whyte e180 rs


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
So after waiting almost 2 months for an e160 rs and constantly having the date pushed back i managed to catch a cancellation from the LBS of a 180 rs. 1 week later and here it is :)

proper photos will come but i just had to get it set up and ready to ride.

First impressions are that it feels super heavy and very slack compared to what i am used to and the suspension is going to take some doing to get dialled in. but DAMN this thing is nice :D Feels like it'll just pound the trail out of the way.

chucked some DMR V11's on that just came out as i prefer the composite pedals, grips i'm still wavering on but want to give the standard ones a good going over first.




E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
I just figured for the cost of the bike (and more matte finish) it wouldn't hurt to have a layer of minor damage protection.

I'm glad i didn't plan to charge the battery out of the bike often, it's a bit of a faff but worth the trade off in agility.

Mr President

Active member
Sep 20, 2020
ooooh. looks loverly.
will be interested to hear how you get on with the more Enduro set-up of the 180. Sounds like you were originally planning for a more trail oriented machine.
I bought the 160s couple of months ago and had it professionally invisi coated and it looks the business. Just as well I did it as the weather has not been kind. Only tried doing it myself once and will never repeat that experiment!
the 160 seems to be all the bike I need so far, but when there is so little penalty for extra travel etc... on an EMTB, one always wonders if the bigger beast might offer even more, without a downside.


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
After a fairly muddy ride today I finally gave in and fitted the rear mudhugger. But I need to sort out the space under it.



E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
So almost 100 miles in on the motor now. Few thoughts.

Dropper post collar doesn't seem to like sitting about an inch above the frame. Scared to tighten it too much but i need it just that tiny bit higher for comfortable powering along when i get over the assistance.

Turbo mode is just silly, i have been pushing my sceptical friends up hills and it is my arm that gives way before the motor. eMTB mode is my most normal mode for now as it seems to respond well to my natural high cadence. I do seem to notice the majority of people i come across on more casual trails seem to have really low cadence.

Rear shock seems to be going through travel a bit too easily so i'll be making some adjustments. But it feels so very planted over jumps and having the assistance cut out around the perfect entry speed for a lot of jumps is handy.

Got some more varied riding to come over the next few weekends to get a feel for what modes i need to use to make the most of the range. I'm happy to plod along in ECO with friends but when i'm on my own i might aswell make the most of the assistance going uphill.

Lower mudguard needs some work but the front fender and rear mudhugger are doing a fantastic job so far. Last little bit i might do for purely aethetic reasons is change out the grips.

So far a very solid 9.5/10
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E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020

You wait all day for another e180 and two come along at once ? was nice to find some company after getting a bit lost. Serves me right for not loading up the route on the GPS before setting off from the house. Had no signal at all come the visitor centre so i took a wrong turn and stubbornly just pedalled along then took a right and went up as high as i could :D

In doing this slightly off piste route i also discovered that it REALLY is not fun to try and get this bike over a locked gate.

However when i got to the point of photo 1 i was able to get the garmin to load up the ladybower loop that i wanted to do, just a bit down on expected range. So off i plodded soon to be blown away by how composed it was down through the rocky paths back down to the 'start'. I really got to get a feel for how more capable this bike is than I am. Slightly concerned about my estimated range i did a good chunk of the first few miles that weren't stupidly steep in eco mode. Once i had reached the first summit i really enjoyed the mostly flat to downhill open sections with rocks you could do little hops on, down over the a57 and crossing the dam to then be trolled by my garmin which sent me up a stupidly steep and technical trail for no reason. Being too stubborn to turn around i plotted the nearest trail to get me back on track which resulted in discovering what must be something bordering on a proper DH track which had some gnarly drops and with the extra slop was highly terrifying/enjoyable.

Back on the main trail and climbing again which eventually lead me around to the start of the beast and this is where my luck changed. Just as i was about to set off down a group of 4 appeared two of which had the v1 e180RS and didn't mind me tagging along. It was my first time being in a pack of ebikes and it was fun to be flying up the hills and then back down again.

Before i knew it i was back at the visitor centre and it was time to head home. Certainly need to do this again with a bit better planning (and beefed up arm muscles :D)





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mick ol

Jan 21, 2018

You wait all day for another e180 and two come along at once ? was nice to find some company after getting a bit lost. Serves me right for not loading up the route on the GPS before setting off from the house. Had no signal at all come the visitor centre so i took a wrong turn and stubbornly just pedalled along then took a right and went up as high as i could :D

In doing this slightly off piste route i also discovered that it REALLY is not fun to try and get this bike over a locked gate.

However when i got to the point of photo 1 i was able to get the garmin to load up the ladybower loop that i wanted to do, just a bit down on expected range. So off i plodded soon to be blown away by how composed it was down through the rocky paths back down to the 'start'. I really got to get a feel for how more capable this bike is than I am. Slightly concerned about my estimated range i did a good chunk of the first few miles that weren't stupidly steep in eco mode. Once i had reached the first summit i really enjoyed the mostly flat to downhill open sections with rocks you could do little hops on, down over the a57 and crossing the dam to then be trolled by my garmin which sent me up a stupidly steep and technical trail for no reason. Being too stubborn to turn around i plotted the nearest trail to get me back on track which resulted in discovering what must be something bordering on a proper DH track which had some gnarly drops and with the extra slop was highly terrifying/enjoyable.

Back on the main trail and climbing again which eventually lead me around to the start of the beast and this is where my luck changed. Just as i was about to set off down a group of 4 appeared two of which had the v1 e180RS and didn't mind me tagging along. It was my first time being in a pack of ebikes and it was fun to be flying up the hills and then back down again.

Before i knew it i was back at the visitor centre and it was time to head home. Certainly need to do this again with a bit better planning (and beefed up arm muscles :D)

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hi i like the bottle holder and bottle is it a drink bottle or tool bottle ,my bike same as yours should be arriving soon cheers


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
The bottle is for tools, its mostly padded out with shop towel to stop any rattles but i'd rather just carry water on my back and have less tools to land on if i come off. :) got some tyre levers, vinyl gloves, tubeless plugs, multitool for bike, multitool for random other stuff (knife) and some spare chain links in there and carry pump/shock pump and a spare tube in the bag.

It can come with an organiser but i just got the bottle only and the side loading bottle cage.

Lezyne Flow Caddy | Tredz Bikes

Only real downside is you have to remove the 'bottle' from the cage in order to charge the bike.

for now i'm taking practicality over looks, come the better weather i'll be happy to get rid of the big mud guards.

mick ol

Jan 21, 2018
The bottle is for tools, its mostly padded out with shop towel to stop any rattles but i'd rather just carry water on my back and have less tools to land on if i come off. :) got some tyre levers, vinyl gloves, tubeless plugs, multitool for bike, multitool for random other stuff (knife) and some spare chain links in there and carry pump/shock pump and a spare tube in the bag.

It can come with an organiser but i just got the bottle only and the side loading bottle cage.

Lezyne Flow Caddy | Tredz Bikes

Only real downside is you have to remove the 'bottle' from the cage in order to charge the bike.

for now i'm taking practicality over looks, come the better weather i'll be happy to get rid of the big mud guards.
cheers will check it out


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Fyi......I always carry a spare chain, powerlinks and a spare derailleur hanger on longer rides. In gathering those parts together for the E180 I was pleasantly surprised to find the hanger on the main Whyte website spares section. It even includes a search guide to select the right one. Other useful items there include touch up paint, complete headsets, and a comprehensive range of bolts and bearings.


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
So now i've had it for around 3 months.

I love it, so much. I've started to look forward into things i might need to change and i can't wait for the weather to improve so i can take the rear mudhugger off. It fulfills a purpose but it does look dogs*%t. Finding i'm pushing myself a bit more towards distance on my rides but also going a bit more confident on trails with jumps.

I've clocked up 576 miles to date, i'm on my second chain but i don't seem to be skipping in any gears yet. Today's ride was the longest to date which included a bit of playing around. Got a cheap action cam to try and actually record stuff for the future, it's a pain trying to set something up with my phone. :D

So whats in the pipeline? Well i guess when it is time to replace the casette and chainring i am considering going 10 speed deore as i rarely to never use the largest cogs and £120+ a time just for the cassette is fine if you aren't going through 1 a year i guess. Also tempted to get another set of handlebars to trim down to around 760mm but add another 10mm or so on the stem as i don't want to cut the original bars.

Hopefully this whole covid stuff calms down enough that i can get back to the bike parks.

Mr President

Active member
Sep 20, 2020
So now i've had it for around 3 months.

I love it, so much. I've started to look forward into things i might need to change and i can't wait for the weather to improve so i can take the rear mudhugger off. It fulfills a purpose but it does look dogs*%t. Finding i'm pushing myself a bit more towards distance on my rides but also going a bit more confident on trails with jumps.

I've clocked up 576 miles to date, i'm on my second chain but i don't seem to be skipping in any gears yet. Today's ride was the longest to date which included a bit of playing around. Got a cheap action cam to try and actually record stuff for the future, it's a pain trying to set something up with my phone. :D
View attachment 50302

So whats in the pipeline? Well i guess when it is time to replace the casette and chainring i am considering going 10 speed deore as i rarely to never use the largest cogs and £120+ a time just for the cassette is fine if you aren't going through 1 a year i guess. Also tempted to get another set of handlebars to trim down to around 760mm but add another 10mm or so on the stem as i don't want to cut the original bars.

Hopefully this whole covid stuff calms down enough that i can get back to the bike parks.
I wouldn't get that kind of distance/elevation from my bike unless I used ECO a lot. I guess I weigh a chunk more than you at 95Kg in my socks?


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
Failure to disclose :D

I'm running a volspeed 3 speed box which means when i'm on the flat/down i'm running in ECO and only using tour/turbo when i need the extra help. The really muddy trails won't have helped the range much. Not hitting a solid wall at 15.5 has made it feel like pedalling a normal bike, i don't go much quicker but being artificially slowed down has big disadvantages coming up to jumps.

I'm around 85kg riding weight. Before using the volspeed i was able to do around 30-35 miles on a full charge as i was using tour/emtb more often.

Mr President

Active member
Sep 20, 2020
Failure to disclose :D

I'm running a volspeed 3 speed box which means when i'm on the flat/down i'm running in ECO and only using tour/turbo when i need the extra help. The really muddy trails won't have helped the range much. Not hitting a solid wall at 15.5 has made it feel like pedalling a normal bike, i don't go much quicker but being artificially slowed down has big disadvantages coming up to jumps.

I'm around 85kg riding weight. Before using the volspeed i was able to do around 30-35 miles on a full charge as i was using tour/emtb more often.
thanks that's very interesting. I had dismissed tuning gizmos as I don't really want to go faster and was assuming battery would be used up quicker. Also a bit precious about the warranty. However, you approach does give me great food for thought. It's definitely an empty stomach feeling when the anchor goes down as you approach a jump!!


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
Something i was trying to keep track of was how often i am replacing parts

So far at 618 miles i've gone through 2 chains (well replaced one 300 miles ago), 2 sets of rear brake pads and 1 front set. Rear tyre is looking pretty worse for wear in the middle.

Looking like swapping onto the 3rd chain before replacing the casette as i've not had any issues with it yet and replacing one of the tyres. Just need to decide if i just get another assegai and swap front to rear or replace both with a different tyre combination entirely (something a bit harder wearing).

Got a spare chainring ready so just need to find the best value replacement of the cassette. Any ideas? Guessing 10-50t wouldn't be noticeable but is a little cheaper.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2020
Surrey, UK
Blimey, that’s extreme wear and tear! What sort of riding are you doing?

In 2200 miles on my Cube, it’s just had one new chain, cassette and jockey wheel change, but is still on the original pads and tyres, with loads of life left in them yet.

My riding on that bike is a mix of everything tbh, mostly off-road (fire tracks, cross country & red and blue routes at bike parks) but not much extreme stuff.

Singletrack Scene

Active member
Nov 14, 2020
So now i've had it for around 3 months.

I love it, so much. I've started to look forward into things i might need to change and i can't wait for the weather to improve so i can take the rear mudhugger off. It fulfills a purpose but it does look dogs*%t. Finding i'm pushing myself a bit more towards distance on my rides but also going a bit more confident on trails with jumps.

I've clocked up 576 miles to date, i'm on my second chain but i don't seem to be skipping in any gears yet. Today's ride was the longest to date which included a bit of playing around. Got a cheap action cam to try and actually record stuff for the future, it's a pain trying to set something up with my phone. :D
View attachment 50302

So whats in the pipeline? Well i guess when it is time to replace the casette and chainring i am considering going 10 speed deore as i rarely to never use the largest cogs and £120+ a time just for the cassette is fine if you aren't going through 1 a year i guess. Also tempted to get another set of handlebars to trim down to around 760mm but add another 10mm or so on the stem as i don't want to cut the original bars.

Hopefully this whole covid stuff calms down enough that i can get back to the bike parks.

I'll certainly be lacing in a Shimano hub, and fitting a 42 or 46t cassette, saying that I've got a set of Wide Enduro rims and Hope hubs on my regular bikes i could use.


E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
Blimey, that’s extreme wear and tear! What sort of riding are you doing?

In 2200 miles on my Cube, it’s just had one new chain, cassette and jockey wheel change, but is still on the original pads and tyres, with loads of life left in them yet.

My riding on that bike is a mix of everything tbh, mostly off-road (fire tracks, cross country & red and blue routes at bike parks) but not much extreme stuff.

The back tyre has mainly been getting torn to pieces by riding on roads/cycle paths, downsides of it being a very soft compound, the front is almost pristine in comparison since it has no real load on it. The brake pads have been getting a good seeing too mostly from much more gravity based activity.

I'd rather change a couple of chains prematurely than have to replace a ~£150 cassette early from heavy wear. If someone knows the correct part to swap to the shimano HG without too much faff i would be interested. (to run this for example New SHIMANO Original Deore M6000 1x10 Speed MTB Groupset 4 PCS 36T/42T Optional | eBay)


Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
I'd rather change a couple of chains prematurely than have to replace a ~£150 cassette early from heavy wear. If someone knows the correct part to swap to the shimano HG without too much faff i would be interested. (to run this for example New SHIMANO Original Deore M6000 1x10 Speed MTB Groupset 4 PCS 36T/42T Optional | eBay)
You'll need one of these I think to switch to HG if you have the DT 350 hubs. No idea which one ? Get steel rather than alu.

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2020
Please don't reply suggesting I should change my chain sooner or clean my drivetrain after every ride, or I will scream (again)
Thinking of setting up a replacement chain monthly direct debit with Wiggle
I'll keep my mouth shut ? Interested to find out if you get more miles out of the Deore 10 speed though. Currently have 500 miles on a 12-speed SX cassette, but have switched to my old-school bike for the winter.
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E*POWAH Master
Sep 6, 2020
I have no preference really in terms of brand, i just want something that doesn't cost a small fortune every 4-6 months (faster at this rate)

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