Does anyone know what an orange assistance level indicator light means? The documentation states an error is displayed if ALL BATTERY level indicators are orange, but this isnt the battery level indicator, its the assistance level indicator light. If I open the Flow App, no error is displayed and the bike continues to function as normal. In fact, if I use the mini-remote to change modes, the light remains orange, but if I look at the Flow App, I can see it cycling thru the modes. The light is solid and does not flash. I have tested without my phone and it didnt happen - read that some people had it when their phone was out of range. Maybe it doesnt do it every time? IN addition, its happened, i ride within range of my bike, connect the app and it remains orange, no error. I have opened a ticket with Bosch but havent heard back yet. I LOVE when they dont document everything in manuals...

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