E*POWAH Master
O (Interesting to see Raine credited on the manual)
Well, I did write the manual.
O (Interesting to see Raine credited on the manual)
Latest Instruction manual (v1.5.x) attached; note that the manual has been combined to cover iOS/iPadOS and Android versions of the app. If anyone sees a typo, let me know
Great job on the STunlocker! I got it via the appstore (IOS) abd then purchased a license last night. I've just left a review on the app store.
I've been keeping my firmware up to date (running 4.7.1) and was wondering is there somewhere that I can download older firmware? Do I need to downgrade all the way back to 4.3.2? The link in the manual to this version doesn't work BTW.
I’m new to this, can I PM you via this forum? Cheers
Thanks Zimmerframe!Just hover over a users name and click "start new conversation" ..
Alternatively, click on the little letter icon, top right, to go into the mail system and send a message from there.
Guys how does the speed correction work on the app?
If you know the answer to the question why not answer it, instead of being an arseRead the manual, page 15.
If you know the answer to the question why not answer it, instead of being an arse
If you know the answer to the question why not answer it, instead of being an arse
Already read manual just says +5/-5 correction. So just wanted a bit more information. Assume if my speedo is over reading. Which I believe it is by 10% then I dial it -5% ? But just wanted to make sure I had it right incase I corrected the wrong way as assume this effects the assistance speeds. If 19.5mph is actually 18 and I correct then should give me a little more assistance I assume ?
If it's over reading 10%, then wouldn't you want to do -10%?
Also, how are you exactly measuring if your STEPS speedometer is correct? Don't compare with another eMTB as you don't even know if the other eMTB is calibrated. You have to compare with a motor vehicle or motorcycle to get it right.
I’ve got a garmin edge 1000. I wasn’t paying too much attention to the speed but at the end of the ride the bike had recorded 13.5 mile and the garmin 12.5 mile. So assume speed/distance is out on bike. Not quite 10% but clearly not right (I may have mistaken how many miles the bike was on at the beginning of the ride however) I will do a proper test and adjust accordingly. Well up to 5% as thats the max correction it seems
Oh okay, so you're trying to match the reading up with your Garmin.
One thing to make sure of is that you have the correct circumference entered in the STUnlocker app, otherwise your percentage adjustments will be way off.
What should 27.5+ 2.8 reckon tyres be set to? I’m sure it’s set to 2300mm default off the top of my head
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