with some factories either closing completely or switching production to medical supplies, and compounded by the worldwide logistic issues.
trap on the trail?
what outside of bike bits have you been unable to buy??Maybe if you thought beyond your home county bubble of affluence, you'd realise that both the world and this country are struggling to cope with supply chain issues.
There are fleets of container ships stacking offshore around the world's ports due to Covid affecting staffing levels and productivity.
Food, building and chemical supplies are being delayed for weeks and increasing in price.
The European trucking system although short of drivers is flexible because of the effectiveness of the multi drop process that exists across the continent, that since Brexit the UK has been excluded from. The IR35 change was just another reason for continental drivers to avoid UK drops and collections.
Why do you think the issue of sewage being discharged into waterways and coastal waters has arisen? It's because the water companies are struggling to get the chemicals required. Let's hope you're not inconvenienced when you have to start boiling water.
If you honestly think this is just media fiction you need to change your news sources.
walkers crisps?? disaster!!Currently only some foodstuffs, construction materials or if available only at increased prices. But if you had any knowledge or contacts in industry you'd know how many factories are struggling to get raw materials or at best coping with extended delivery times for smaller quantities than they've ordered.
If you actually tried to read or listen to interviews with logistic experts or those involved with running the ports you'd know that's it's only their expertise and planning that's keeping you from running out of common goods.
Your 'I'm alright so there's no issue" attitude is deceitful or at worst disingenuous.
Oh well, so long as you're alright, Jack.walkers crisps?? disaster!!. No items missing from our weekly shop and I have had no problems buying fencing, decking, power tools, hardcore, animal feed etc for recent projects at the house and stables.
Ah Mikerb, our very own staunch Brexiteer. No idea if you can see this Mike, since you blocked me on here for pulling you up when you brought up nudge, nudge, wink wink, know what I mean? cultural enrichment.
Unfortunately for you, I've spent a thirty year career in road transport & I can give you an iron clad, 24 carat assurance that your contention the driver shortage is shared equally across Europe is a pile of flowering bollocks. We have it far worse here as a direct consequence of leaving the EU & if you had a shred of integrity. you would own it & argue the price is worth paying for the greater benefits of leaving. But you don't do you? You deflect & dissemble & take people for fools which is very, very telling.
Excellent selective reading Mike, and your reply just confirmed my last sentence and please never refer to me as a mate.walkers crisps?? disaster!!. No items missing from our weekly shop and I have had no problems buying fencing, decking, power tools, hardcore, animal feed etc for recent projects at the house and stables. ..............and the lights are still on!
We are 2 years into a worldwide pandemic........of course there are repercussions but it is not the doom scenario you seem intent on drawing. Cheer up mate! I was raised in post WW2 years.......... years after the end of the war but ration books still in use for everyday products. Everyone was affected. This is no comparison.
The problem is that Brexit has curtailed the ability of the flexible pan European transport system to move goods in, around and out of the UK.You are just plain wrong despite your iron-clad, 24-carat assurance. It is disingenuous to lay the blame solely at the door of Brexit and factually incorrect.
The current driver shortage is Europe-wide and actually higher in Poland than in the UK with France and Germany not all that far behind. It is a complex issue and a long term trend over the past 15-20 years or so. Crap working conditions alongside low pay and an ageing workforce and not enough new recruits are among the main causes. Why on earth would a young person in the UK want to become an HGV driver?
The pandemic is another main cause (training issues etc). Demand for road freight increasing all across Europe (globally) and various other reasons and no doubt including Brexit to a lesser degree and no long term planning via government.
The neoliberal dinosaur, Thatcher's creation, the EU in its present "single market" guise, arguably played a much greater part than Brexit did.
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