Ouch at Llandegla


Active member
Apr 23, 2020
Reading this thread makes me think how lucky I am & how Hobo Mikey must be feeling after a simple accident leads to such a debilitating injury. Like MikerB I fell off the path along Loch an Duin when I put my foot down on nothing. I was walking! Rolled down the hill with the bike rolling down on top of me. Nearly drowned in the loch! Bloody hillside was so steep it took me forever to hoist the bike back to the path. Step up. Lift bike. Step up . Lift bike etc etc.
I really don't know what I'd be like with an injury such as Hobo has. No idea what age you are but I hope that it works out for you. Life is a bitch sometimes & you feel that there's nothing you can do to get out of the rut. I have heard however that mountain biking isn't totally everything but others may differ.

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
Cheers for that ragnor. Yes I am gutted because I love my biking. And the fact we move about every season for work means I get to bike in a different area every year. The thing that pissed me me off more than anything is the fact I was going really slow uphill on a rocky tree routed section when the bike just slid away. Thirty seconds before that I was blasting down a single track at about 25 mph and coming off the drops etc. I knew something was wrong when my arm went numb and was shaking. Still it’s happened now and time will heal it with the surgery on the 17th of this month. Next year will be a quiet one…….well maybe. And yea I am only a youngster at 63 but age is only a number. Take care out there. 👍
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Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
Update, feeling sorry for myself.
Got a call from hospital Tuesday morning to say they had a cancellation can I get there. Yes I can. Operation booked for the afternoon. No key hole surgery because it’s so bad so opening up my shoulder. Two and half hour operation and a load of clips holding it all together. High on morphine which spaced me out for the night. Stayed in hospital because I was in so much pain. Tried to eat but chucked it all back up and pain killers so only on paracetamol. Came home yesterday afternoon. I can not describe the pain I am in but it’s done. It’s just time now. Going back in two weeks to have dressing off and they can see how it’s healing. Six weeks in sling then limited movement for a few months.
only good thing I won’t have to put my mudguards in my bike this winter.😂

The Hodge

Mystic Meg
Sep 9, 2020
North West Northumberland
Update, feeling sorry for myself.
Got a call from hospital Tuesday morning to say they had a cancellation can I get there. Yes I can. Operation booked for the afternoon. No key hole surgery because it’s so bad so opening up my shoulder. Two and half hour operation and a load of clips holding it all together. High on morphine which spaced me out for the night. Stayed in hospital because I was in so much pain. Tried to eat but chucked it all back up and pain killers so only on paracetamol. Came home yesterday afternoon. I can not describe the pain I am in but it’s done. It’s just time now. Going back in two weeks to have dressing off and they can see how it’s healing. Six weeks in sling then limited movement for a few months.
only good thing I won’t have to put my mudguards in my bike this winter.😂
Hope the time passes quickly and you heal well..Good luck 🙏


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2022
Damn that sounds rough! I'm feeling sorry for myself after herniating a couple of discs in my back but what you've done puts it into perspective.
Hope you heal quick and the pain gets under control soon!


Oct 1, 2019
I can remember the burning pain when I tore mine , luckily I didn’t need an op . Hope you heal up quickly, have a look into this product ;
I hired one for my broken knee recovery, can’t tell if it made a difference time wise as had no reference but it definitely felt good and relieved the pain 👍

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
Two weeks after operation the dressing came off this morning. Nurse said it’s healing well on the outside. 👍 early days for the inside but physio starts in two weeks and the sling can come off in four weeks. It’s going to be a long road but it’s getting less painful everyday. Night time is the worse trying to sleep comfortably. Might get a tattoo under the scar saying Thanks Llandegla 2023 😂


Sep 6, 2022
That’s the one, you climb then go sharp right switchback and then have to go up over the rocks and tree roots avoiding the tree also. I was barely moving and the bike slid to the right before gettin to the roots and I put my arm out to stop going over the bank onto the trail you come up. I have done that trail loads and only failed to ride that section twice before and both of them times were where the bike lost traction on the roots.
if I had come off on a downhill bit or drop etc I would have been happier. 👍

I was there on Monday too and know the exact section you're talking about, it was fairly damp over the roots and rocks there and I failed it too. Unlucky with the injury, hope it heals up quickly.

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
The sling came off today, that’s six weeks after the op. The physio said now the pain starts because all those muscles have got to work after being asleep for so long. She was right. At least I have some movement in that arm and now the sling is off I can use it more. But no heavy lifting or pushing hard against something. The next six weeks are critical she said. We leave here in two weeks so I will have to find somewhere to get some physio in Devon and the Cotswolds. Life in a camper van is not easy when your injured.
I still can’t believe a freak fall could change my life so much and put me out of action for so long. I am missing my bike so much. Stay safe out there on them trails guys. 👍


🤴King of Bling🌠
Jan 11, 2021
The sling came off today, that’s six weeks after the op. The physio said now the pain starts because all those muscles have got to work after being asleep for so long. She was right. At least I have some movement in that arm and now the sling is off I can use it more. But no heavy lifting or pushing hard against something. The next six weeks are critical she said. We leave here in two weeks so I will have to find somewhere to get some physio in Devon and the Cotswolds. Life in a camper van is not easy when your injured.
I still can’t believe a freak fall could change my life so much and put me out of action for so long. I am missing my bike so much. Stay safe out there on them trails guys. 👍
Get the excersie going, i'm 6 months in after my broken arm, the frozen shoulder that followed was the painfull bit. still not got full movement but i would say i'm 70% there. stretching the muscles is painful!

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
it’s now 5 months since my accident, that means 5 months my bike has been in the garage just sat there. The tyres have gone flat and I have got fat I am so pissed off about not being able to get out there on the trails. The shoulder movement is getting better and i am still having regular physio which is doing the job. I have exercises I do every day and yes it hurts, some days are better than others but there is no gain without pain so they say. Next week I start on strengthing exercises and the physio said it will hurt but I need to get some strength into the arm and shoulder. I have also been told at my age and because of how bad the injury was i will never get full movement and strength back. Deep joy.
I have thought about when I do get out on my bike eventually how will I ride. Will I ride like I used to very aggressively or will I just pooter along and put mudguards and a bell on my bike, maybe a carrier so I can go and get some shopping. 😂
Beleive me guys being injured and not out in the trails sucks big time. Take care especially if your an ol git like me. 👍


E*POWAH Master
Jul 11, 2023
North Wales
it’s now 5 months since my accident, that means 5 months my bike has been in the garage just sat there. The tyres have gone flat and I have got fat I am so pissed off about not being able to get out there on the trails. The shoulder movement is getting better and i am still having regular physio which is doing the job. I have exercises I do every day and yes it hurts, some days are better than others but there is no gain without pain so they say. Next week I start on strengthing exercises and the physio said it will hurt but I need to get some strength into the arm and shoulder. I have also been told at my age and because of how bad the injury was i will never get full movement and strength back. Deep joy.
I have thought about when I do get out on my bike eventually how will I ride. Will I ride like I used to very aggressively or will I just pooter along and put mudguards and a bell on my bike, maybe a carrier so I can go and get some shopping. 😂
Beleive me guys being injured and not out in the trails sucks big time. Take care especially if your an ol git like me. 👍
Every time I go up that techie climb I think about you…. Heal well mate.


E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 16, 2019
please dont read this as me overriding your professional medical advice.................rather the absolute joy that awaits when you can ride again without the risk of undoing all the healing.

I broke several bones in my foot and pulled ligaments on both sides of the ankle playing football. Having got to the stage where I could at least put some weight on the foot I was left with virtually no movement in my ankle. At the time my main sport was windsurfing............probably an even more addictive sport than MTB. If the wind was blowing ( summer or winter) I went windsurfing. If I could not go for whatever reason I was restless and grumpy! It was like a drug:D.
I only attended physio on a couple of occasions because I just could not afford the time and felt I could do as good a job myself not suggesting you do that!). So I bought a range of kit including small weights, a massage gun, strapping..........and the best bit of kit of all... a mini trampet. Nothing I did promoted more that very limited movement in my ankle however.
I got so frustrated, I thought..sod it...Im going windsurfing!! ( I had a windsurfing buddy as rescue if necessary!) It was winter and the wind was strong and the water very choppy. I went bare foot. My feet were freezing but that meant at least no pain!! I launched and planed out ( starboard tack) so my bad foot was in the back strap. Gradually my ankle started to flex with the water shape...it had no choice!! It was such a blast............I sailed a bout 2 miles.........gybed..and failed. Waterstarted and started to sail back....bad foot now in the front strap, and that requires a different degree of control which I found to be less easy. I got back to shore totally elated................and went again...several times!
When I got back to the van my ankle was flexing a lot more than it had before...............I warmed my feet and the pain then required a couple of I buproven but I did not care.

You are not missing much at the moment. The trails are very muddy and it is pretty cold...or hammering with rain. It typically takes me longer to clean and service the bike than I spend on the actual ride, so I am only picking the odd decent day for a ride.

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
I get what you’re saying there. I don’t just rely on the physio though. I do move the arm and try to use it as much as I should, even when it was in the sling. I know when to stop when it hurts or starts to hurt. I try to carry on as normal. The trouble is the way we live we rely on me so much. My work is on campsites doing the grounds, luckily at the moment we’re not working until the middle of March but that also means no money. We live in a camper van which I drive, again driving is harder with one arm at 100% the other one doing some work but again I manage and it’s getting better. Lots of movements have got better since the sling came off, it’s just a long haul. If I was half my age I would be up and running by now.
The big test will be when I start work but luckily we are on our own at the next site which is a small site so I can pace myself. But it’s in Scotland with some great trails around an hour away and I will find some local to me. 🫣


🤴King of Bling🌠
Jan 11, 2021
Having just finished 9 months of being off the big trails, my story was very similar to yours. Frozen shoulder after the broken arm/shoulder, but I found getting back on the bike helped more than all the exercises I was doing.
That said, I've lost so much strength in my arms hands and shoulders, I need to get back on an start to build the strength up (which the physio is less keen on, she wants me to work on the range of movement) and I'm getting more range after each ride!

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
I am going back up the hospital this week and am going to ask if it’s ok to go out on my bike. Nothing stupid just along the back roads nice and gentle. Not sure if my arm will take being in the same position for long though to be honest. I also start my strength training this week so will ask there also. 👍


🤴King of Bling🌠
Jan 11, 2021
I am going back up the hospital this week and am going to ask if it’s ok to go out on my bike. Nothing stupid just along the back roads nice and gentle. Not sure if my arm will take being in the same position for long though to be honest. I also start my strength training this week so will ask there also. 👍
Thats what I started off doing, got my cockpit adjusted for comfort and did a couple of hours, found it really helped with the movement but also mentally.


Wedding Crasher
Nov 5, 2018
Lincolnshire, UK
Having just finished 9 months of being off the big trails, my story was very similar to yours. Frozen shoulder after the broken arm/shoulder, but I found getting back on the bike helped more than all the exercises I was doing.
That said, I've lost so much strength in my arms hands and shoulders, I need to get back on an start to build the strength up (which the physio is less keen on, she wants me to work on the range of movement) and I'm getting more range after each ride!
About 10-11 years ago my front wheel ripped out a big pebble on a tight turn. I was testing some extra grippy tyres at the time. I was going max 15mph and I went down hard on my left knee. I wasn't wearing any knee guards on that occasion, but I have not ridden without them ever since! It hurt like hell and I limped for what seemed like weeks. I never bothered with a physio at that time as I had not learned how helpful they can be. The only legacy I have is that I cannot pull my heel up to my bum on that side, it is shy about 5". It doesn't affect riding walking, or anything I want to do. Except squatting, sitting on my heels, kneeling down, tying my shoe laces, cutting my toe nails, getting my pants on....... For the last year I have been trying to get increased range of movement in my left knee and it's not budging! I may have left it too late. :(

Your physio is correct, target range of movement over strength, for the time being at least. (y)

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
You properly have left it to late Steve which is a shame. My physio told me my movement will never get to what it used to be because of age and severity of injury but I am doing ok on that score so this morning I am seeing someone else for the start of strength training.
He says he has seen guys with only a minor shoulder injury with less movement than mine just because they never followed the instructions of from the physio. In other words they just never did anything and thought it would heal up on its own.
I am determined to get back out on my bike so will do whatever I can do to achieve that. 👍

Hobo Mikey

E*POWAH Elite World Champion
May 22, 2020
Where ever
Ok update time. Severn months on.
My strength training started. Using a two kilo( Don't laugh) weight doing some exercises. It made me laugh because I used to do a lot of serious weight training years ago and have always been strong but this little 2 kilo weight was making me hurt. 😂 I continued with the weight for a week and then upped it up to 3 kilo. Wow I am a power lifter now. 👍
I have now left North Wales and am in Scotland on the site I am running for the season. Have not signed on with a local doctor yet because have been so busy getting everything ready and my arm is killing me and so is my other one because I have used that more. I feel that I am stuck in a place and not going to progress and will just have to live with it. 👎
I am planning on getting the bike out at the beginning of April and just having a ride on the back roads to see how I get on. 👍 I still can’t believe how a freak accident like I had could be so life changing.
The joys of getting old, well the body is old but in my head I am still expecting to ride like I did 40 years ago, which in all fairness I did up until this accident. 🫣
Take care out there guys. Rotator cuff injurys are shite.
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Active member
Sep 29, 2023
bad luck mate. I recognise the syndrome.............my accidents mostly happen in the most innocuous circumstances.........thankfully none for over a year now!
One thing to try to learn, and it goes a gainst every natural instinct, is to avoid using your arms in a fall. Try to roll instead. I learnt that in a strange way really windsurfing because in rough seas the number one rule, if you crash, is dont let go of the boom because the board will be a long way away when you recover!!
yeah trying to keep your arms/limbs out of the crash is good to practice and roll vs slamming to a halt. but sometimes its unavoidable. I had one stupid crash once, It was a very slow speed crash where my front wheel got stuck on a root while creeping down a rocky section and I went over the bars and jammed both my index fingers extended into the ground. Took like 10 months to heal. My left index finger ocassional still feels odd. I almost quit biking from that one lol


E*POWAH Master
Jul 11, 2023
North Wales
Ok update time. Severn months on.
My strength training started. Using a two kilo( Don't laugh) weight doing some exercises. It made me laugh because I used to do a lot of serious weight training years ago and have always been strong but this little 2 kilo weight was making me hurt. 😂 I continued with the weight for a week and then upped it up to 3 kilo. Wow I am a power lifter now. 👍
I have now left North Wales and am in Scotland on the site I am running for the season. Have not signed on with a local doctor yet because have been so busy getting everything ready and my arm is killing me and so is my other one because I have used that more. I feel that I am stuck in a place and not going to progress and will just have to live with it. 👎
I am planning on getting the bike out at the beginning of April and just having a ride on the back roads to see how I get on. 👍 I still can’t believe how a freak accident like I had could be so life changing.
The joys of getting old, well the body is old but in my head I am still expecting to ride like I did 40 years ago, which in all fairness I did up until this accident. 🫣
Take care out there guys. Rotator cuff injurys are shite.
I still think about you every week when climbing that section! Don’t give up.

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