Lot of smart people around here, so what do we think of this? Chap local to me has got himself in the paper promoting his eeb hire venture. The bones of it are half a day rental for £40, full day for £65 & I guess some tack on services, merch, guided riding, etc.
I wonder if anything other than pin money & a lifestyle business can come of it. Off the top of my head, I'd guess rain pushes demand to zero, weekends you're overrun, weekdays you can't give them away. Servicing, cleaning, insurances, vehicles, premises, depreciation, repairs all factor in.
Assuming you can get the bikes & spares as a starting point, let's say six day operation, ten bikes at £65 & a pessimistic 50% utiisation = £1950/wk before costs. On the face of it, that could add up but then seasonality in the UK at least suggests you'd be kicking your heels a lot of the time between say October & March & you'll soend a long few months ticking up bills without much income. Sky or pie?
I wonder if anything other than pin money & a lifestyle business can come of it. Off the top of my head, I'd guess rain pushes demand to zero, weekends you're overrun, weekdays you can't give them away. Servicing, cleaning, insurances, vehicles, premises, depreciation, repairs all factor in.
Assuming you can get the bikes & spares as a starting point, let's say six day operation, ten bikes at £65 & a pessimistic 50% utiisation = £1950/wk before costs. On the face of it, that could add up but then seasonality in the UK at least suggests you'd be kicking your heels a lot of the time between say October & March & you'll soend a long few months ticking up bills without much income. Sky or pie?