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Unanswered shimano hg601 11-speed magic link

Wiltshire Warrior

E*POWAH Master
Jul 3, 2018
So now my new ride has 40miles on it and I have oiled the chain 3 times- it is filthy- but I cant see a "magic link" so I will have to remove the Chain device and the jockey wheels to get it off!!! WTF!!!!

am I safe using the 11 spped quick link on it. I cant see any reason why not?


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
You've OILED the chain 3 times in 40 miles? :eek:
By the sounds of it you've probably been lubing it far too much. And quite possibly with something too thick/sticky. (seeing as it's been so dry, or have you been riding in really muddy conditions?)
This creates the perfect environment for dirt and dust to collect in and on our chain, jockeys and chainring.
A chain only really needs lubrication in the moving parts. (pivots, rollers, inner chain plates). And never with any thick sticky OIL.
Clean your chain regularly (you don't need to remove it to do so). a good wipe with a dry rag is often all that's needed. or if you're washing your bike a good brushing with your bike washing product of choice to aggitate the muck/dirt/lube followed by a good rinse is all that's equired. do this regularly and you shouldn't have problems like you've described.
When re-lubing any chain apply the new lube to the inner rollers above and below your clean dry chain while turning the cranks backwards*. don't go crazy you only need a small amount of lube in there. Leave it for a minute then take a dry rag and while holding it in your hand grap a section of chain and turn the cranks backwards to remove as much excess lube as you can. Don't worry that it looks dry. The lube should be exactly where it's meant to be.
There's really no need to remove your chain for cleaning. infact many of the folk who do regualrly remover their chains go way too far and actually degrease the inners of the pivots and rollers (in parts washers, diesel, degreaser and even the dishwasher). chains come factory lubed internally. and at only 40 miles the moving parts should still be nicely lubed.

*You don't say what bike (or motor) it is and some do Ebikes require ingeniuos methods to rotate the chain backwards for lubing/cleaning:
allen key/other random object in the chainring so the crank won't freewheel when pedalled backwards
Bike in a stand (or upside down) and turn the rear wheel instead of the cranks.
walking the bike slowly backwards
or even just pulling the chain backwards by hand.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 16, 2018
if its a shimano chain you probably have to push a pin out but as Gary says there should be no need to remove it unless its broke

Wiltshire Warrior

E*POWAH Master
Jul 3, 2018
Chain is off now soaking in Petrol while I wait for the magic link to arrive- and I can acces the sprocket and jocky wheels properly - this is what I have been doing for 25 years to make my parts last longer.

so my daft question was about using a quick link on an e bike

No worries I will find out for myself.


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
A chain cleaning cheat I saw on YouTube via here is to use the walk assist. Use a clothes peg to hold the + button down and the chain runs at about 4mph. Also useful for spreading tubeless sealant around the wheel...


Apr 13, 2018
My KMC chain now has 2 quick links on it after 600miles, both from when i have blown a link - its now at about 75% wear according to my basic measuring device. Even though its a KMC chain with the quick links are shimano.

Chain is about to get replaced, but works fine, smooth shifting etc. I do a basic clean on it after every ride, and use Muc-Off dry lube after the clean. Give it a proper wash every two weeks or so with a chin cleaning device, i have never taken chain off the bike other than when putting on the quick lonks


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Founding Member
Jan 18, 2018
Cornwall uk
Chain is off now soaking in Petrol while I wait for the magic link to arrive- and I can acces the sprocket and jocky wheels properly - this is what I have been doing for 25 years to make my parts last longer.

so my daft question was about using a quick link on an e bike

No worries I will find out for myself.

Yes quick link is fine on an ebike

Wiltshire Warrior

E*POWAH Master
Jul 3, 2018
Thanks guys and after a fews years of snobbing 1X (while I used my triple system on my old 26er's) I am now a 1X lover as Cleaning the front ring is a complete doddle with the chain off - compared to a long time removeing the triple chain rings to clean them properly.

Also I got my SLX 11-42 off the rear hub to clean that up like new again - only issue was the big 3 on a spider together - they were a bit tricky.

While I had the SLX in bits I checked it with a magnet - and all the rings are steel - the 42T black ring atrracted the magnet weakly so it is steel but with a high alloy content - Shows Shimano are thinking about it!

My Chain cleaning process is:

24 hrs soaking in Baufix
24 hrs soaking in Petrol
24 hrs soaking in Parasene (by which time is completely clean)

Then wipe down and thoroughly lube.

I hate putting a half cleaned chain on a clean cassette only to cover the cassette in filth in a few miles!


Old Tartan Bollocks
Mar 29, 2018
the internet
"the big 3 on a spider together"
"the 42T black ring atrracted the magnet weakly"



SLX M7000 11-42 definitely uses an aluminium 42T sprocket. aluminium spider, steel rivets and pins, and the other 10 sprockets are steel.

A magnet will still be attracted to steel even when there's thin sheet of Aluminium inbetween it and the steel. The further away the steel the weaker the magnetic pull..

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