Some issue with a Rise M10


Sep 4, 2021
Hi here, I've bought a Rise M10 1 month ago, it's the best bike I've own, but I've to many issue with it. I make a post here for having feedback if some has same motor error code and witch they have do.
And sharing my experience and what my local dealer have do/find.

But I'm so sad about to ask a refill and return the bike to the dealer.

On my first ride i had a w10100 error on the motor. Switch off and on many time, error come after a few pedal stroke and finish by disappear.

I take the bike to the dealer. He check all, send speed sensor to Shimano, they send it back saying all work great.

I pick up the bike, go home and ride all the weekend, same error, but just after a few meter this time, motor never work on the weekend.

Return the bike, dealers says it was my garmin vivoactive 3 which was connected to the bike, he have test the bike with no garmin connected on it and all works.

Return back home, testing all profil, all assist level, with and without watch, never working.

Taking it back to the dealer, he send the motor to Shimano, return back, all was great, Shimano says nothing wrong on it, it's a missconception of orbea, the magnet don't pass in center of the speed sensor.

Pick up the bike to my home, dealer says it work with a magnet put directly on the disk. I've test it, with many magnet, never work.

Now it's the fourth time I'll bring back the bike. I'm so sad, I love this bike, but i can't ride it...

I'll put some screen shots, I've see the bike can go to 85nm on e tube, I've says many time to dealer there is a firmware pb, but he don't look on this side. Shimano too.
I've update it with the app this weekend I've the same error code after.

If you have any idea?

Thanks you for ready me

E*POWAH Master
Jul 10, 2018
If I connect the E-tube app (Android) to my Rise then I see the range for Nm displayed as 20-65 (not 20-85 like yours) - so that seems strange to me ...

When your dealer next tests the bike can you be standing next to them to show it not working? If it doesn't work when you test it, but for your dealer it does work, then it seems like there must be some difference.

Have you changed anything on the bike, like the rotors? Can you post some photos of where the magnet is relative to the speed sensor?


Sep 4, 2021
I've change nothing, and I've show him the error it happen with all mode, with assist off and with walk assist.




Apr 2, 2021
I'll put some screen shots, I've see the bike can go to 85nm on e tube, I've says many time to dealer there is a firmware pb, but he don't look on this side. Shimano too.
I've update it with the app this weekend I've the same error code after.

If you have any idea?

Thanks you for ready me

View attachment 70782

There is definitely something strange about E-tube and therefore (maybe) with your firmware.
The Rise firmware is supposed to be limited to 65Nm...
This is how it looks for me :



Sep 4, 2021
Thanks for your answer, it show there is something wrong in the motor or firmware. I've bring back the bike to the dealer and tell him for asking at orbea a new motor. And I've mail orbea to tells them all the story and says my dissatisfaction, asking them if they will do something for the month that i haven't been able to ride.

(sorry for my bad English, I'm French)


May 12, 2021
You need to, as posted above look at the max torque issue as 65 is the max on RS but really after 4 times i would be wanting to ride the bike with the dealer, then perhaps leave the shop and ride locally around the shop for a bit (maybe 20 - 30 mins) and dont leave until your happy. Dont take the bike away from the shop until that happens.


Sep 4, 2021
Yes, next Time for me will be a test ride near the shop and take the bike if it's working or ask for cash return and go buy another bike in another shop. I hope no one will have the same issue as me


Active member
May 13, 2020
Helsinki, Finland
Yep, you probably have the normal EP8 firmware installed instead of the Rise custom EP8 RS firmware. You might be able to install it yourself with the STunlocker app but that could be tricky…


Sep 4, 2021
Yes, it was a demo bike which was for try in the shop, just allowed to run on the road in front of the shop, but I wonder if someone has played with stunloker on it and made the problem appear.


Sep 4, 2021
I've some news. Orbea will send a new sensor and magnet. But the dealer don't ask for the firmware. I've ask to to ask orbea. He has never plug the computer on my bike...

If it's work with the new sensor and do nothing for the firmware do you know where I can find the orbea firmware plz?
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Rod B.

Well-known member
Aug 18, 2021
USA, Orange County Ca.

All eBikes whether European or United States, are speed regulated. In the United States, eBike motors will stop producing power once the speed of 20 mph is reached. Ebike manufacturers use a swing arm mounted speed sensor and a magnetic pickup on the rotor to regulate speed.

Error code W10100 is related to the speed sensor mounted on the swing arm not correctly reading the magnet mounted on the rotor. When this error code occurs, the motor will shut down. The error code may be attributed to the magnet being too weak, or possibly the magnet not being positioned correctly on the rotor, so that it passes directly over the speed sensor.

Typically, if the magnet is weak or not positioned correctly on the rotor, you will find the motor will work at slow speeds and shut off at higher speeds when the sensor fails to pick up the magnet traveling at high speeds over the sensor.

I have SRAM brakes on my Rise. SRAM does not make a magnet rotor. I experimented with magnetizing my SRAM rotors by supergluing a rare earth neodymium magnet onto my rotor. This was trial and error. I learned that correct magnet positioning on the rotor is critical for proper pickup by the speed sensor. If the magnet is not positioned correctly, the motor will work at slow speeds, but will shut off at higher speeds. The closer you can get the magnet to passing over the center of the speed sensor, the better the pick up will be. If you have a weak magnet, I suspect this would cause an issue similar to having the magnet not spaced correctly over the swingarm mounted speed sensor.

I would suggest placing a new magnet directly on top of the old magnet and see what happens.

As a side note, I have about 350 miles on my Rise and have had no issues with the superglued magnet. I do keep two extra magnets in my backpack just in case the magnet on the rotor gets knocked off. Knock on wood, I've never had any issues.

Here are the magnets I bought on Amazon. The kit comes with three sizes of magnet. I used the largest 3mm x 8mm round magnet.

Screenshot 2021-09-11 15.21.02.jpg

Here is a picture of my SRAM Centerline rotor with magnet


I hope this helps you.


Sep 4, 2021
Thanks you, I have doing the same thing with 4 different magnet, it never works, but orbea send a new sensor and magnet to the dealer. And they have say to me they have push a new firmware for my motor but the dealer don't want to do the uptade, for him the pb can't come from the firmware. I hope the update will work on etube.


Sep 4, 2021
Yes, but I think he don't understand what a firmware do. For him there is no difference in stock and orbea one. It looks like he doesn't know orbea as made a special firmware for the bike, he think the torque limit is just a boxe to check.


Sep 4, 2021
Hello! I have pick up the bike today, it works with the new sensor!
But the dealer has do nothing for the firmware.
Stunloker just had the Shimano firmware? Not the orbea one?


Active member
Dec 17, 2020
Nevada, USA
I know this is not a happy answer, but I think you need to find a new bike shop that can really help you. If they are an Orbea dealer, they need to be able to take care of firmware problems. What happens if your firmware gets bricked like it has with a very few others?? They just tell you "too bad"?? Not a good answer.


Apr 15, 2021
I have SRAM brakes on my Rise. SRAM does not make a magnet rotor. I experimented with magnetizing my SRAM rotors by supergluing a rare

Ha - ok. AND you have centremount discs not the 6 bolt on the M10 (which come with a magnet that fits across two of the bolts.

Simpler answer to this - rotors are rotors - there's no reason you have to use SRAM rotors with SRAM discs. After making great claims for the special hole of their centreline rotors, SRAM have just launched a replacement that looks *very* similar to the old pattern they were using years ago (and to the pattern on Galfers discs). Just fit some rotors that have a magnet attached....

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