Thugs robbed of my Kenevo while cycling back from an MTB trail


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
north west
Hi All. A new member here and hello from Manchester!

Apologies for starting a new thread as I could not find a similar topic about this. After spending a month dealing with setback, I thought I write here to get past my traumatic experience faster and come out stronger...and who knows hopefully we can help each other.

On the 26th January this year, in the middle of a broad weekend daylight while cycling to home from my local trail, 3 male hooded thugs attacked and violently jumped on me. I fell onto the footpath, landed on my head first. One of the thugs took my Kenevo away, the other two ran into a getaway car on the opposite side of the road. Unfortunately I couldn't notice the car properly as I was temporarily passed out after I tried to get up. After a while, I managed to stand up, just to realise my mobile phone was out of battery to call for help. I was left shaken alone, injured, my helmet was broken, my jacket, knee pads and trousers were badly torn. There were cars passed by the road but none stopped.

I was so scared that the thugs might come back to take my wallet or anything valuable on me. I wanted to leave the area badly, so my immediate instinct was just to walk home as soon as I could. I did that subconsciously for 3 miles. After I had arrived home, I reported the incident to the Greater Manchester Police and went to A&E immediately for a check-up. I was concerned about my head injury but thank goodness it was only minor. There were bruises all over my body, I was in pain for a few days but fortunately it was bearable.

Fast forward one month later, GMP said they have closed the case since they did not have any witnesses, no cctv footage, etc. Basically there is insufficient evidence to bring anyone to justice but the investigation may be reopened if more information becomes available.

Insurance wise is currently in the process of obtaining a police report from GMP. They said they have requested for it and shall contact me again once received. According to them requesting any information from GMP can take time and as such a response may not be received for up to 28 working days or in some cases can even take longer. It has been more than a month now. Still nothing... very disappointing indeed...I do hope they honour my claims though...

I really missed the Kenevo. It was such a great bike. I bought it originally to have a quick blast on a trail and also for commuting. After this tragedy, I am not sure about riding alone anymore, be it commuting or on the trail. The thought of thieves robbing people of their bikes still haunts me.

Please keep your eyes open, if you see it or get offered a Kenevo that's too good to be true, please do a thorough check in the links below and make sure it is not a stolen bike!!

For anybody who rides alone, please be vigilant!

Stolen Specialized Kenevo

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Active member
Nov 2, 2018
That's a terrible event to suffer and I'm glad you are ok. I'm not surprised to be honest, it's not an uncommon event in my locality but they usually pick on kids rather than adults. I hope GMP respond soon and the insurance pays out.

Andy A

Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
North Yorkshire
So sorry to hear that awful story I hope you're ok now!

Don't let it put you off riding just really think about where you ride, we often drive to the North York Moors and I am confident there are no thugs anywhere around where we go, you can't stop doing what you really enjoy.


E*POWAH Master
Nov 19, 2018
Central Coast NSW Australia
A sobering reminder that anything can happen at any time, I tend to spend most of the time riding alone due to my work schedule and this has me thinking.
So thank you for the warning and I hope that your physical and mental recovery is a fast one.


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
north west
So sorry to hear that awful story I hope you're ok now!

Don't let it put you off riding just really think about where you ride, we often drive to the North York Moors and I am confident there are no thugs anywhere around where we go, you can't stop doing what you really enjoy.
Yes... a part of my life was robbed too:cry:. I was hoping to get a new bike soon but am not certain whether to go for an e-bike this time.

One of the main reason I bought the Kenevo was to have fun commuting. I would sometimes go off road on the way to work. So much fun back then. Not sure if I have the courage anymore- certainly don't wish to be a target riding an expensive bike 'alone'.

I won't stop doing what I really enjoy on the trail though.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2018
United Kingdom
A terrible experience for you and lucky you had bike insured. It was one of my main worries about buying an expensive bike as there is a lot of bike theft round my way but what the hell, live your life, you cant let the thugs win.


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
north west
Much appreciated for the kind words and encouragements from everyone here.

One good tip I had from the police officer is to avoid an obvious routine. A thief might drive down our street or follow us unnoticed and study our routine before he strikes. Make it more unpredictable and harder for them to plan.

Don't let the thugs grind us down!

The Flying Dutchman

E*POWAH Master
Jan 16, 2019
Wellington NZ
Sounds like an organized lot, that worked out a system.

I suppose they will now realize that E-bikes are poor currency given they will need to source a charger before they can sell it on and I'm sure well see more anti-theft protection built into bikes. Same thing kind of happened with phones/laptops other electronic goods, theives moved away from.

All Mountain Coaching

Oct 3, 2018
I've heard of this before, not good. It's good you got away with minor injuries and nothing more severe. Hopefully you're all sorted soon. There's some fucking scum about. I got followed home from a trail centre and my bike stolen on the evening. Found it for sale and he was arrested, bike semi recovered. Nothing happened. Not even possession. Don't think the police care about bike crime. They make more money than cars though.

Crasher 2

New Member
Feb 28, 2019
South Australia
The world is getting crappier day by day mate and I hope you get back on your bike ASAP. I tell the wife don't do the same walking routes or bike rides all the time as things like this can become a habit and the scum will see you very quickly and take advantage. Stay upright(y) cheers Rick


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
north west
This may be worth a look.
Sherlock Bike
Thanks Jansurf77. I did actually look into it. Unfortunately you can only activate the tracker when the bike is stationary. Ideal to track locked bikes but won't work when you are actually on the move (unless it's on active mode:rolleyes:). Check out their reply to me.

WhatsApp Image 2019-02-08 at 20.24.11.jpeg

Eeh (bah gum) biker

New Member
Jul 5, 2018
Folk need to be aware what's going on around when cycling alone - Don't be too proud to turn back or change direction if you see any dodgy cars lurking about or groups of lads loitering.
Give them a wide berth if you have no choice to pass them and as you do so stick your bike into turbo until your safely away.
Glad you're on the mend and hope you get your bike back in good shape or a replacement.


Apr 13, 2018
This really sucks - when I lived in London I had quite a few instances of kids trying to chase me or shouting at me that they where going to nick my bike. I grew up in London and it was a constant fact of life for as long as I can remember. Lost count of the number of beater bikes I had nicked when living there.

Police have never got on top of it.


New Member
Mar 5, 2019
north west
Even on max boost your get away speed is still unassisted after 15.7mph.

This is another good argument for a higher assisted speed, one that is beyond a human runner.
I had a Turbo Connect display meter on the handlebar and was going slightly downhill around 12mph before the thugs 'rugby tackled' me...

To put into perspective I think this video shows a clearer idea how I was pinned down..



Well-known member
Dec 16, 2018
I thought it was only a matter of time as the scum have been stealing Mx and enduro bikes like crazy. If I had a regular commute I would build a cheaper hub driven DIY ebike using some old 26 inch full suspension bike . Keep the nice purpose built bike for days off.

Mike Smith

Well-known member
May 26, 2018
Derby, UK

Feb 18, 2019
West Sussex
Sorry to hear you were a victim of the scrum that floats around our world.
If its any help, I always vary my routes to and from my trails which I also vary and never start or stop any ride recording app anywhere near home. As It's another way they find where you live.
I also carry protection - but nothing illegal.

Hope your confidence isn't too badly hit and I think it's about time manufacturers fit "find me" software to their bikes.

Peaky Rider

E*POWAH Master
Feb 9, 2019
Derbyshire Dales
I think because these bike are expensive, and in some cases more than many cars we drive the manufacturers need to build in some security now.
Anyone could ride off on my Levo if they chose to and this sometimes worries me. You would have no chance of catching them.
Time to include some kind of system to disable the electrics is needed like with cars.
The thugs need to know there will be no resale value other than the parts, which I guess are still significant.
Some kind of proximity tag or a key would help. This of course doesn't stop thieves beating you up and wheeling it off or loading it into a van, but feel something is needed to disable the bike to maybe make thieves think twice.
Sometimes I ride along a canal towpath and when I see small groups of youths I feel nervous, in fact I sometimes turn around, a bad reflection on the world we live in, but better be safe than sorry!
Unfortunately, I think this mugging people for an e-bike is only going to increase as it is a pretty easy crime to carry out if there is a group of them and the rewards are pretty good!! they even put up wire across trails near me!! so be very aware.
I am quite selective where I go now.

Wow Peter, living in Derbyshire myself (Derbyshire Dales) I'm interested to know where exactly you are talking about in order to avoid that area.

Very sorry to hear about this thuggish episode mate. That would shake anybody up! Hope you get your insurance fully paid out and back on a bike soon.
I regularly check around me as I step outside of my terraced house when back in Tameside, Gtr Manchester. But once on the hills and moors I can really relax. Also I'm always alert on tow paths etc. on the way up there.
Most people are nice, as we know. But as always, just a few can easily make life less pleasant for the rest.
Just don't let the buggers stop you from enjoying your life!


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2019
Rushden, UK
This is bad news but seriously guys all this talk of security and tracking devices is just pointless. If a group of thugs want your bike they'll take it. Unless your Jackie Chan or can sprint beyond the motors 15.5mph limit you ain't stopping them. A tracker is useless because all it does is potentially tell you yourself where your bike is. And what are you going to do with this information? Go round and sort them out and take your bike back? The police are not interested, nor have the time, to follow a tracking signal to locate a stolen bike. I know because I come from a motocross background and the level of crime in this sector is huge. I know countless people who've had their motocross bikes stolen and they are very rarely recovered and those that have trackers are still not of any interest to the police. Whatever a manufacturer does security wise to a bike will have zero to little effect on the willingness of an arsehole in a hoodie to knock you down and take it.


Sep 26, 2018
Thieving scum feckers , hope your on the mend ,I was out enjoying a ride alone today after ready the OP , and thinking of things if I was stopped , knocked off etc. Most of you will have probably seen Ray Winstone in Scum , (pool ball in sock scene), well I thought something we nearly all carry , tape 2 Co2 cartridges together and carry them in a long rugby sock ! No offence weapon just something we may need on a ride for 2 purposes! ??


Apr 13, 2018
I know some one who took a D-Lock to the head of someone who tried to take his bike off him.

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