Stolen Levo Comp

Jimbo Vills

E*POWAH Master
May 15, 2020
Know this kind of thing happens the world over but was listening to a podcast by a guy I follow from the UK called TeaPotOne "Bru Time." He did couple of shows describing how moto thieves would surround a rider using scooters and physically take the bike. Some used knives or other crude weapons. Some just used force. In the states we're seeing mob scenes becoming more common every day. IDK what the answer is but we all must change the way we protect what's valuable to us. @Mikerb let us know if you have any luck recovering it? The eMTB community seems to be very large there and surely someone will notice that bike.

Ha. Bruce is a good pal of mine. Small world.
Not much he ain’t seen or dealt with during his time in the met lol


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Know this kind of thing happens the world over but was listening to a podcast by a guy I follow from the UK called TeaPotOne "Bru Time." He did couple of shows describing how moto thieves would surround a rider using scooters and physically take the bike. Some used knives or other crude weapons. Some just used force. In the states we're seeing mob scenes becoming more common every day. IDK what the answer is but we all must change the way we protect what's valuable to us. @Mikerb let us know if you have any luck recovering it? The eMTB community seems to be very large there and surely someone will notice that bike.
I live in a rural part of the UK and thankfully the sort of crime you describe is rare around here but increasingly common in London and one or two of the other big urban areas in the UK.
I have no idea what the scumbag can do with the bike. No MTBer would buy it without an original receipt and the charger etc and the bike is fairly distinctive. My main chance of the scumbag being tracked down is CCTV from the train he was seen getting off and I have been told the police are now looking into that. My mate has branded the scumbag as "Tin-Tin" because his little wisp of blond hair with the sides of his head shaven reminded him of the character:p.
The thing is I am not certain I would now keep the bike even if it was found. It would just serve to constantly remind me of what was a traumatic event.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Ha. Bruce is a good pal of mine. Small world.
Not much he ain’t seen or dealt with during his time in the met lol
I was a copper many moons ago in Bristol. The world seemed more benign back then. We had drunks, drug addicts, and we had pub fights and "domestics" but never came across knives or guns............just as well really because I patrolled on my own and could not rely on anyone else supporting me for at least 15 minutes after requesting help on a radio system that rarely worked well............... and only had a trungeon as any form of defence ( short baseball bat ). Most of the sergeants in my station were ex forces. They were not very proactive but often sorted those arrested once in the cells rather than do all the paperwork for court!! My second sergeant was from the met. He introduced a somewhat different approach to policing to us. He hit anyone he could get close to with the trungeon first in any confrontation.............and then asked questions later!

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
Have been down that way on a campsite and I do believe there is a traveller community in the area. The campsite called Hunters moon just up the road from the pub the silent lady. While we were there two years ago a load of travellers rolled in and the campsite actually got a security firm in for a week while they were there. I had my Cube Ebike at the time and never took my eyes off it.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
@Mikerb About 50 years ago, ie. before personal radios and mobiles, I lived in a grimy industrial city in the north of England. The husband of a mate of my wife's was a policeman and was a combative sort. He always volunteered for any night duty in the city centre, especially at weekends. In preparation, he would darken his cap badge, shoulder numbers and buttons. He used to stand motionless in unlit shop doorways, waiting for trouble. His favourite was a full-on pub brawl. He would wade in with his handcuffs in one hand (like knuckledusters) and his truncheon in the other. Jaws and collarbones were his targets. In those days, police constables were mostly left alone by thugs. He would walk through the melee striking out and then turn around and repeat. He said it was a big scrap that needed three passes before the fighting stopped! I don't believe that they recruit people like him anymore. He certainly would not get away with it now. But then he was completely on his own and would have to rely on members of the dialling 999 if he got into trouble he couldn't handle.
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E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
@Mikerb About 50 years ago, ie. before personal radios and mobiles, I lived in a grimy industrial in the north of England. The husband of a mate of my wife's was a policeman and was a combative sort. He always volunteered for any night duty in the city centre, especially at weekends. In preparation, he would darken his cap badge, shoulder numbers and buttons. He used to stand motionless in unlit shop doorways, waiting for trouble. His favourite was a full-on pub brawl. He would wade in with his handcuffs in one hand (like knuckledusters) and his truncheon in the other. Jaws and collarbones were his targets. In those days, police constables were mostly left alone by thugs. He would walk through the melee striking out and then turn around and repeat. He said it was a big scrap that needed three passes before the fighting stopped! I don't believe that they recruit people like him anymore. He certainly would not get away with it now. But then he was completely on his own and would have to rely on members of the dialling 999 if he got into trouble he couldn't handle.
Not unusual back then Steve! Summary justice! The kids on 2 big estates on my patch would make themselves scarce if they saw me coming. A cuff a round the ear usually restored some respect! The usual suspects off their heads on booze and testosterone were dealt with in the cells....and thanked the sergeant when he kicked them out at 6am the next day. With prostitutes causing trouble I drove them out to the sticks and left them there to find their own way back in the dark. When I joined there was general respect for the uniform and a "fair cop" sort of established norm between the local police and the villains. That began to change quite radically within a short few years of the reasons I left.
May 4, 2018
Sad day. After another good ride in Wareham Forest I had my 2019 Specialized Levo Comp stolen today.
We had finished our ride and the bike was leant up against the side of my van. I was in the van drinking a coffe and chatting to my mate. A toerag just walked by, got on the bike and rode away. We both chased and I got within a metre of him but he got away.
For any locals on here, we were parked in the Sika Trail car park. The thief rode the bike out onto the road and headed up towards the Silent Woman pub. I went back and drove up the road in the van but could not see him. He probably disappeared into one of the caravan parks just a mile or so from the Sika Car Park. The police have been informed.

Just the usual request to look out for it being offered for sale please.
It is pretty distinctive. Blue in colour but with red Nukeproof riser bars and red Lyric Ultimate fork. Picture below is pretty recent with the only difference being the bike was today fitted with a Mudhugger Large rear mudguard over the top of the mudguards in the photo.

View attachment 77175
Sorry to hear. They use to hang horse theives


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Not unusual back then Steve! Summary justice! The kids on 2 big estates on my patch would make themselves scarce if they saw me coming. A cuff a round the ear usually restored some respect! The usual suspects off their heads on booze and testosterone were dealt with in the cells....and thanked the sergeant when he kicked them out at 6am the next day. With prostitutes causing trouble I drove them out to the sticks and left them there to find their own way back in the dark. When I joined there was general respect for the uniform and a "fair cop" sort of established norm between the local police and the villains. That began to change quite radically within a short few years of the reasons I left.
Driving a women to somewhere dark and leaving them there is a horrible thing to do to a woman . And a little bit serial killer like . Did u rape and murder the ones you liked?

Whitby Chris

Active member
Jul 13, 2021
It doesn't matter where we are in the UK this is happening all over. I am sorry this has happened to you and the balls on the lad to take it right in front of you. Manufacturer's need to start adding something to the bikes now, whether its part of an app with a pin number to be able to turn the bike on or something else. I hope you get it back or get some good news.


Oct 1, 2019
Driving a women to somewhere dark and leaving them there is a horrible thing to do to a woman . And a little bit serial killer like . Did u rape and murder the ones you liked?
Agree with that , Mike the cop sounded like a right power mad bastard , I would’ve been one of the kids getting drunk that he would’ve beaten up but wouldn’t hold a grudge as things were different back then ✌️
Kids have always nicked things !


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
It doesn't matter where we are in the UK this is happening all over. I am sorry this has happened to you and the balls on the lad to take it right in front of you. Manufacturer's need to start adding something to the bikes now, whether its part of an app with a pin number to be able to turn the bike on or something else. I hope you get it back or get some good news.
I can't believe that the thief had "balls" to take the bike. What he had was no fear of the consequences from the law, even if he got caught. If the bike owner had caught him, unless he wants the full weight of the law to descend on him instead, he'd be best to release the would-be thief without harm. It would be hard to do though.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
I can't believe that the thief had "balls" to take the bike. What he had was no fear of the consequences from the law, even if he got caught. If the bike owner had caught him, unless he wants the full weight of the law to descend on him instead, he'd be best to release the would-be thief without harm. It would be hard to do though.
Thief get 200 hrs community service if he gets caught . If you thump him and you have a job they wll give you a big fine or time.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Driving a women to somewhere dark and leaving them there is a horrible thing to do to a woman . And a little bit serial killer like . Did u rape and murder the ones you liked?
take a job where you deal with the dregs of society day in and day out and your attitude would change. Women PCs did not do nights back then and it needed a WPC to deal with them/search etc if taken into the station. They were often high as a kite and could be very violent. One copper on my shift had his leg broken by a steel pan thrown with force by one like a frisby. Be thankful you really have no idea or experience of having to deal with such people.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Thief get 200 hrs community service if he gets caught . If you thump him and you have a job they wll give you a big fine or time.
Where does the 200 hours community service come from, please Is it written down anywhere?
I am surprised at the leniency TBH. Is that for a first offence? How hard is 200 hours of community service? Is it 40 hours/week for 5 weeks litter picking / collecting bins, or can they turn up at a day centre to push a broom around for a few hours per day?
I am not being critical of your response, just surprised. :unsure:


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Just what i read in paper and the impression i get , there was one not so long ago in my area in the paper . One lad got horrendous amount fined for racist comments to someone he was employed . In the paper same time and area someone battered someone stuped he was unemployed and got community service. Both unprovoked incidents .200hrs just a number i made up probably only get 50 now as they seem to be cutting down on that as well. Just examples i see and i only get a local paper occasionally in fact when two things like that are next to each other in paper i wonder are press trying to wind us up.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Agree with that , Mike the cop sounded like a right power mad bastard , I would’ve been one of the kids getting drunk that he would’ve beaten up but wouldn’t hold a grudge as things were different back then ✌
Kids have always nicked things !
no one said anything a bout beating them up and not all kids steal! These days they would be brought before a juvenile court which is a good way to start them off on a life of crime...........when all they needed was to be given some limits and discipline that often their parents failed to provide. Anyway enough of this.............lets talk bikes!!


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
no one said anything a bout beating them up and not all kids steal! These days they would be brought before a juvenile court which is a good way to start them off on a life of crime...........when all they needed was to be given some limits and discipline that often their parents failed to provide. Anyway enough of this.............lets talk bikes!!
Yes how thick was the neoprene you made to cover the battery plug. Or would any other material do.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
Yes how thick was the neoprene you made to cover the battery plug. Or would any other material do.
It was made from an old pair of overshoes so probably 5mm ...and its the double lined type neoprene ( ie nylon outer and inner with neoprene sandwhiched between those layers. ) Double lined neoprene is pretty tough and it is stretchy so conforms to a shape easilly. It is mostly waterproof and is washable so I think it is the best material for the job. It also enable velcro to be glued securely to it. I made 2 covers out of a pair of overshoes that I bought cheap in Halfords.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
It was made from an old pair of overshoes so probably 5mm ...and its the double lined type neoprene ( ie nylon outer and inner with neoprene sandwhiched between those layers. ) Double lined neoprene is pretty tough and it is stretchy so conforms to a shape easilly. It is mostly waterproof and is washable so I think it is the best material for the job. It also enable velcro to be glued securely to it. I made 2 covers out of a pair of overshoes that I bought cheap in Halfords.
Cheers have old overshoes in shed will try that. Paranoid now about water so get it
sorted out this week on new motor.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Oh the good old days . When some cops where very corrupt. Not shore about England. I quite like England cops . But here in Australia there where some very dodgy cops worse than the bad guys . But yes some people need to experience the full force of the law to change there ways . And some never do . Yeh I don't have what it takes to be a cop . And big respect to the judge dredd style law enforcement


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Yeah, teach all the scum to fight properly… 😂

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