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wet TQ- failure.


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
Cześć. Od roku posiadam EMTB z silnikiem TQ. Przejechałem ponad 2000 km i wszystko pięknie działało. Aż do pewnego ulewnego deszczowego dnia. Padało bardzo mocno, a ja przejechałem ponad 20 km. Wróciłem do domu i następnego dnia mój rower nie chciał odpalić. Suszyłem go przez kilka dni, aż w końcu zabrałem go do dystrybutora, aby go zdiagnozować i naprawić. Jest to drugi tydzień i dystrybutor nie jest w stanie samodzielnie usunąć usterki. Wiem, że wymienili panel sterowania i nadal to nie pomogło. Czy ktoś miał podobny problem i wie jak go rozwiązać?


Staff member
Jul 15, 2020
Translation :

Hi. I have owned an EMTB with a TQ engine for a year now. I drove more than 2000 km and everything worked beautifully. Until one torrential rainy day. It rained very hard, and I rode more than 20 km. I got home and the next day my bike wouldn't start. I dried it for several days until I finally took it to the distributor to have it diagnosed and repaired. This is the second week and the distributor is not able to fix the fault on their own. I know they replaced the control panel and it still didn't help. Has anyone had a similar problem and know how to solve it?

@Dariusz Please write in English on the forum, it makes it easier for everyone to understand and obtain answers.


New Member
Jul 30, 2024

Cześć. Od roku posiadam EMTB z silnikiem TQ. Przejechałem ponad 2000 km i wszystko pięknie działało. Aż do pewnego ulewnego deszczowego dnia. Padało bardzo mocno, a ja przejechałem ponad 20 km. Wróciłem do domu, a następnego dnia mój rower nie chciał odpalić. Suszyłem go przez kilka dni, aż w końcu zabrałem go do dystrybutora, aby go zdiagnozować i naprawić. Jest to drugi tydzień i dystrybutor nie jest w stanie samodzielnie usunąć usterki. Wiem, że wymienili panel sterowania i nadal to nie pomogło. Czy ktoś miał podobny problem i wie jak go rozwiązać?

@Dariusz Proszę pisać na forum po angielsku, ułatwia to wszystkim zrozumienie i uzyskanie odpowiedziit


May 24, 2024
Sydney Australia
Hi. I have had an EMTB with a TQ engine for a year. I have ridden over 2000 km and everything was working fine. Until one heavy rainy day. It was raining very hard and I had ridden over 20 km. I came home and the next day my bike would not start. I dried it for a few days and finally took it to the distributor to diagnose and fix it. This is the second week and the distributor is not able to fix the problem on their own. I know they replaced the control panel and it still did not help. Has anyone had a similar problem and knows how to fix it?
Water and Electrics don't mix. There will be water ingress into one of the components or connections. It's just finding the damaged component.

Even though motors can have decent IP ratings. Water can be sucked in when the motor casing is cooled quickly, causing the air inside to contract and suck in outside air and moisture. This can be caused by riding through a deep puddle and having it splash a lot of water around the motor.

Also. You should vigorously dry all your bike's electrics after riding in the wet, to prevent condensation getting into the components. Then spray with water dispersant and wipe excess off.

Unfortunately there is no easy fix once the damage is done. The key is prevention.


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
sorry. It's my mistake.

Hi. I have owned an EMTB with a TQ engine for a year. I have ridden over 2000 km and everything worked beautifully. Until one heavy rain day. It was raining very hard and I rode over 20 km. I got home and the next day my bike would not start. I dried it for a few days until I finally took it to the distributor to diagnose and repair it. It is the second week and the distributor is not able to fix the fault on their own. I know they replaced the control panel and it still did not help. Has anyone had a similar problem and knows how to solve it?


New Member
Jul 30, 2024
yes, luckily the warranty is still valid for another year. But how to protect the bike from such incidents in the future. Is it just bad luck or a standard TQ condition?


Aug 3, 2020
The display is a known weak point for water ingress, and some people put tape over the button to seal it better. I've done this and have done many hundreds of km in the rain with no issue.

But you say you have had a new control panel already(I presume by control panel you mean the display?) , so in your case this is not the problem.

I think you have been unlucky, my motor has been used in all conditions and has been fine, they'll give you a new motor under warranty and this one should be fine.

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