Wow, I could have changed my cranks in less time than it took to read that ?I've noticed that youtubers are moving more into the advertising business. For example, this video is for miranda cranks - not shorter cranks in general. A week or so ago it was pirelli tyres (rob and embn), and earlier than that it was specialized levo sl (again, rob and embn). Those few examples were very similar - as though the manufacturers gave rob and embn the pertinent points to address. It's still a good way to research stuff (Rob explains the wider q factor), but it is no longer unbiased. It is the same with Sam's bikes; I unsubscribed from his channel because I couldn't trust much of what he says about stuff he reviews. Also notice that none of these channels discuss the elephant in the room, ever! That is the poor reliability of the e systems for mtb use. I believe this is because it would be highlighting a big fault of the industry that they rely on for income. Embn is a classic for this. After one video they had that was clearly biased and not based in reality, a lot of the commenters to the video highlighted the reliability issues. Shortly after embn came out with this wanky video that did nothing to address or look at those reliability issues - pure PR for the emtb industry. It's unfortunate and seems to be unique with emtb youtube channels. I have other interests and I'm always researching and generally the reviews are unbiased. So why is emtb different? Because they're all pretty unreliable - industry wide - that is the unique thing with emtb. Most people coming to emtb know nothing about the reliability issues (I was one of them) because most of their research is based on youtube!
Anyway, I'm not going shorter. 165 is already short for me. I ride in hills where I need big torque to get over those obstacles on an already steep climb. Rob has ignored the one glaring obvious disadvantage of shorter cranks - less torque input by us. True, I could go boost or trail but I want to stay familiar with supplying that explosive power myself (as pathetic as it is). I was definitely surprised at the pedal strikes coming to emtb - never had that before. However, my only real concern now is motor height - it's quite low on my bike. I still get a couple of light pedal strikes per ride, and sometimes these surprise me - as in unexpected. The more time I ride the more I'm beginning to think that others who have been mentioning technique and familiarity here, are right. I do seem to pedal through stuff more, whereas on the non e bikes it was more quick power strokes before then roll and manoeuvre through maybe with some half strokes. I seem to be holding a more uniform cadence now through more stuff. That might be the reason for more strikes? So, I'm trying to relearn the explosiveness required to get over obstacles (via my input), rather than just sit there and spin through stuff or not really try hard. Whatever it is, I'll persist and give it time. It will become subconscious soon