Passing people on the trail???

When you call out "Passing on the right", what do people do?

  • Move Left

    Votes: 17 45.9%
  • Move Right

    Votes: 12 32.4%
  • Stand still

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • Scatter

    Votes: 19 51.4%
  • Spin in circles

    Votes: 9 24.3%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2018
North America
Always amused at what other trail users do when you call out your intentions. When coming up on hikers, other riders or even folks stopped on the trail I try and call out "on your right" or "passing on your right". I think I've seen every kind of reaction. Today I came up on two folks on some two track, one in the left rut and one in the right. No worries! Called out "Passing on your right" and both of them moved right, off the two track and directly into my line which was off-path. Can't seem to get a predictable result...

What have you seen?
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Mike O

Jan 27, 2024
Hikers and walkers who don't ride simply do not understand "line". The faster the closing time, the more likely they are to respond as if they were a) on a two lane road with the associated right of way depending on country b) moving to where the feel the most safe.

That safe feeling for them could be related to their adverse feeling re: exposure or their lack of understanding of riding dynamics and gravity of a bike moving at whatever speed. I also run (slowly) trails, and I can tell you that many cyclists are not aware that it takes a moment to make a good decision. The cyclist behind has had me in their view well before they announce and is likely already moving towards their intended line. But my attention on techy trails especially is on foot placement. I need a extra moment to alter course.

To that end, I find that a trail bell is the best on a bike. As with @levity above, I've had numerous hikers an walkers thank me for it. I turn it on well before I come up on them and on very blind spots where I've met hikers before. Off whenever possible as I enjoy the quiet the most.

Or maybe you've come across my dear wife. ❤️ Who, for whatever reason, in any given situation moves to the left. Could be the shopping mall. Or around the kitchen island, or hallway in the house. Or a clearly delineated concrete bike path, complete with yellow line like a highway. No matter the situation, impending peril and traffic, her impetus is to move to the left.

And she is right handed. And wants an emtb.


Active member
Apr 4, 2023
If there is enough room at either side I will pass on that side, mostly now without calling out. If I or we, with mates, call out one side the non-sentient walkers step into our path. It's easier now waiting until they hear me approaching or saying excuse me to give them free choice which way to go. Bells I cannot stand especially the ones that ring constantly with movement.

Last year myself and 3 mates were riding along the Fife Coastal path which was a bit of singletrack between 2 hedges when we caught up a woman out for a run. She didn't hear us, earhones, we shouted individually umpteen times and several times loudly, in unison, no reaction. About half a mile later the trail widened and we passed by but it was our fault for not warning her. Why do people put out of action one of their senses that make them aware of what is going on around them where you cannot see behind but could hear something happening?

Dog walkers are another problem too, we call out or they see us coming, we always slow down too but what do they do? They stop on one side of path opposite dog which then runs towards them when called but does not see us only looking at owner. If it were mine I'd move over dog before restraining it as they, the dog, always seem to jump about back and forth but not be aware of the bikes. And that's just with one feckin' dog.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 28, 2018
Oregon USA
I have had so many varied responses over the years that now I just slow down and do my best not to hit them after ringing my bell enough to get some sort of response. However I am fortunate in that I hardly ever see anyone where I live and ride now.

When I lived in the Rockies horses were not uncommon and I learned to give them and their riders a good amount of respect. Most savvy riders will find a place to pull over when they can if they know you are coming upon them and sliding by slowly with some voice always seemed to work well.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 2, 2022
Chichester, W.Sussex, UK
I ring my bell then wherever they move I pass them on the other side, slowly and say "thank-you".

If their dogs are not on a leash and they call to them then sometimes the dogs don't obey. I then pass even more slowly and occasionally also comment on their dog's inability to speak English. That's when I get a look as if I have two heads. :LOL:
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New Member
Mar 7, 2025
I also find the Timber Bell pretty useful. Some luddites or ear bud wearers don’t move, which takes a bit more aggressive maneuvering than I prefer, but whatever.
One time, I thought some guy on a meat bike was purposely ignoring me and had an ego problem, not letting me by on a climb. I ended up passing him on narrow singletrack with barely any space, and then he saw me and said he was deaf.
Oops. I felt pretty bad about that one, and now remind myself that some trail users are in fact deaf, not just pretending to be.


Founding Member
Jan 21, 2018
Generally speaking, if I pass people it's on the fire road climbs between trails and I just give them a wide berth and offer a cheery greeting.
The other day I did encounter a couple walking/clambering up an unsanctioned trail with their Doodle. Any attempt to stop at that point wouldn't have ended well for me so I just had to shout "Rider" as soon as I saw them and then "Thanks" as I clattered past.
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Oct 29, 2024
When I shout "on your right", it really is a lottery as to whats gonna happen next.

I pedal backwards and ring the bell, trying to make as much noise as possible - but the lone runners with their earbuds in are the worst by a mile. You surprise them with your shadow on the floor and they're as unpredictable as a frog. They're gonna jump, you don't know when, or in which direction - but it will happen 😂


Oct 1, 2018
A few months ago, I was riding along a canal towpath with a mate following me. Approaching me was a massive bloke with his dog. There was a bit of space to pass so I moved onto the grass to avoid him . He then moved in front of me and grabbed my handlebars and started shouting obscenities about cyclists in general, and offering me and my bike a dip in the canal. By now, my mate had arrived. Now back in the day, my mate was a bit of a handful and certainly knew how to look after himself (unlike me). Next minute, the two of them were rolling on the muddy ground wrestling and not in a friendly way with lots of swearing and shouting. Eventually, they ended up with my mate lying with his top half hanging over the freezing water with this guy on top of him . I was pulling at the guys arm to try and pull him back but he was too heavy. I was panicking now, thinking that if he goes in the water and we are miles from home, he’s going to get hyperthermia. Eventually, after being asked several times if he had had enough, my mate conceded that he had. The giant then let him go, and continued his walk up the canal, still shouting about fucking cyclists. Looking back, as I was trying to pull them back from the water I can remember that the guy’s dog was standing there quietly watching the scene unfold as if it was something that happened every day.
Very scary at the time and haven’t been back to that stretch of the canal since.


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
A few months ago, I was riding along a canal towpath with a mate following me. Approaching me was a massive bloke with his dog. There was a bit of space to pass so I moved onto the grass to avoid him . He then moved in front of me and grabbed my handlebars and started shouting obscenities about cyclists in general, and offering me and my bike a dip in the canal. By now, my mate had arrived. Now back in the day, my mate was a bit of a handful and certainly knew how to look after himself (unlike me). Next minute, the two of them were rolling on the muddy ground wrestling and not in a friendly way with lots of swearing and shouting. Eventually, they ended up with my mate lying with his top half hanging over the freezing water with this guy on top of him . I was pulling at the guys arm to try and pull him back but he was too heavy. I was panicking now, thinking that if he goes in the water and we are miles from home, he’s going to get hyperthermia. Eventually, after being asked several times if he had had enough, my mate conceded that he had. The giant then let him go, and continued his walk up the canal, still shouting about fucking cyclists. Looking back, as I was trying to pull them back from the water I can remember that the guy’s dog was standing there quietly watching the scene unfold as if it was something that happened every day.
Very scary at the time and haven’t been back to that stretch of the canal since.
Brilliant story , I would have hit him with my handbag. That's the trouble you don't know who you are messing with.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
Feb 14, 2019
A few months ago, I was riding along a canal towpath with a mate following me. Approaching me was a massive bloke with his dog. There was a bit of space to pass so I moved onto the grass to avoid him . He then moved in front of me and grabbed my handlebars and started shouting obscenities about cyclists in general, and offering me and my bike a dip in the canal. By now, my mate had arrived. Now back in the day, my mate was a bit of a handful and certainly knew how to look after himself (unlike me). Next minute, the two of them were rolling on the muddy ground wrestling and not in a friendly way with lots of swearing and shouting. Eventually, they ended up with my mate lying with his top half hanging over the freezing water with this guy on top of him . I was pulling at the guys arm to try and pull him back but he was too heavy. I was panicking now, thinking that if he goes in the water and we are miles from home, he’s going to get hyperthermia. Eventually, after being asked several times if he had had enough, my mate conceded that he had. The giant then let him go, and continued his walk up the canal, still shouting about fucking cyclists. Looking back, as I was trying to pull them back from the water I can remember that the guy’s dog was standing there quietly watching the scene unfold as if it was something that happened every day.
Very scary at the time and haven’t been back to that stretch of the canal since.
Insta moment: was the dog ok?

Amber Valley Guy

Active member
Oct 15, 2023
Blokes are usually fine...but women are a nightmare. Some zigzag across the path, others run around like headless chicken, others stand to one side...then change their mind and jump to the other side right Infront of you, a bloody nightmare. Oh and if they don't hear you say thank you, or cheers etc, they shout "THANKS" as sarcasm, before you've had chance to say anything OR you've nodded but their female walnut brains don't register the nod means thank you. And they wear bloody earphones unbelievable!


Apr 12, 2021
North UK
I tend to ride on the left and pass on the right. I live in a semi-rural area, where everyone knows everyone else, and so walkers/cyclists/joggers etc are much more likely to be considerate and courteous to each other. I always ring my bell some distance back so I don't startle people by ringing just a few seconds before I overtake, or a brief skid if they don't hear me. If it's a dog walker, I just slow down until I know what the dog is doing and as a dog walker myself, I always go to my dog rather than call her over. ;)


🍊 Tango Man 🍊
Mar 7, 2019
Blokes are usually fine...but women are a nightmare. Some zigzag across the path, others run around like headless chicken, others stand to one side...then change their mind and jump to the other side right Infront of you, a bloody nightmare. Oh and if they don't hear you say thank you, or cheers etc, they shout "THANKS" as sarcasm, before you've had chance to say anything OR you've nodded but their female walnut brains don't register the nod means thank you. And they wear bloody earphones unbelievable!
I find the opposite most men are grumpy 😠. Pass a couple usually the woman smiles 😃 but grumpy doesn't look my way. If people don't speak or wave when I pass I will keep saying hi and hold a conversation with myself. As Scooter said its nice to be important but it's more important to be nice.


E*POWAH Master
Jul 26, 2022
Rhein-Ruhr Delta, Germany
A few months ago, I was riding along a canal towpath with a mate following me. Approaching me was a massive bloke with his dog. There was a bit of space to pass so I moved onto the grass to avoid him . He then moved in front of me and grabbed my handlebars and started shouting obscenities about cyclists in general, and offering me and my bike a dip in the canal. By now, my mate had arrived. Now back in the day, my mate was a bit of a handful and certainly knew how to look after himself (unlike me). Next minute, the two of them were rolling on the muddy ground wrestling and not in a friendly way with lots of swearing and shouting. Eventually, they ended up with my mate lying with his top half hanging over the freezing water with this guy on top of him . I was pulling at the guys arm to try and pull him back but he was too heavy. I was panicking now, thinking that if he goes in the water and we are miles from home, he’s going to get hyperthermia. Eventually, after being asked several times if he had had enough, my mate conceded that he had. The giant then let him go, and continued his walk up the canal, still shouting about fucking cyclists. Looking back, as I was trying to pull them back from the water I can remember that the guy’s dog was standing there quietly watching the scene unfold as if it was something that happened every day.
Very scary at the time and haven’t been back to that stretch of the canal since.
Thats one reason why I carry pepper spray with me, sometimes.



Handheld Power Tool
Jun 10, 2020
Coquitlam, BC
On our mountain our trails are for hikes and bikes. Weekends are usually interesting because some of the sols are first-timers. They’re not hard to spot.

As a general rule the personal destinations on this mountain are divided. Hikers on the left side of the mountain, MTB’s on the right. But a mixture of routes is understandable. There are a few viewing and overnight destinations. (Water falls, lakes etc.)

In 6+ years, riding almost daily on this mountain, I thought I’ve seen everything. Nope, each experience is different.

It’s just that one jogger, wearing a flashy outfit, white head-band, earbuds, running up a trail, who only cares about himself.

Other than that …most enthusiast are pretty good. 👍🏻

Tom Sellers

New Member
Nov 12, 2024
Always amused at what other trail users do when you call out your intentions. When coming up on hikers, other riders or even folks stopped on the trail I try and call out "on your right" or "passing on your right". I think I've seen every kind of reaction. Today I came up on two folks on some two track, one in the left rut and one in the right. No worries! Called out "Passing on your right" and both of them moved right, off the two track and directly into my line which was off-path. Can't seem to get a predictable result...

What have you seen?
I live in Banff, and before retirement, the last bear mauling I had to attend was for a rider who was wearing earbuds that did not know he was being chased by a bear until the bear dragged him off his bike. Before we shot it, the bear consumed enough muscle mass from one arm that the victim pretty much has to live now with one fully functional arm.

Last year I collided with a jogger I was following that was wearing ear buds. I flanked him for about a minute, but when I spotted a large area to pass, I had assumed that one meter of clearance would be enough, He had not heard my bell when I was flanking him. Luckily I landed in a snow bank so no damage done to either of us. He seemed more concerned about me than him. In hindsight I think he was a first responder.

If you see oncoming horses, off-leash dogs, or walkers wearing ear pods, you should stop until they pass. If you come up on them from behind, use 'escorting' behavior to flank them as close as possible without passing them until they notice you with their peripheral vision and take action to let you pass.

In the National Parks where we have bears, you'd never ride without bear spray, and because of past conflicts between wildlife, and off leash dogs, the latter are illegal. Now, some of the most frequent sightings of off-leash dogs are when they are with their owner who is riding a bike, especially common around the townsite roads and paths.


New Member
Oct 3, 2024
Best results I've found are from simply calling out "bike", people find a space they are comfortable moving to, so we just go the opposite.

Calling "on your right" inevitably people then reactive by jumping to the right. Smh haha

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