The What Annoyed Me Today Thread - A Place To Rant


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Over Friday night I somehow managed to sprain my right knee. A trip to the quacks confirmed this so it was time to rest, elevate and ice. Copious amounts of Ibuprofen and Co-Codamol were consumes and things looked to be returning to normal so yesterday I...........
It's probably a bit late now for you Doomanic, but codeine based painkillers (anything with "Co" in the name) are notorious for causing really bad constipation. If you take them for longer than 24 hours you must take preventive measures to avoid pain and indignity - you do not want to be hospitalised for constipation! This is not a wind up, this is not a joking matter; my sister-in-law nearly died and she was already in hospital at the time!


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Thanks Steve. I've been taking Co-codamol for three years, I know all about the constipation... :eek: Luckily the Naproxin has laxative effects so seems to cancel it out.

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Bloody winter riding, got my brand new levo a month ago and have rode in crap conditions on almost very ride.
Did Swinley on Friday, then spent the last 3 hours cleaning it and my kit.
Seriously scraped out about a lb of sand from the motor housing!

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
it takes 10 minutes to wash my Ebike (same as all my other bikes) from absoloutely caked in mud to sparkling.

Is this a Levo thing?
I know i ccould just spray it down, but it's still my pride and joy at the moment, so I had the time and cleaned it properly.
Then dried it and lubed it, so it looks new again, if you can do that in 10 mins I salute you!

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Yes the sand in the motor casing is a 2019 Levo thing, but the fix is out, I'm just waiting for the parts, it's certainly not a reason not to get one, every thing else about it is fantastic.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I know i could just spray it down, but it's still my pride and joy at the moment, so I had the time and cleaned it properly.
Then dried it and lubed it, so it looks new again, if you can do that in 10 mins I salute you!
No need to salute me. infact i think saluting anyone is demeaning.
If you want to know how I manage to get the bike properly clean in 10 minutes I typed it all out in a thread here a while back.
It's honestly really straightforward.
I can't imagine how anyone could take one hour, nevermind 3 to clean a bike straight after a ride (assuming it's been cleaned and looked after properly regularly).
Cleaning advice...? the bike not me personally :) - EMTB Forums

I'm not talking about "just spraying it down" BTW. I'm talking this sort of level of clean after being completely covered in mud every time


E*POWAH Master
Aug 10, 2018
Peak District
No need to salute me. infact i think saluting anyone is demeaning.
If you want to know how I manage to get the bike properly clean in 10 minutes I typed it all out in a thread here a while back.
It's honestly really straightforward.
I can't imagine how anyone could take one hour, nevermind 3 to clean a bike straight after a ride (assuming it's been cleaned and looked after properly regularly).
Cleaning advice...? the bike not me personally :) - EMTB Forums

I'm not talking about "just spraying it down" BTW. I'm talking this sort of level of clean after being completely covered in mud every time
View attachment 8430

@Gary which DT Swiss rims are you running, guess they are not stock rims?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I don't upgrade wheels, I replace rims when they bend and hubs when they crack ;)
DT1900 rims are up to the job no worries
Infact. nothing actually needed upgrading on that bike, just swapped out to my taste. (tyres, pedals and grips I am fussy about)
Jun 10, 2018
United Kingdom
Angry at listening to a potential seller to not pay them straight away, when I should have just paid a soon as I got the details. Moral of the story is pay straight away, despite what the seller promises you.


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Ripping my brand new (warranty replacement) MT500 Spray shorts during an OTB into a bomb hole has annoyed me today.

Paul Mac

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Jul 9, 2018
Ripping my brand new (warranty replacement) MT500 Spray shorts during an OTB into a bomb hole has annoyed me today.
Did mine last week, dragging my arse on the back tyre, bloody 29ers ?


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
When you spend nearly six months on your own after work in the dark building a local trail to ride for the summer and stupid f##king dumb ass horse riders decide to start riding your track and totally obliterated all the berms all the jumps and generally putting big ass hoof prints all way down the trail.
The thing is I’ve gone deep in the Woods to keep away from walkers, dog walkers and horse riders as I didn’t want to be a nuisance to anyone and be courteous.
Ive even put a sign up for any mtb riders saying it’s not fit to ride yet due to it been too wet
And everyone riding bikes has adhered to it.
This is war ?
And before anyone thinks I have hatred towards horses I don’t I love all animals
It’s the dumb ass riders who cant see someone’s put hard work and time into these trails.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Not that I have ever found a study to confirm this, just the evidence of my own eyes. But horses do more damage to the trail than mtbs do.

Horses and their riders have rights built up over the last thousand years and have an active and high profile lobby to hang on to them. Anything new that even looks like it might challenge them is met with outrage or more effective subtle back room lobbying.

At the Forestry Commission trail centre that I ride the most, there is a red trail built especially for pedal bikers. There are warning signs about the sort of bike you should use, the trail features you will face, and the fitness you need to have. But the sign also clearly says that you have to give way to horse & rider! I mean, that sort of invites them in doesn't it! :mad:
That ceding of priority to horse and rider is the sort of thing that will have been agreed in a committee room far away on general principle rather than a particular need or want for any horserider to ever use the trail.

Rant over.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
When you spend nearly six months on your own after work in the dark building a local trail to ride for the summer and stupid f##king dumb ass horse riders decide to start riding your track and totally obliterated all the berms all the jumps and generally putting big ass hoof prints all way down the trail.
The thing is I’ve gone deep in the Woods to keep away from walkers, dog walkers and horse riders as I didn’t want to be a nuisance to anyone and be courteous.
Ive even put a sign up for any mtb riders saying it’s not fit to ride yet due to it been too wet
And everyone riding bikes has adhered to it.
This is war ?
And before anyone thinks I have hatred towards horses I don’t I love all animals
It’s the dumb ass riders who cant see someone’s put hard work and time into these trails.

Fuck! That's shit man. I totally feel your pain!

We stood and watched open mouthed a few years back when a horse rider decided to make his way straight up the jumpline of a local DH track (the one from my phone video) right infront of us.
Nothing we could do but be polite to the horse rider and try to guide him out another way. The stupid prick riding didn't even apologise. or say thanks.

Ps. the dislike reaction is at the situation. Not you.
needs an unhappy reaction really.


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
It's easy to be an internet hardman after the fact. The bloke was a bit of a twat but more through cluelessness and lack of manners than intentionally. Loads of horsey folk have fuck all social skills. (Having said that plenty cyclists are just as bad).

Ps. a horse weighs about 80st. Trust me you don't really want to hit one at 20mph on your bike.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Staff member
Jun 17, 2018
Essex, UK
The trails through my local woods have been churned into mud bogs by horses too. It’s all public land and free for all, so we just live with it.

I always stop for oncoming horses or hang back and ask if it’s ok to pass ones going my way - more because I don’t want to get kicked in the head by a frisky one than anything else though.....


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
It's easy to be an internet hardman after the fact. The bloke was a bit of a twat but more through cluelessness and lack of manners than intentionally. Loads of horsey folk have fuck all social skills. (Having said that plenty cyclists are just as bad).

Ps. a horse weighs about 80st. Trust me you don't really want to hit one at 20mph on your bike.
I wasn't trying to be an internet hardman before or after the fact! I would have told him politely but in a very concerned way that his horse was in danger from riders coming through that would be unable to see him in time. As I would have been standing there, it wasn't my 16 stone of man and machine I would have been referring to, but an unseen threat. I know from experience that it does the trick.

I surely wouldn't want to hit a nervous and twitchy almost brain-dead, steel toe-capped hooligan that weighed that much either, but the rider doesn't know that! What he does know is that the horse would be spooked and then buck and kick and probably throw him off! Then run off like mad thing and get hung up on the nearest fence. Horses are stupid. (Mr Ed excepted of course!) :)


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
I would have told him politely but in a very concerned way that his horse was in danger from riders coming through that would be unable to see him in time.

Woah there cowboy! Hold on!
Seeing as this was a few years back and you've never been where i'm talking about why come up with some bizarre scenario and story of what you would have done in our situation?

  • the trails are rider built/maintained on private Estate land shared with walkers, horses, dog walkers and bikers so we DO watch out for each other. If I see horses on the push up paths, bridleways and perimeter (where they usually ride) I'll actually stop riding and greet them so as not to spook a horse.
  • There is good line of sight on all the jump lines. brakes being very good these days there is very little chance of collision.
  • The trail building is allowed/tollerated but not official and certainly not widely publicised so anything other than politeness to others by riders on the the estate is 100% being a dick and putting the trails in jeopardy.
  • Once in a while a new bunch of younger guys will stumble upon the area and often not behave themselves and leave a mess. We don't chase them either. We will speak to them and ploitely educate them. Often this has lead them to end up riding, digging/maintaining the trails with us. and it doesn't take any trailbuilder long to realise how respect works.
  • Remember this is Scotland I'm talking about here where our land access rights are far more about common sense and being decent to one another than the daft access laws the rest of the UK have.
  • This horse rider had entered the Estate through a broken wall in a field and clearly had no clue where he was or how to get out safely.
  • There were four of us there (All trail builders) pushing back up the track and no other riders on the hill at all at that time. We know the hill well enough between us to know who is likely to be there and when. And generally if there is anyone else about we'd know.
Trust me on this. The safest course of action here was to try and help the guy guide his horse off the main line as safely as possible while trying to limit the damage he was doing to our lips and landings. I've been building/riding for 30 years or so in many many locations so really don't need any help in how to speak to strangers on a trail.
Attempting to scare off an already confused guy struggling to guide an 80st animal with stories of being hit by an imaginary 16st cyclist really isn't the greatest the advice here.



Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Oh for heaven's sake @Gary give it a rest with the indignation. Of course I don't know all the circumstances because you didn't reveal any. I merely said what I would do, have done in fact, in circumstances that looked to be similar. There is no need to accuse me of coming up with some bizarre scenario. By the way I did say that I would politely inform him.... So no need to infer that I hadn't been.

But then I'm starting to appreciate that you appear to like confrontation in your posts.


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
Fuck! That's shit man. I totally feel your pain!

We stood and watched open mouthed a few years back when a horse rider decided to make his way straight up the jumpline of a local DH track (the one from my phone video) right infront of us.
Nothing we could do but be polite to the horse rider and try to guide him out another way. The stupid prick riding didn't even apologise. or say thanks.

Ps. the dislike reaction is at the situation. Not you.
needs an unhappy reaction really.
Cheers Gary I knew what you meant with dislike button ,


Well-known member
May 1, 2018
I would have warned the rider that his horse was in danger from 16 stone of man and machine at 20mph who would not be able to stop in time.

I’ve not caught anyone in the act dude
If I did I would have explained all the hard work I’d put into the trail and the main reason I’m pissed off is I’ve gone so deep into the wood out of everyone’s way so’s not to cause a nuisance or endanger anyone
Yet they have still found my trail


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2018
Hampshire UK
F*cking old people who overtake me when I’m on my road bike and leave about 1ft space.

Same here ... was out on a club road ride today, came to a single lane bridge and was aware of a car behind up my backside, I took a dominant road position (centre) to prevent it from passing on the bridge but yup, it did anyway. The wing mirror brushed my arm at 30mph (car not me). There was a blue rinse driving it ?

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