Was anyone on here a full blown ebike hater who converted?


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I was never an ebike hater but I have found that there are several things I don't like.
Falling off is incredible unpleasant as the extra weight of the bike can do a lot more damage compared to an unpowered bike. I don't make a habit of this but I'm a 70 year old rubbish rider.
I find downhill riding on an ebike technically far harder and more strenuous due to the additional momentum and I don't like the way the bike 'takes over'. It's just not necessary to have 75 nm to get up the hills. Traction is lost before so much power can be used.
Lugging the thing into the van and through gates is a real pain.
As a result I've just swapped my Powerfly for an Orbea Rise which is 7 kg lighter and feels like a 'trad' mountain bike. Lower powered, lighter ebikes are definitely the way to go as far as I'm concerned.
Agree I've fell or crashed more times in the past 2 years with Ebike than the previous 20 put together. If it starts to go it goes.


Jun 10, 2021
I was an ebike "trash talker" to my only friend who had one. He was a park rat, and very unfit and hated to pedal. So I saw it as a lazy way out when he got one. 2 years later, it turns out he got a lot fitter than he was by mostly riding an ebike, so it changed my perception on that aspect greatly. Another year later, and I have one and it has made me fitter than I've ever been even though it's my least used bike. I chalk it up to accidentally doing interval training by going full pin until I'm about to explode and then chilling out until I can go hard again a couple of minutes later. And getting out on bonus rides I may not do otherwise.

Rod B.

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2021
USA, Orange County Ca.
I will clearly state before I begin that I was a former hypocritical shit heel. I really really disliked eBikes. I was always polite to eBike riders, I kept my opinion to myself, but secretly I thought the eBike riders were lazy ass cheaters who did not earn the ride back down. Of course, this was all based on complete utter stupidity and severe lack of understanding on how Class 1 eBikes operate. Why let knowledge and truth stand in the way of blissful dumbass ignorance.

In 2019, I had my accident and completely destroyed my right ankle. I couldn't walk for 18 months. In April of this year, I finally got back on my bike. It was like starting over. My cardio was shot. I'd gained weight. I had absolutely no upper body muscle and my legs looked like baseball bats. I was vomiting on the climbs and couldn't keep up with my friends. One day as I struggled up a climb, several eBike riders passed me. They were talking about sports and laughing as the rode along. They were having fun, I wasn't. I envied them. Screw it....I threw in the towel and decided right there I was going to travel over to the "Darkside of the Force".

I took an Orbea Rise for a spin at my local bike shop. I now sort of imagine how a heroin addict must feel the first time they tried Heroin, although my drug of choice was an eBike. As I pedaled around the parking lot, it felt like the hand of an angel was pushing me on the back. The clouds opened up and warm sunshine fell upon my face. The world was good, and my legs felt like they were 20 years old again. What the hell had I been thinking....eBikes are a good thing.

When I took my Rise out on the trail for the first time, I got an awesome workout and I was able to keep my heartrate below 300 bpm. I could ride with my friends again. I now realize, you can have an incredibly hard ride on an eBike, or an easy ride, it depends on how hard the rider wants to push it. Some days, I don't turn on my bike for the first few miles, I ride in Eco mode and I sweat my ass off. Other days, I use the hell out of Boost. My legs have gotten much stronger, I love riding bikes again. My friends laughingly like to remind me of my former "eBikes suck" stance. I say everybody deserves a second chance at redemption.

I now like to spend my time writing letters to my local politicians, land managers, Parks and Recreation and the National Forestry Service which ban eBike access to trails and Rage Against the Machine. I am fascinated by the many utterly ridiculous and false assumptions used by land managers to ban eBike access to trails. I dislike being a second class citizen. Move over Rosa Parks, I'm sitting beside you. The fight is on, write letters and become involved.

Here are three of my favorite posters from the United States Forestry Service on eBike trail access.

This one is priceless. I wonder if they considered people with disabilities when they said "Do the Leg Work." I seriously want to choke the living sh** out of whomever made this poster.


Here's another gem...I know when I ride, I like to ride happily alongside my dirt bike riding buddies.


I love the old school 12" wide, 50 degree rise handlebar, 120mm stem in this poster. Unfortunately, my eBike motor doesn't go "Vroom Vroom", nor does the forest blur past from the speed of my eBike. I should like that.....

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Active member
Mar 11, 2021
Wife and I both rented eBikes while on holiday in Corsica. The bikes were typical rental bikes not well maintained but performed so well and we we had so much fun the idea was planted. Conversing with couple bike shop owners at a party weeks later heard them talking about the change in technology along with new people getting into eBikes. Started poking around looking then a friend who rides like an animal up in Lake Tahoe bought one. Asked him what his thoughts were and I was sold. At 66 I'm not getting younger. Riding more, enjoying more, and having more fun. Riding stuff I'd never be able to do. I love this thing!


Active member
Jan 31, 2018
I was a full blown cycling hater, till I discovered that having an EMTB gives me satisfaction even when going uphills.

No, really I had given up on MTB when I was about 35, returned back to the sport when I decided to buy an EMTB for my 50th birthday. Having loads of fun on the road and the trails on my Canyon. 18 months and 8400 km under my belt.


Oct 1, 2020
I bought my first mtb in 1984 in San Francisco and brought it back- a Gary Fisher, no suspension ( front or rear), no brakes to speak of ( ever heard of a suntour roller cam rim brake?), but lots of gears(3*8 or 9?). You get the picture, but FUN !

Over the years, I ” progressed” via Klein Attitude (ally frame ugggh), Merlin titanium hardtail (sweet), Orange etc until my LBS in the Lakes put me onto Santa Cruz. 20 years of multiple incarnations of SC had culminated with me on V3 carbon Bronson. My LBS kept saying “ what are you trying to prove? At your age, have some fun and enjoy riding again!” Ie try an ebike!

So, in autumn 2018, I was on the Bronson, my friend on a Giant Anthem and my wife on a rented Trek ebike.

She cleaned all the climbs, arrived first on all the climbs and for the first time in years she was smiling all day long, whilst we toiled and struggled and groaned. I borrowed her bike for the last climb of the day- eh voila. Ordered one for me two days later (from same LBS) who smiled, but never said “ we told you so”. Never, ever regretted that decision.

Took Turbo Levo to the Alps and cruised up climbs that had defeated me on the SC the previous summer.

Never looked back.

If you are still young, fit & strong, then stay “ au naturel”, but at my age & with two total knee replacements, get a life. And enjoy it.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I bought my first mtb in 1984 in San Francisco and brought it back- a Gary Fisher, no suspension ( front or rear), no brakes to speak of ( ever heard of a suntour roller cam rim brake?), but lots of gears(3*8 or 9?). You get the picture, but FUN !

Over the years, I ” progressed” via Klein Attitude (ally frame ugggh), Merlin titanium hardtail (sweet), Orange etc until my LBS in the Lakes put me onto Santa Cruz. 20 years of multiple incarnations of SC had culminated with me on V3 carbon Bronson. My LBS kept saying “ what are you trying to prove? At your age, have some fun and enjoy riding again!” Ie try an ebike!

So, in autumn 2018, I was on the Bronson, my friend on a Giant Anthem and my wife on a rented Trek ebike.

She cleaned all the climbs, arrived first on all the climbs and for the first time in years she was smiling all day long, whilst we toiled and struggled and groaned. I borrowed her bike for the last climb of the day- eh voila. Ordered one for me two days later (from same LBS) who smiled, but never said “ we told you so”. Never, ever regretted that decision.

Took Turbo Levo to the Alps and cruised up climbs that had defeated me on the SC the previous summer.

Never looked back.

If you are still young, fit & strong, then stay “ au naturel”, but at my age & with two total knee replacements, get a life. And enjoy it.
First bike Fisher Hookooekoo I still remember the tingling arms after a downhill.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Dec 3, 2020
Definitely not a hater but certainly envious (like it seems most acoustic bikers are around here) of ebikes, especially when my wife wanted me to ride with her (she is much more fit than I am). I still prefer to ride lift access or shuttle but since I have gotten over the sticker shock and sold all my other bikes, I am very happy with my ebike. The best times I had were when my wife had to really struggle to keep up to me on the way up. Then she bought an ebike and it is back to her being way ahead of me on the way up again so somethings never change.


Active member
Mar 11, 2021
Didn't answer the question at first crack - wasn't a hater, just a denier. Now a believer. As the old cereal commercial used to say, "try it, you'll like it."


New Member
Aug 14, 2021
You want to see full on emtb haters? Go over to Vitalmtb forums.

You think that’s bad? Check out the pinkbike comment section everytime an ebike is mentioned. These guys are insane. If you say something positive about an ebike, you’re downvoted to hell.

Check out This post where it was announced sam pilgrim had signed to haibike and read the comments. The absolute hatred from these people..


Active member
Sep 17, 2020
San Diego, CA
Was never really a hater, just very skeptical. After having the same group of pudgy, middle aged men blow by me going uphill 3 weeks in a row on emtbs decided it was worth looking into. After a little more than a year, all my bikes are ebikes and having the time of my life! Pushing 60 years old and ss much as I hate to admit, my choice of rides before converting was limited to my fitness level. Now I am no slouch, but not in same condition as I was in my 20's/30's.

Have a Specialized Turbo Levo S-Works, YT Decoy Elite and newest member is a Specialized Turbo Vado SL which is really fun to ride! Appreciate how much more I can enjoy the downhill because I'm not so wiped out. Average temperature last couple of weeks in my area (San Diego California) has been in high 80's to mid-90's. On an ebike I can get in a 2-3 hour ride.

Most of the comments I receive are positive and my feelings are to each their own. If you're not into ebikes, cool ride what you like but don't criticize others. To those who say riders who are not fully capable now have access to trails only skilled riders who "deserve" to ride them have to suffer, who the hell are you to judge?!!?


Aug 11, 2019
Hampshire UK
You think that’s bad? Check out the pinkbike comment section everytime an ebike is mentioned. These guys are insane. If you say something positive about an ebike, you’re downvoted to hell.

Check out This post where it was announced sam pilgrim had signed to haibike and read the comments. The absolute hatred from these people..

Trolling the ebike haters on pb is one of my great pleasures. :)
I assume pb readers are mostly spotty penniless highschool kids. Vital appears more mature.


Jun 22, 2021
I can't be arsed riding up hills and want to be comfy. Since that means having a heavy bike - enter the motor.

I had a kit on my bike in 2014 and at that time, I was sort of embarrassed. One ride in particular I remember was going to the top of Snake Pass and seeing another guy on a normal bike who'd ridden up with his legs only, I looked down in shame at my hub motor and pointed it out, he said something like "That's cheating though isn't it". I was like "Yeah".

Now in 2021 kits have come a long way as alluded to in this thread, how can you not want one lol. My old kit in 2014 was really REALLY crude in comparison, it was half the watts, half the volts, a fifth of the battery capacity, no display, no speed levels, no fancy throttle just a tiny little rock hard button you had to keep pressed in, no PAS on it and it was a front hub not a rear hub. I think the only thing the same as my current kit is they both had a controller. That only had 21 x Samsung 18650's in it and about 211 Wh. Now I'm using a 21700 beast of a pack with 65 cells at nearly 1100 Wh!
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New Member
Aug 18, 2021
Oxford GA
I went to the Trek store to order a new Fuel trail bike, but the one year wait to receive bike was too long. Although they did have a new Rail 5 ebike setting on floor, so I purchased it instead. I do not regret.
Nov 21, 2020
Tucson, AZ
You think that’s bad? Check out the pinkbike comment section everytime an ebike is mentioned. These guys are insane. If you say something positive about an ebike, you’re downvoted to hell.

Check out This post where it was announced sam pilgrim had signed to haibike and read the comments. The absolute hatred from these people..

Holy hell how sad. Sam seems like the nicest guy and he definitely deserves all the sponsors he gets... they're in there calling him a sellout. Not to mention he is a 10x better rider than most people will ever be, these people have no leg to stand on. sheesh
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Active member
Sep 16, 2020
Elkhorn, Wi
99% of those guys on PB are too big of pussies to ever throw a leg over an MX bike. Give them 30 seconds on an MX bike they'd either flip it, ride head first into their own truck, or cry arm pump...come to think of it, most likely couldn't even start one. They like riding slow and aaaahhhhhhhhhhcccccooooooustic. .

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