Shimano E8000 (and EP8) re-greasing and Range improvement


Active member
Feb 27, 2019
It has been said that re-greasing the motor improves the range, so I am going to explain my findings.

In my case, I opened the E8000 motor with 7500Km (I have another motor with 7500Km), I checked that no water had ever entered, the bearings are fine and without rust and they spin smoothly, so I only re-greased:
* For plastic-metal gears I used Molikote PG-75.
* For the crankshaft needle bearings I used White Lithium grease
* For the seals of the bottom bracket, I used Motorex green grease that improves the sealing.

Once this was done, I closed the motor and then I tested it on a 40Km and 400m route that I had done in May before re-greasing the Motor, and I was very surprised by the difference in power usage before and after greasing:
* May 13, 2023 with the motor before greasing, power usage was 210Wh.
* July 29, 2023 with the motor after greasing, power usage was 164Wh

Doing the calculations, it turns out that the ungreased motor uses 28% more power than the greased one. As the temperature was cooler in May and in August we were over 30º, it is even possible that at equal temperature the improvement in autonomy is higher than this 28%.

When this motor is good and does not fail with the famous E010, it is a very nice motor and with this little maintenance that is very easy to do, its life and autonomy improve a lot. But Shimano says that the motors do not need maintenance and that they are a consumable and that when there is a problem with it we have to spend €1,300 and change it for a new one. Probably, this is one of the reasons for the low sale of Shimano powered bikes.

In the photos you can see how dry the gear teeth were, and in the last one how they were after greasing.

IMG_20230720_083951.jpg IMG_20230720_195025.jpg IMG_20230724_180842.jpg
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Active member
Dec 1, 2020
Are we talking about e8000 or ep8? There is already a guy in Poland who also fix e8000/e7000/ep8 motors with a lot more grease then factory place in it but I do not think he made such a test.


Active member
Feb 27, 2019
My experience and test is with E8000, but I read that EP8 construction is similar.
It has been said that re-greasing the motor improves the range, so I am going to explain my findings.

In my case, I opened the E8000 motor with 7500Km (I have another motor with 7500Km), I checked that no water had ever entered, the bearings are fine and without rust and they spin smoothly, so I only re-greased:
* For plastic-metal gears I used Molikote PG-75.
* For the crankshaft needle bearings I used White Lithium grease
* For the seals of the bottom bracket, I used Motorex green grease that improves the sealing.

Once this was done, I closed the motor and then I tested it on a 40Km and 400m route that I had done in May before re-greasing the Motor, and I was very surprised by the difference in power usage before and after greasing:
* May 13, 2023 with the motor before greasing, power usage was 210Wh.
* July 29, 2023 with the motor after greasing, power usage was 164Wh

Doing the calculations, it turns out that the ungreased motor uses 28% more power than the greased one. As the temperature was cooler in May and in August we were over 30º, it is even possible that at equal temperature the improvement in autonomy is higher than this 28%.

When this motor is good and does not fail with the famous E010, it is a very nice motor and with this little maintenance that is very easy to do, its life and autonomy improve a lot. But Shimano says that the motors do not need maintenance and that they are a consumable and that when there is a problem with it we have to spend €1,300 and change it for a new one. Probably, this is one of the reasons for the low sale of Shimano powered bikes.

In the photos you can see how dry the gear teeth were, and in the last one how they were after greasing.

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Spiff - My first post!
Really good info here. Thanks for the before and after results.
Shimano would be very happy to sell another motor that "doesn't need servicing/re-lubing".

There is not much to say regarding lubrication. Without it, we would grind to a complete stop.
Often, I cringe when I hear a chain squeaking on a bike that's riding by on under-inflated tires. The rider usually wears a backwards mounted helmet, if one at all.
Thanks for including the grease types chosen.


Active member
May 31, 2021
I never opened an engine to grease it, I never cleaned an engine with pressurized water, I only bought a replacement engine for my peace of mind from Andrzej Wodejszo
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Active member
Sep 24, 2021
Strasbourg, France
21 december 2021
I wrote here

I reused the "old" white grease for the clutch and OKS 270 for the teeth.

All my ball bearings are now sealed and on both sides.
Originally, only the ball bearing on the right of the axle is sealed on both sides,
and the one on the left only on one side... !!!

The clutch has a good grip like new.

But if you reed the OKS papers, this grease should do all what we need >>>
non corosive for platsic, rubber and coated and non-coated PCBs,
high pressure,
non dispersive by "high" rotations and quickly done "stop-an-go"

Please see Data Sheet pdf in GB or in DE.


Active member
May 31, 2021
It has been said that re-greasing the motor improves the range, so I am going to explain my findings.

In my case, I opened the E8000 motor with 7500Km (I have another motor with 7500Km), I checked that no water had ever entered, the bearings are fine and without rust and they spin smoothly, so I only re-greased:
* For plastic-metal gears I used Molikote PG-75.
* For the crankshaft needle bearings I used White Lithium grease
* For the seals of the bottom bracket, I used Motorex green grease that improves the sealing.

Once this was done, I closed the motor and then I tested it on a 40Km and 400m route that I had done in May before re-greasing the Motor, and I was very surprised by the difference in power usage before and after greasing:
* May 13, 2023 with the motor before greasing, power usage was 210Wh.
* July 29, 2023 with the motor after greasing, power usage was 164Wh

Doing the calculations, it turns out that the ungreased motor uses 28% more power than the greased one. As the temperature was cooler in May and in August we were over 30º, it is even possible that at equal temperature the improvement in autonomy is higher than this 28%.

When this motor is good and does not fail with the famous E010, it is a very nice motor and with this little maintenance that is very easy to do, its life and autonomy improve a lot. But Shimano says that the motors do not need maintenance and that they are a consumable and that when there is a problem with it we have to spend €1,300 and change it for a new one. Probably, this is one of the reasons for the low sale of Shimano powered bikes.

In the photos you can see how dry the gear teeth were, and in the last one how they were after greasing.

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My system is simpler and cheaper, I'll explain. 1) I never did anything to the DU-E8000 that my Neuron ON has, neither grease it nor clean it with pressurized water. 2) When my 504Wh battery reached 75% health, I bought Andrzej Wodejszo a new BT-E8016 630Wh for 577€. 3) When my ODO marked 22,000 km, which is 34,000 km real for my peace of mind I bought Andrzej Wodejszo a DU-E8000 with 3600 km for 289€ 4) For a total of 866€ I have a solution to the problem of possible replacement of engine and new battery with which I am doing 89 km in Trail High. CRUNCH THE NUMBERS AND YOU'LL SEE THAT IT'S NOT WORTH TOUCHING AN ENGINE, HAVING A GUY AS COMPETENT AS ANDRZEJ WODEJSZO DO WHAT SHIMANO SHOULD DO
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Active member
May 31, 2021
Se ha dicho que volver a engrasar el motor mejora la autonomía, así que voy a explicar mis conclusiones.

En mi caso abrí el motor E8000 con 7500Km (tengo otro motor con 7500Km), comprobé que nunca había entrado agua, los rodamientos están bien y sin óxido y giran suavemente, así que solo volví a engrasar:
* Para engranajes plástico-metal utilicé Molikote PG-75.
* Para los cojinetes de agujas del cigüeñal utilicé grasa de Litio Blanca.
* Para las juntas del pedalier utilicé grasa verde Motorex que mejora el sellado.

Una vez hecho esto, cerré el motor y luego lo probé en un recorrido de 40Km y 400m que había hecho en Mayo antes de volver a engrasar el Motor, y me sorprendió mucho la diferencia en el consumo de energía antes y después de engrasar:
* 13 de mayo de 2023 con el motor antes de engrasarlo, el consumo de energía fue de 210Wh.
* 29 de julio de 2023 con el motor después del engrase, el consumo de energía fue de 164Wh

Haciendo los cálculos resulta que el motor sin engrasar consume un 28% más de potencia que el engrasado. Como la temperatura fue más fresca en mayo y en agosto estuvimos por encima de los 30º, incluso es posible que a igualdad de temperatura la mejora en autonomía sea superior a este 28%.

Cuando este motor está bien y no falla con el famoso E010, es un motor muy bonito y con este pequeño mantenimiento que es muy fácil de hacer, su vida y autonomía mejoran mucho. Pero Shimano dice que los motores no necesitan mantenimiento y que son un consumible y que cuando hay un problema tenemos que gastarnos 1.300€ y cambiarlo por uno nuevo. Probablemente, esta sea una de las razones de la baja venta de bicicletas con motor Shimano.

En las fotos se puede ver lo secos que quedaron los dientes del engranaje, y en la última cómo quedaron después del engrase.

Totalmente de acuerdo, acabo de hacer una ruta de unos 80 kilómetros, la última vez que la hice con el motor viejo llegué a casa con el 1% de batería. Hoy hago el mismo recorrido con la misma asistencia y con el motor que le compré a Andrzej Wodejszo y cuando llego a casa todavía tengo un 21% de batería. Es sorprendente lo que hace el Molykote PG-75

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