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Unanswered Which SRAM shifter can work with Shimano LinkGlide 10s derailleur?


Sep 10, 2020

I'm going to change the drivetrain from my current setup being the mix of SRAM Eagle (SX rd / NX cassette/ GX shifter) to Shimano LinkGlide 10s. This also means I will need to switch to Shimano shifter specific to LinkGlide 10s.

However, I'm not a big fan of the ergonomics of Shimano MTB shifters - I've used Deore shifter before in my acoustic bike, and I couldn't find a good spot for mounting the shifter on the handlebar. When mounted on the right side of the brake clamp, my thumb was often stuck between the up / down levers, on the left side of the brake clamp it was too far to reach comfortably. Moving the brake to accommodate was not an option, because it means that I would be messing up my ability to brake (which obviously is more important for security reasons).

I don't have such problems with my SRAM shifter, the current setup I have is spot on. I really like the bigger distance between the two levers in SRAM shifters, and especially the fact that the small lever has that "upward motion", as opposed to Shimano where both levers are pushed forward. Therefore, I'm trying to find a way to "marry" LinkGlide 10s with some SRAM shifter.

Of course there is a problem, because Eagle shifters use different cable pull than LinkGlide, so it means that I can't use my GX Eagle shifter, that's for sure. However, I did some research and I've found a table of cable pull values for various shifters:
Science Behind the Magic | Drivetrain Compatibility

It looks like the 11-speed SRAM has similar cable pull of 3.48 mm vs 3.5mm of Shimano LinkGlide 10s (it's not in the above table, but I've measured 35 mm of cable pull over the 10 positions).

Has anyone tried that already? Does it make sense at all and is even worth to try?

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