The Crazy Conspiracy Threory Thread


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
New conspiracy theory. Rear Triangles are just squares, rectangles or possibly discs that our mind has yet to comprehend.

You are on a roll. A flat squareish, maybe rectangular roll. Loving it!
Now where were we in today's lesson ....

I think pyramid's are our guide here. Viewed from one direction, they're a triangle. Viewed from another direction, they're a square. Ergo, Triangles and Squares must be the same thing and anything else is an illusion !

Take a bikes rear triangle. It has two pieces .. they look like a triangle. Put them together, one on top of the other and one reversed - you have a rectangle. So I think you've just proven your own theory.

Bikes seem to have a rear triangle or a rear rectangle .. or soon to be used by a marketing department near you - Pyramid rear suspension !


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Staff member
Jun 17, 2018
Essex, UK
FACT: Theory is spelt T H E O R Y




🦾 The Bionic Man 🦿
Jan 15, 2021
Well we don't know do we ! Due to our limited minds, most of us imagine it to be square or rectangular. Mainly because the human brain was never made to comprehend more complex shapes. It could be round though .. like a big disk ... I think there's a scientific book about that.

We do know, Terry Pratchett (RIP) told us in many of his narrative travelogues, the earth is a flat DISC, sitting on the backs of four elephants, standing on the back of the Space Turtle, The Great A'Tuin.

That's why it looks round from space...


Active member
Jan 4, 2021
Sunshine Coast
The Earth is Flat !

Aeroplanes are proof that the earth is flat. They have wings and engines which propel them forwards.

If the earth was really round and spinning as the fakers tell us, aeroplanes would only need to vertically launch off the ground a few meters and the earth would move beneath the plane. They''d only need to slide left or right a bit to line up with their destination. The earth is spinning at about 1000mph, so if the earth was really round, you'd get to your destination about twice as fast as is normal on our flat earth ! :)
Makes sense. I think I'm converted to a flearther.


Oct 1, 2018
Here’s a weird one. Some people actually believe that Corona virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they carry out experiments on viruses carried by bats.
Anyone in their right mind knows that it arrived in a consignment of frozen meat from outer space. What’s wrong with people ??


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Here’s a weird one. Some people actually believe that Corona virus escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, where they carry out experiments on viruses carried by bats.
Anyone in their right mind knows that it arrived in a consignment of frozen meat from outer space. What’s wrong with people ??
Many thoughtful people would be wondering what a bat was doing travelling with a consignment of frozen meat in outer space.

Fortunately the Conspiracy Th(r)eory have this sussed for all to see on battycorona.fact

Apparently, about 4 years ago, the infamous Mexican entrepreneur, peso billionaire and international ladies magazine publisher "Elon Gonzales" created a new company "Space Supply Export Xperimentation". Generally abbreviated to Space seX.

Why ? Knowing that Trump, who'd looked on a map and realised that Mexico was labelled as one of the evil "Gulf" countries along with Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman - having never realised how close they were before to the good old US of A, would set about building a giant castle wall - which on completion would be painted Orange, his favourite colour.

Trump knew full well that the Earth was 9 Miles thick, so his wall would have to be at least 9 miles high to be a suitable deterrent.

Elon, knew this would be disastrous for his fellow countrymen who worked in the USA on week days and travelled back at the weekend. Their only option would be to go the long way round, rappelling down 9 miles on special ropes, traversing the burnt toast side of Earth wearing asbestos underwear and climbing back up the other side only to arrive in Alaska after a short swim. They would then need to traverse Canada by bike, but the only bikes they had were linear suspension models and all the Canadians have progressive suspension bikes so they'd instantly be identified as foreigners.

Due to a shortage of suitable chemicals, Elon turned to Mexico's successful alcohol producers, in exchange for painting the rocket in their livery, they would supply the Tequila as Rocket Fuel and free beverages for the crew and development team.


In the early stages of the wall, the Mexican free-tailed bat, who normally winter in Mexico, but move upto Texas in February - were struggling to find a way through. Speaking to some of their friends, the Spy Birds, they heard about Elon's Project and we're quite excited about the idea of Space seX. Seeing their opportunity, they hibernated in the unfinished rockets, hoping to arrive safely in Texas next spring. Unfortunately, due to some launch delays, the frozen meat which was stored onboard to feed the travellers defrosted. Then during launch, all the bottles of Corona popped open and the whole space ship ended up in the wrong orbit where it stayed for several months before finally dropping back to earth and successfully landing vertically in Wuhan. It was during the time in orbit that the unfortunate mix of rotten meat, Corona Extra and the Bats were the perfect storm to create a nasty virus.

Obviously the Chinese, who'd just been given a free rocket, in a really cool colour scheme, weren't going to tell anyone about this so kept it all secret.

The rest is history.
Last edited:


Oct 1, 2018
Many thoughtful people would be wondering what a bat was doing travelling with a consignment of frozen meat in outer space.

Fortunately the Conspiracy Th(r)eory have this sussed for all to see on battycorona.fact

Apparently, about 4 years ago, the infamous Mexican entrepreneur, peso billionaire and international ladies magazine publisher "Elon Gonzales" created a new company "Space Supply Export Xperimentation". Generally abbreviated to Space SEX.

Why ? Knowing that Trump, who'd looked on a map and realised that Mexico was labelled as one of the evil "Gulf" countries along with Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman - having never realised how close they were before to the good old US of A, would set about building a giant castle wall - which on completion would be painted Orange, his favourite colour.

Trump knew full well that the Earth was 9 Miles thick, so his wall would have to be at least 9 miles high to be a suitable deterrent.

Elon, knew this would be disastrous for his fellow countrymen who worked in the USA on week days and travelled back at the weekend. Their only option would be to go the long way round, rappelling down 9 miles on special ropes, traversing the burnt toast side of Earth wearing asbestos underwear and climbing back up the other side only to arrive in Alaska after a short swim. They would then need to traverse Canada by bike, but the only bikes they had were linear suspension models and all the Canadians have progressive suspension bikes so they'd instantly be identified as foreigners.

Due to a shortage of suitable chemicals, Elon turned to Mexico's successful alcohol producers, in exchange for painting the rocket in their livery, they would supply the Tequila as Rocket Fuel and free beverages for the crew and development team.

View attachment 53339

In the early stages of the wall, the Mexican free-tailed bat, who normally winter in Mexico, but move upto Texas in February - were struggling to find a way through. Speaking to some of their friends, the Spy Birds, they heard about Elon's Project and we're quite excited about the idea of Space SEX. Seeing their opportunity, they hibernated in the unfinished rockets, hoping to arrive safely in Texas next spring. Unfortunately, due to some launch delays, the frozen meat which was stored onboard to feed the travellers defrosted. Then during launch, all the bottles of Corona popped open and the whole space ship ended up in the wrong orbit where it stayed for several months before finally dropping back to earth and successfully landing vertically in Wuhan. It was during the time in orbit that the unfortunate mix of rotten meat, Corona Extra and the Bats were the perfect storm to create a nasty virus.

Obviously the Chinese, who'd just been given a free rocket, in a really cool colour scheme, weren't going to tell anyone about this so kept it all secret.

The rest is history.
You’ve got too much time on your hands. Haven’t you got some wood you could chop?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
The more astute of you out there will be wondering how the Corona liveried space ship spent time in "Orbit" - if the Earth is flat ?? Orb's being round and all ..

This is just another one of the many lies we've been fed.

Vikings were the first into space with their "Longships" They had to be long to carry the extra fuel load and additional mead to keep the crew sane.

It was the mighty Ragnar Longsick who first sailed a longship around the circumference of the Earth Disk and created the first Space "Bane" or "Spor" - Norwegian for path or track. In the tales this was translated literally to English as "Orbit" and the word has stayed with us.

Obviously space is very dark, you can see that when you look up at night when the lights are turned off or dimmed. So no one has every actually looked and seen Earth from Space clearly.

Not to mention that space craft don't really have Windows. It's all part of the lie. They're painted on by very talented artists who can paint a window effect that's really realistic. Sometimes, if you look carefully you'll see a reflection of an apple which isn't even there.

This can equally be proved as there is no such thing as a Space Window Cleaner - FACT !

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Many thoughtful people would be wondering what a bat was doing travelling with a consignment of frozen meat in outer space.

Fortunately the Conspiracy Th(r)eory have this sussed for all to see on battycorona.fact

Apparently, about 4 years ago, the infamous Mexican entrepreneur, peso billionaire and international ladies magazine publisher "Elon Gonzales" created a new company "Space Supply Export Xperimentation". Generally abbreviated to Space SEX.

Why ? Knowing that Trump, who'd looked on a map and realised that Mexico was labelled as one of the evil "Gulf" countries along with Iraq, Saudi, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman - having never realised how close they were before to the good old US of A, would set about building a giant castle wall - which on completion would be painted Orange, his favourite colour.

Trump knew full well that the Earth was 9 Miles thick, so his wall would have to be at least 9 miles high to be a suitable deterrent.

Elon, knew this would be disastrous for his fellow countrymen who worked in the USA on week days and travelled back at the weekend. Their only option would be to go the long way round, rappelling down 9 miles on special ropes, traversing the burnt toast side of Earth wearing asbestos underwear and climbing back up the other side only to arrive in Alaska after a short swim. They would then need to traverse Canada by bike, but the only bikes they had were linear suspension models and all the Canadians have progressive suspension bikes so they'd instantly be identified as foreigners.

Due to a shortage of suitable chemicals, Elon turned to Mexico's successful alcohol producers, in exchange for painting the rocket in their livery, they would supply the Tequila as Rocket Fuel and free beverages for the crew and development team.

View attachment 53339

In the early stages of the wall, the Mexican free-tailed bat, who normally winter in Mexico, but move upto Texas in February - were struggling to find a way through. Speaking to some of their friends, the Spy Birds, they heard about Elon's Project and we're quite excited about the idea of Space SEX. Seeing their opportunity, they hibernated in the unfinished rockets, hoping to arrive safely in Texas next spring. Unfortunately, due to some launch delays, the frozen meat which was stored onboard to feed the travellers defrosted. Then during launch, all the bottles of Corona popped open and the whole space ship ended up in the wrong orbit where it stayed for several months before finally dropping back to earth and successfully landing vertically in Wuhan. It was during the time in orbit that the unfortunate mix of rotten meat, Corona Extra and the Bats were the perfect storm to create a nasty virus.

Obviously the Chinese, who'd just been given a free rocket, in a really cool colour scheme, weren't going to tell anyone about this so kept it all secret.

The rest is history.
Jeesuz...And we think Eddy is off his rocks...! ?


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
You're gonna need at least 230mm of "travel" to get her attention...
She already looks board ...... :unsure:

Knowing my luck, I'd leave her at the bar whilst I pop to the toilet and some git would run off with my date. Then again she does look a bit of a lightweight, maybe not the kind of lady to take to bars or restaurants, though I'm thinking she'd be a cheap date.

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
What about this one!

Whole southamerica suffering dictatorship and countless deaths in the din the name of free market! You crazy man

The CIA dealing with drugs? Take your alimuniun hat dude!

Is this the new US president?

Hey Zimmer is all fake news and conspiracy theories!

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019

Whatever the price ... social experiment

I got millions of dollars and you millions of slaves ... you follow me Yale China University student succesfull social experiment sucessor ?


China China China Orange Bad man

There no conspiracy. Its all about how the world has been evolving the last century to that NWO thing wich is nothing but business power and control. Something new since ancient Egypt? Is the new global empire. World also changes as technology is more and more present Aka 4th industrial revolution. Doctrine shock to implement changes.

Wars crisis etc are not conspiracy are just the consequences of those changes. But they cant never say the truth, they can say we’re going to invade Irak to take the oil, they can’t say we are going to digitalize your whole life because is total control, they can’t say were going to destroy any industry we want because that country don’t follow us, it’s because climate change. China is the last piece on this global government wich is nothing but the politics doing what the corporations want to do. Recently I read Bill Gates saying Europe must eat 3D print meat, like that. Search a bit more, un 2017 he Invest in that. Just like in 2013 he started to built a vaccine worldwide network, in 2015 he fear a pandemic and you know how the story ends. What a coincidence ...

It’s the globalization stupid!

Eddy Current

E*POWAH Master
Oct 20, 2019
Sorry. Your’e right.

I’ll just post a load of drivel and wiki links instead.

Proper intellectual ?

you call wiki links to historical facts? Now you raise it!

No people die during Hitler era? During ussr era? Condor plan is fake news? Siria war causes Are? There you have it dummy

You must be think those are black and white things that never going to happen again. Come back in 10 years here.

Jimbo Vills

E*POWAH Master
May 15, 2020
you call wiki links to historical facts? Now you raise it!

No people die during Hitler era? During ussr era? Condor plan is fake news? Siria war causes Are? There you have it dummy

You must be think those are black and white things that never going to happen again. Come back in 10 years here.

You need to relax mate. Go ride your bike ??


Jun 12, 2019
Brittany, France
Eddy .....

You've broke my thread ! :)

You can tell us, are you on any mind bending drugs ? or none mind bending drugs ? Or drugs which say they don't bend minds at all ? Or things which say they're not drugs but a route to the truth ?

Or possibly you have really bad internet and have to climb very very high mountains to access it where there is not much o2 ?

For the sake of not believing anything which is true, you will believe anything which claims to be true ? Is life really that boring that you can't accept real for real ? Everything you say is taken out of context. It literally is lunacy !

Sit back.. Take a breath. Look around .. Get a quick grip of reality before you end up being some minion for some crack pots.

I don't know about conspiracy theory, but you've proven the theory that you can't out bonkers bonkers !

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