Since converting to using a full face helmet I have been introduced to the ( 1st world!) problem of having to remove the helmet to take a drink from my water bottle. I have a backpack with aquapac but generally only use that on longer rides where the tools/spares also in the backpack would save a long walk back to the car in the event of a breakdown.
So I started to look at water bottle options and specifically if there were any with short aquapac type drinking tubes. I did find one on a site specialising in equipment for people bedridden or wheelchair bound but it was not the right diameter to be secure in a bottle cage and I also wanted both 500 ml and 750ml/1l sizes.
You can get the "soft" water carriers with the drinking tube but, it appears, no one has thought to do the same design with a solid bottle.
A short drinking tube 100/120 mm would fit through the chin guard of a full face helmet.
Am I missing something here? Any hacks or products I have missed?
So I started to look at water bottle options and specifically if there were any with short aquapac type drinking tubes. I did find one on a site specialising in equipment for people bedridden or wheelchair bound but it was not the right diameter to be secure in a bottle cage and I also wanted both 500 ml and 750ml/1l sizes.
You can get the "soft" water carriers with the drinking tube but, it appears, no one has thought to do the same design with a solid bottle.
A short drinking tube 100/120 mm would fit through the chin guard of a full face helmet.
Am I missing something here? Any hacks or products I have missed?